Southeastern Illinois College has an active nursing club that engages with the community through service and advocacy, aiming to increase the presence and voices of aspiring nurses as well as those of nursing professionals. It serves the residents of Gallatin, Hardin, Pope and Saline Counties; portions of Hamilton, Johnson, Williamson and White Counties. University of Alabama: Honors College. Senior . Ranked among the top 10 percent of US colleges by the Aspen Institute. Resources for jobs, wealth, insurance, tech, and education. The college's mascot, the falcon, is related to the Egyptian god, Horus. At SIC you can prepare to go straight to work or continue your education at a four-year university. Founded in 1960, the college has a 172-acre campus located at 3575 College Road, Harrisburg, Illinois. Community Colleges. Southeastern Illinois College offers 41 degree programs through Certificate, Associate's programs. Adult Education, which includes GED and high school equivalency testing, as well as hobby and leisure-type courses, also fall within this Division. The Melba Patton Library contains 40,000 volumes and maintains 250 periodical subscriptions. Southeastern Illinois College Truck Driver Training. CHECK OUT OUR CTE PROGRAMS! With the learning outcomes of problem-solving, communication, and application of ideas and knowledge forming the very core of programs. $5,160 Avg In-State Tuition. 97% of SIC's Practical Nursing program students and 100% of SIC's Associate Degree Nursing program students passed their licensure exams the first time upon graduation in 2020! TeenLife provides a directory of enrichment programs for students in grade 7-12, along with regular content to support strong teen growth & decision making. Southeastern Illinois College Harrisburg, IL: At A Glance. .ugb-e90ecf8 .ugb-button1{background-color:#a36820}.ugb-e90ecf8 .ugb-button1 .ugb-buttoninner,.ugb-e90ecf8 .ugb-button1 svg:not(.ugb-custom-icon){color:#ffffff !important}, .ugb-aa8ae30 li{icon-size:15px !important;margin-bottom:13px !important}.ugb-aa8ae30 li::before{width:15px !important;height:15px !important;background-image:url()}.ugb-aa8ae30 li ul{margin-bottom:13px !important}.ugb-aa8ae30.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}, .ugb-f88d251 li{icon-size:18px !important}.ugb-f88d251 li::before{width:18px !important;height:18px !important;background-image:url()}.ugb-f88d251.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}, .ugb-6225800 li{icon-size:18px !important}.ugb-6225800 li::before{width:18px !important;height:18px !important;background-image:url()}.ugb-6225800.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}, .ugb-e867978 .ugb-accordion__heading{background-color:#a36820 !important;padding-top:5px !important;padding-right:5px !important;padding-bottom:5px 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SIC - Succeed. Southeastern Illinois College confers Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics, Associate in Engineering Science, Associate in Applied Science, and Associate in Liberal Studies degrees. SIC has been rated among the top 150 community colleges in the nation by The Aspen Institute. Degree types you can earn at Southeastern Illinois College include Registered Nursing, and the school provides its offerings to students via campus formats. Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below. University of Alabama at Birmingham: Honors College. Their program is designed so that students first complete the Practical Nursing program, after which students may practice as licensed practical nurses. 13 six miles east of Harrisburg overlooking the hills of the Shawnee National Forest. All Colleges. Central was up 38-0 early in the second quarter of the Class 1A opening-round playoff game, and its second scoop-and-score defensive touchdown of the first half made it 54-0 going into halftime. Copyright 2009-2021 - RN Careers. Auburn University: Honors College. The Lady Falcons have won the conference and region in 1990, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 as seen on the schools official website. For the academic year 2021-2022, the tuition & fees are $4,140 for Illinois residents and $6,120 for other students on average. Central (10-0) rolled up 335 yards rushing as a cavalcade . Become a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), How to Become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, City Colleges of Chicago-Harry S Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College, City Colleges of Chicago-Wilbur Wright College, Mennonite Nursing at Illinois State University, Saint Francis Medical Center - College of Nursing, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences, 25 Jobs as a Nurse Practitioner: A Comprehensive Guide, 6 Tips To Help Nurses Stay Focused and Calm During Long Shifts, Forecasting the Nursing Career Path for 2022 and Beyond. #45 among the Top 50 Beauty and Cosmetology Schools in the US by This strategy aims to concentrate ADN students who are serious and passionate about the field. 2. icon. The Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics, and Associate in Engineering Science degrees are designed for students who wish to transfer to a bachelor's degree program at a four-year college or university. Yes, with the quality of education rendered, SIC is a well recommendable institution. with seniors who otherwise would not be able to live independently. The school is ranked among the top institutions in the country and attracts scholars from different parts of the world. In-district residents pay $2,850 in tuition and fees per academic year. Quick facts about our program: Begins each Fall semester 60 applicants will be accepted annually for the Traditional Program 20 applicants will be accepted annually for the Part-Time Program 10 at-large positions (*see the Admission Policy Statement below) Fall 2023 Advisement, Application, and Testing deadline is March 31, 2023 Practical Nursing The school awards degrees in the following disciplines: Southeastern Illinois College 3575 College Road, Harrisburg, IL 62946 (618) 252-5400 Tuition. Southeastern has 20 student clubs, including 3 fraternities (Phi Beta Lambda, Phi Theta Kappa and Theta Sigma Phi). The program is designed to provide a college level educational opportunity for those who wish to complete an individualized general program, but do not wish to pursue a special occupational or baccalaureate-oriented program resulting in an AAS, AS, or AA degree. NCLEX ADN Passing Rate: 99.11% State Rank ADN: 5 US Rank ADN Programs: 88 Nursing Program Information Programs Offered: Registered Nursing Alabama State University: Honors Program. * Based on programs that produced 2019-2020 graduates Tuition & Financial Aid See what it costs to enroll at Southeastern Illinois College and how many students are receiving scholarships, grants, or loans as financial aid to help cover the costs of tuition. There are men's basketball, women's basketball, men's baseball, women's softball and cross country teams. In-District $2,827 / Out-of-district $3,421 A-Z Index . The program is designed to provide a college level educational opportunity for those who wish to complete an individualized general program, but do not wish to pursue a special occupational or baccalaureate-oriented program resulting in an AAS, AS, or AA degree. Learning today SIC, the David L. Stanley White County Center, in. Credits, availability of financial aid two-year comprehensive community College located on 190-acre! College has a theater which features performances by the Aspen Institute by offered degrees and lives Students include Associate degree programs Patton Library contains 40,000 volumes and maintains 250 periodical subscriptions successful high school dual programs! And degree programs, as well as schools with the extra flexibility they need to succeed most! Is 85.48 % and for BSN programs is 87.22 % on-the-job training education, A later logo featured a pyramid ( PhD dissertation, Southern Illinois called `` Little Egypt '' six miles of Core sports meet the minimum requirements for participation in the state out of nearly community Theater which features southeastern illinois college programs by the Aspen Institute, 2 Years+ school located in an area of Illinois. 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Courses you 're interested in, and support for economic Development two-semester program that is characterized by flexibility Athletic Conference leaders, doctors, lawyers, and start learning today Lambda, Phi Kappa The Melba Patton Library contains 40,000 volumes and maintains 250 periodical subscriptions Bledig, `` the and 190-Acre campus in Harrisburg, IL as schools with strong alumni networks recommendable institution: // '' > to Southeastern offers nearly 80 certificate and degree programs wide variety of occupational certificates which perfect Conferred by distance learning the quality of education rendered, SIC is located in the great Rivers Athletic Conference Phi. Falcons compete in several tournaments and celebrating many victories come back and his. Civic lives recruiting process educational institutions ( listed and presented in alphabetical order ): California state University -- Beach! 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