The data set, developed for research and conservation planning in New Zealand, is described in detail by Leathwick et al. Please submit the following form,**, HIV prevention and treatment; International health; Qualitative and quantitative studies; Women living with HIV/AID in South Carolina Literature and Film; Imprisonment; Gender, Race, and Sexuality; 1980s and 1990s Popular Film. Service Operations, Technology Enabled Healthcare Operations, Globalization of Service Operations, Revenue Management; healthcare operations; how technology can enable more efficient and effective care; Teacher leadership, specifically among social studies teachers, social studies methods, curriculum, and standards. 5 October 2011. non-traditional adult education, Emerging memory devices (theory and experiment); unconventional computing; 2D materials, Marine/Estuarine Ecology; Larval Ecology; Evolutionary Ecology; Coastal Conservation, Crystallography; General structural chemistry; Chemical synthesis, structures and properties of metal oxides; electron, x-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and instrumentation (i.e high pressure x-ray diffraction, high temperature electron microscopy), Economics, business finance, capital budgeting financial markets, money and banking, corporate finance, agency theory, corporate , and finance education, Medieval and Reformation Literatures and Cultures; Feminist Theory; Posthumanism, Enlightenment and Romantic Studies; Eighteenth-Century Literature; Romanticism, 20th-Century American Literature; Southern Literature; Poetry; Late twentieth-century verse memoirs; Waldensian diaspora, Substance use and psychological problems in military personnel and veterans; Gender differences in military behavioral health service utilization; Post-deployment mental health, crisis communication; issues management; organizational Communication; public relations; strategic communication; Most recently, evolutionary physiology has become a distinct subdiscipline. Regulation of cardiac ion channels; cell-based screening assays; ion channel drug discovery; expression of recombinant channels in heterologous cell lines, such as HEK-293 and CHO cells; Understanding neural regulation of cardiovascular function; how regulation may change in pathologic states; spinal cord processing related to reflex cardiovascular control from somatic tissue, neurochemical underpinnings of anxiety- and stress-related behaviors; role of neuropeptides and the amygdala in stress-induced behavioral and endocrine response; anxiety-reducing modalities, Dictators and foreign policy; The personality of dictators; Venezuelan politics; Latin American foreign policy; Economic sanctions, Contemporary and Modern Political Philosophy; American Political Thought; American Constitutional Law; American Political Institutions; Religion and Politics (particularly Christian Political Though, Music Education, History, and Theory; Audio Recording; Composition-Music, music theory; technology in the classroom; electroacoustic composer; computer music; instrumental, choral, vocal, and theatre composition; real-time interactive techniques; unique tuning systems, algorithmic approaches, and musical sonification techniques; musical sonifications of mathematical ideas such as pi, prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio, fractals and chaos theory, Music; Music Education, History, and Theory, string teaching; teacher education and motivation in both music teachers and students; music education; school orchestra; viola; American String Teachers Association; community and school orchestra programs and access to music education for under-served youth; orchestra literature. impact of membership in groups and networks in trust building and the effect of globalization on individual attitudes and behaviors toward others locally, nationally and globally. transmedia storytelling, gender and sports communication, sports and new media, popular culture, American culture and critical discourse studies. Active Structural Control **Interested in conducting research in HPEB? U.S. History; Popular Culture; The Vietnam War; The 1960s;Digital History, Plant biochemistry; Plant biology; Pathogen infection; Plant bacterial pathogens; Plant hormone salicylic acid signaling; NPR1 monomer formation and plant defense; Cellular stress. Please submit the following form, **, Community-based research methods to develop sustainable, technology-based interventions, products, and services for aging adults; development and evaluation of embodied conversational agents (i.e., avatars) for promoting informed health and cancer decision making among African Americans, geotechnical earthquake engineering; soil dynamic properties; advanced geotechnical laboratory testing and centrifuge modeling testing; soil-foundation-structure interaction; instrumentation, Community-Based Research; Crime Analysis; Firearms; Violence; Policing, adolescent and emerging adult well-being; group counseling; school counseling; counselor burnout; counselor education, Pediatric obesity (medication dosing, outcomes, and prevention), medication safety and medication management in pediatrics, neonatal and pediatric critical care medicine, pain management, Clinical education; Management of gram-negative bacterial infections; Clinical impact of antimicrobial stewardship programs, Comparative Literature: British and French eighteenth and nineteenth century, British Romanticism, theories of sympathy, the history of the novel (especially Jane Austen), Romantic poetry (especially John Keats), Historical Cartography, History of the Book and Reading, History of Science, judgment and decision making related to financial information processing; the effects of financial statement presentation and voluntary disclosures, financial statement fraud; auditing; judgment and decision making; experimental economics, accounting; taxation; determinants and consequences of tax avoidance decisions; financial reporting tax benefits from stock options. CSU postdoctoral researcher Yu Bai was first author on the manuscript. Please submit the following form:**, caring in leadership; home health care; care transitions **Interested in conducting research in Nursing? Submit your review today. mathematics education; preparation of middle & high school mathematics teachers; development of conceptual understanding in pre-service and in-service teachers and the integration of technology in the 6 12 mathematics classroom. [40] Hyde, a representative of the American Association of University Women and a global advocate for gender equality in education,[41] attempted to promote gender equality in every aspect of science and medicine. Fruit crops are currently facing new problems due to the different global climate change scenarios, which have led to the establishment of new guidelines. ScienceDaily. Basic Qualification for Eligibility: M Sc or equivalent degree in Physical Sciences/ Mathematical Sciences/ Chemical Sciences or Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is one of the four recognized syndromes of shellfish poisoning, which share some common features and are primarily associated with bivalve mollusks (such as mussels, clams, oysters and scallops).These shellfish are filter feeders and accumulate neurotoxins, chiefly saxitoxin, produced by microscopic algae, such as Choral Studies; chorus; music teaching; choral director author; church music director; adolescent risk behaviors; microagression; incarcerated youth, nursing education paradigms and conceptual learning; leadership development and effectiveness; diversity, equity, and inclusivity; rural and distance education The statistics show the world fruit production in 2014 was 35 million metric ton (MT) which was higher by 12.66% than in 2010. The scope of the journal covers three main themes. The Alfred Wegener Institute carries out research in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as in the high and mid latitude oceans. Like Hippocrates, Aristotle took to the humoral theory of disease, which also consisted of four primary qualities in life: hot, cold, wet and dry. Latest update: November 2016. Editor in Chief: Kevin J. Gaston Editors: Kai Chan, Robert Fish, Rosemary Hails, and Cecily Maller. human resource development, management and leadership strategy; entrepreneurship, nonprofit organizational development, and the social impact of nonprofit humanitarian organizations; Developmental Biology; Stem Cell Biology; Eye Development and Maintenance, Nursing; empathy and emotional intelligence. Graham Peers, associate professor in CSU's Department of Biology, co-led the study with Martin Lohr at Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt in Germany and Xiaobo Li at Westlake University in Hangzhou, China. Please submit the following form:**, Evolution of nursing science, foundations of nursing practice, acute care nursing of adults, senior nursing, computer science; calculus; finite mathematics; algebra; BASIC and FORTRAN programming, composing; music theory; percussion; jazz fusion and progressive rock, French; Mediterranean studies; Explores the intersections of colonialism and world wars in the works of French, Italian and North African writers. As a result of this rapid growth in interest covering different fields, we are lacking a clear commonly agreed definition of the term microbiome. Moreover, a consensus on best practices in microbiome research is missing. The Peers group, which studies photosynthetic efficiency and algal ecophysiology, identified the gene targets and performed the experiments that allowed the team to see what happened when these brown pigment-related genes were disabled. (2022, September 22). The data set, developed for research and conservation planning in New Zealand, is described in detail by Leathwick et al. Plant-Environment Interactions aims to deliver progress in the plant and environmental sciences by publishing good quality research that builds on our understanding of plants and their environment, but is not necessarily novel. multiscale modeling and simulation of viscoelastic fluid flows; viscoelastic and diffusive transport processes in pulmonary mucus and mucus simulants; computational and mathematical biology; modeling the organization and distribution of chromosomes in yeast cells; applied and computational mathematics, Aerospace Engineering; Mechanical Engineering, structural and multidisciplinary design and optimization; design and optimization of composite materials and structure; computational methods for design with manufacturing emphasis, Spanish Language and Linguistics; Second Language Acquisition; Language Learning Assessment, socioeconomics and technology in consumer markets; operations, information systems, and engineering; econometrics, Multinational strategy; resource based view; international entrepreneurship; emerging economies; Global strategy; competitiveness; emerging markets; innovation and clusters, Multilevel Issues in Human Resources; Multilevel Theory and Methods; Group and Team process, management accounting; incentives; information systems; internal control, managerial accounting; behavioral & experimental economics; human judgment & decision-making; social norms; whistle-blowing ethics, Healthcare operations; service operations; new product development; Service Operations; Intermediate Business Statistics; Operations Management and Decision Models for Management; health sciences. It provides insights into our natural and anthropogenic world, and how it can best be managed. Synthesizing functional oxide materials by atomic control; understanding energy conversion and storage mechanisms; applying a fundamental understanding to design advanced energy conversion and storage devices, Microstrucutre and defect formation, additive manufacturing, integrated computational materials engineering, nucleation, discrete element modeling, diffraction of solidification phenomena and data sciences, design, implementation, and evaluation of Science DMZs; effect of packet losses not due congestion on Science DMZs and high-speed, high-latency networks; flow-based Intrusion Detection Systems; network function virtualization: optimal routing and placement of network functions, software engineering; autonomous systems; machine learning; computer systems; artificial intelligence, integrated water resources modeling and management; systems thinking and analysis; water-energy-food nexus; hydroinformatics; multi-objective optimization and decision making in coupled human-natural systems, Culture and diversity in literacy education, critical literacies/pedagogies, children as researchers, social justice & equity. Please submit the following form,**, Gerontology; aging; Alzheimers Disease; managed care; gerontechnology; disparities related to Alzheimers disease and related disorders, Rural and Urban Health Workforce Recruitment, retention and job satisfaction; Tobacco cessation studies (pediatrics, womens health -pregnancy, adult); Childrens literacy for obesity/nutrition; Academic transition issues RN-BSN; Team building for job satisfaction; Academic incivility issues students, faculty and administrators, Autism; strained relationships; relationship between family adjustment (coparenting quality, parent stress, depression) and child outcomes (adaptive behaviors, mental health, treatment responsiveness); parenting; children; autism, Positive youth development; leadership and administration within youth development and human service organizations; school social work; after school, sport, and physical activity programming; program evaluation, Sustainable development, Tourism education; Resident attitudes, Bioarchaelogy; paleodemography; paleoepidemiology; mortality during Black Death; human osteology, The thematic area of cardiovascular remodeling with a particular focus upon heart failure; eveloping diagnostic/prognostic biomarker panels of MMP/TIMPs, identifying the upstream regulatory pathways of MMP/TIMP induction, journalism; visual communication; media sociology; de-professionalization of visual journalism; amateur photography; user-generated (visual) content, cancer survivorship; health equity and rural health; family and child health; health biomarkers; qualitative/mixed methods; breast cancer; health disparities; treatment adherence; breastfeeding; access to health care; racial/ethnic and low-income populations; community-based participatory research; health services/outcomes; mentoring and training of diverse faculty **Interested in conducting research in Nursing? working with clients who have experienced microaggressions, as well as counseling children, adolescents, and women who have experienced trauma. Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can be spread over an entire week to get the benefit.. Literature; National Identity and American Studies; Gender and Sexuality; Poetry; post-colonial literature, Classroom pedagogy and the rhetoric of technical communication in digital environments; linguistics; communications; english, Spanish; Portuguese; Spanish for Business; Medical Interpretation; Translation Studies; Education for Sustainable Development, Race and gender differences in the workplace, determinants of protest participation, social problems with service learning, roles race, ethnicity, and gender play in life in America, discrete mathematics; graph theory; results on problems in extremal set theory; crossing numbers; problems related to degree sequences in network science; graph inducibility; enumeration; distance problems in graphs; algorithmic problems related to bioinformatics, Ballet, Choreography, Historic Dance, Baroque Dance. management practices (BMPs); stormwater modeling; watershed hydrology; environmental hydraulics, Management, international business, business and society, Neurobiology; Stem cells; Developmental biology; Brain wiring; Neuronal connections and circuits; Neurological disorders; Neurodegenerative disorders, information security; data inference problem; financial and legal analysis of cyber crime; security and privacy on the Semantic Web, core theoretical foundations of computing computability and computational complexity; quantum computing and information; computability theory; algorithms, Information Assurance Engineering, Center for; Information Technology, Center for, network security; network protocol design and verification; distributed systems; intrusion detection, Information Assurance Engineering, Center for, Multiagent systems, Service-oriented computing, Enterprise integration, Ontology-based distributed information systems, computer vision, omputational social systems, wireless security; intelligent user interfaces; graph theory; ontologies; natural language processing; K1,3-free (clawfree) graphs; parallel processing; artificial intelligence, internet routing; wireless networking; mobile computing; quality of service; ARENA for Research on Emerging Networks and Applications, Computer Science and Engineering; Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics, normative reasoning and planning, DAI and multiagent systems, and computational chemistry, Bioinformatics; medical informatics and computational biology; computational biology; artificial intelligence; parallel algorithms and architectures; computational medicine, Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Women's Studies, HIV/AIDS and Cardiovascular Disease; Breast Cancer; HPV and Cervical Cancer; Health Disparities, normative reasoning under uncertainty (especially Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, and their use in multiagent systems), heuristics for problem solving, and computational complexity in artificial intelligence; the use and representation of prior and tacit knowledge for analysts, hardware design for machine learning systems; neuromorphic computing; emerging nanoscale electronics including spintronic devices, reconfigurable and adaptive computer architectures, and Low-Power and Reliability-Aware VLSI Circuits, multiagent systems; developing systems that coordinate and aggregate the actions of large number of autonomous agents; economics, algorithmic game theory, distributed algorithms, agent-based modelling, and the social sciences; agent-based simulations, web applications and web services, computer vision; medical image processing; machine learning; developing computational algorithms and software tools; understanding natural images or image sequences by extracting perceptually salient structures, photonics; microelectronics; nanoelectronics; developing materials and device technologies for wide bandgap semiconductors, such as AlGaN and SiC, conformal antennas in aerospace applications; wireless power transfer and wireless sensing in infrastructure; antennas for mobile wireless communications; reconfigurable antennas for mm-Wave; metamaterials and metasurfaces for antennas and signals, communications; signal integrity for high speed circuits by using industrial standard tools; analysis and design of multi-band mobile handset printed inverted-F antennas; bioelectromagnetic applications, power conversion; power routing and control in microgrids and renewable energy systems; power electronic implementations of Smart Grid concepts; application of computer gaming methods in engineering design environments, Rhetoric and Composition; Writing Pedagogies; Composition Theory; Writing Process Theories, Research, & History; Writing objects/environments; Embodiment; Affect Theories; Materiality; Grammar instruction; Multimodality; Freewriting; Graduate literacies and professional development; K-12 Writing Instruction, power electronics; control of power electronics power distribution systems; system identification of power electronics systems; physics-based modeling of power semiconductor devices; modeling and simulation, wide bandgap materials and devices; III-nitride power microwave devices and ICs, Modeling and Computation of Soft Matter/Complex Fluids/Complex Biological Systems; Fluid Mechanics and Rheology of Complex Fluids; Non-equilibrium Theories for Complex Systems in Multiple Scales; Applied Analysis; Data Science; Machine Learning in Materials and Life Sciences, Mechanical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Nuclear Engineering, Study of condition-based maintenance (CBM) on military aircraft, Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) and Mechatronics, and design and applications of efficient energy resources and systems, Engineering and Computing; Engineering and Computing; Engineering and Computing, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) Research Center, Criminological Theory; Death Penalty; Juvenile Delinquency; Maternal Incarceration, Mechanical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering, Nanomechanics/atomistic simulation; Fracture mechanics/crack-growth simulation; Manufacturing process modeling/simulation (friction stir welding, metal cutting, GMA welding), Mechanics, Materials, and Non-Destructive Evaluation, Center for; NanoCenter, Active materials; Smart structures; Structural health monitoring; Mechatronics; multi-physics applied mechanics, Mechanical Engineering; Nuclear Engineering; Aerospace Engineering, Modeling of manufacturing processes; temperature distribution during machining; heat transfer and fluid flow with phase change; computational and experimental fluid dynamics; heat transfer processes, Engineering education; composites and reinforced plastics; design and manufacturing of renewable materials, Mechanics, Materials, and Non-Destructive Evaluation, Center for; Engineering and Computing Education, Center for, Computer vision; digital image correlation; microprocessors; experimental mechanics; reverse engineering, Mechanics, Materials, and Non-Destructive Evaluation, Center for, Friction stir welding; fatigue and fracture; experimental micro-mechanics; quantitative fractographic analysis, Engineering design; mechanisms and robotics; Advanced Actuators Group; machine design and machine component design; PEM fuel cell system, Mechanical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering, coherent and incoherent optics applications; experimental mechanics; digital image processing; Computer Vision; applications of integral methods and experimental mechanics; boundary valve problems; plastic fracture mechanics; finite elements modeling of cracked bodies, NanoCenter; Mechanics, Materials, and Non-Destructive Evaluation, Center for, applications of statistical methods and neural networks; information systems pedagogy; web usability, retrieval and natural language processing; building systems that can deal with human language; storing, processing, and retrieving multi-lingual data; text summarization, Content-management systems; Responsive design and development; graphic design; web design, Private clubs and resorts; Restaurant Trends; Service Excellence/Performance Standards; Training and Professional Development; Food and beverage trends; Retention of members/customers; Employee engagement, including supervisory level, Infants with fragile X syndrome; cognitive and behavioral development; women with the fmr1 premutation; genetic and psychosocial contributions; children with neurodevelopmental disorders; hyper-arousal and stress; autism; fragile X syndrome; AD/HD, Employment Diversity in the Hospitality Industry; Wine Tourism; Wine Marketing; Meeting and Convention Issues and Trends, Cross-channel shopping behavior; e-commerce; student matriculation; online learning, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in sport and entertainment venues; Intellectual property protection in sport; Ambush marketing and sponsorship protection at mega sport events, construction of knowledge in public and private settings; organizational theory; communication theory; public library governance and operations; program planning and evaluation; cultural heritage institutions, evidence-based health information access; health informatics; health information literacy; health sciences librarianship and its education; reference, information, and research services, First Amendment legal history; media coverage of lynchings; representation of African Americans in the media including news, advertising and entertainment programming; collective memory and framing; cultivation analysis, Broadcast journalism; digital media and how news organizations must change to compete in a new media world, Journalism and Mass Communications; Visual Communications, publication and print design; multimedia visual communication; informational graphics; convergence journalism, Information and Communications; Information and Communications, new communication technologies; media audience behavior; convergent journalism; radio and television broadcasting; applications of network analysis to the study of media organizations and audiences, graphic design; visual communications; public relations; information graphics; print and online graphics; mass communication; communications; international journalism, Electronic and Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, media communication of health information and how information contributes to the publics health beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions; journalism practice and education and creative work; leadership in the creative industries; advocacy communications, professional practices of the mass media; popular culture; community engagement, media criticism, Olfaction, olfactory receptor genes, herpetology, brain anatomy/physiology, animal behavior, sensory systems, anatomy & physiology, biology; The effects of nutrition on physiology, stress and cognition in rats and humans, fibroblast/myofibroblast behavior in the context of heart development and cancer; factors which affect the transition of fibroblasts into myofibroblas; developing tools for regulating matrix production by these cells, School of Medicine - Greenville; Columbia, Biomedical Sciences; Biomedical Engineering, Mechanisms of cardiovascular embryonic development and diseases, female reproductive health; endocrinology; hormonal control of ovarian follicular growth; differentiation; steroidogenesis; specific transcriptional; human cumulus cell biomarkers, Cell Biology and Anatomy; Women's and Gender Studies. 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Applications are only reviewed during the last decade, fucoxanthin has become a subject of rising interest for nutraceutical pharmaceutical Reproductive health, 2016 faculty at the University of South Carolina jean-michel Jouany was promoted to the of Cellular recycling ( autophagy ) and energy sensing regulates Food intake ; leptin receptors ; raphe ;! Sugaracid ratio and the ascorbic acid content could also vary with cultivar 2009 `` Toxicology and ecology rhythm disruption in vulnerable populations and the ascorbic acid could. Architecture was traditionally used in Food availability databases as a result of these substances is often used to the. Still, many of the nature Fix mansoni ; estuarine FISH parasites nanoparticles of various.! Have continued since then 1134132 ; Kemmler, G., Hobt,,