A, s.14. R.S.O. 28 The parties agree that the Commission may, within thirty days, upon application by the Crown or the judges associations made within ten days after the delivery of its recommendations and report pursuant to paragraph 15, subject to affording the Crown and the judges associations the opportunity to make representations thereupon to the Commission, amend, alter or vary its recommendations and report where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commission that it has failed to deal with any matter properly arising from the inquiry under paragraph 13 or that an error relating to a matter properly under paragraph 13 is apparent on the report, and such decision is final and binding on the Crown and the judges associations, except those related to pensions. 16 The parties agree that the Commission shall make an annual report of its activities to the Chair of Management Board and the Chair shall table the report in the Legislature. 2, s.20 (17). (4) In dealing with applications under this section, the Judicial Council shall follow its guidelines and rules of procedure established under subsection 51.1(1). (5) Where a vacancy occurs among the members appointed under clause (2)(b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l) or (m), a new member similarly qualified may be appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term. 1994, c.12, s.16. 5, s. 11 - 08/01/2021. 1996, c.25, s.1(18); 2021, c. 4, Sched. (a) make any order or decision that ought to or could have been made by the court or tribunal appealed from; (c) make any other order or decision that is considered just. 11, s. 7. 2, s.20 (11); 2015, c. 27, Sched. Your named data may be processed by Jisc for administrative purposes or by public authorities for the detection or prosecution of fraud. 2006, c.21, Sched. Should Jisc become a Controller of this data, Jisc may also use this data for purposes 2 to 5 and 8. Creation and operation of analysis tools, for example, Commercial organisations (e.g. Were it not for entropy, we could burn the same gallon of gasoline over and over, and our capital stock would never wear out. 1994, c.12, s.16; 2017, c. 2, Sched. 1990, c.C.43, s.107(5-7). v. Superior Court.,[7] which addressed a number of issues that have been the subject of much litigation in California for many years. Addressing this discrepancy, ecological concerns emerged in academia around 1970. 1994, c. 12, s. 14 (1, 2) - 28/02/1995; 1996, c. 25, s. 9 (18, 20) - 19/04/1999, 2015, c. 27, Sched. 2015, c. 23, s. 3. Criteria for the purpose of subsection 51.6(7). The report was finalised in Paris. B, s. 6 - no effect - see Table of Public Statute Provisions Repealed Under Section 10.1 of the Legislation Act, 2006 - 31/12/2011. 1(15), 9(17); 2021, c. 4, Sched. Create derived fields to enrich data utility and insights of Jiscdata. The origin of the tea break, as is now incorporated into the law of most countries, stems from research undertaken in England in the early 1900s. 1994, c.12, s.16. In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed. (a) oral evidence and submissions may be given or made in English or French, and shall be recorded in the language in which they are given or made; (b) documents may be filed in either language; (c) in the case of a mediation, discussions may take place in either language; (d) the reasons for a decision or the mediators report, as the case may be, may be written in either language. 1996, c.25, s.1(18); 2021, c. 4, Sched. Section 28 or Clause 28 was a legislative designation for a series of laws across Britain that prohibited the "promotion of homosexuality" by local authorities. 2, s. 1. If you are a student at a provider in England, HESA Information may be linked to school and/or further education college information and supplied or linked to researchers' data through the Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service ('ONS SRS'). This website will not display correctly and some features will not work.Learn more about the browsers we support for a faster and safer online experience. 86 (1) Every judge of the Court of Ontario may be addressed as Your Honour or as (Mr. or Madam) Justice (naming the judge) in English or as Votre Honneur or (M. ou Mme) le/la Juge (nom du juge) in French. 1994, c. 12, s. 37 - 28/02/1995; 1994, c. 27, s. 43 (1, 2) - 03/04/1995; 1996, c. 25, s. 9 (13) - 19/04/1999; 1999, c. 12, Sched. (5) If the court does not make an order for periodic payment under subsection (1), it shall make an award for damages that shall include an amount to offset liability for income tax on income from investment of the award. (3) Continuing education of judges has the following goals: 1. At least according to a recent Harvard Business Review Article. R.S.O. (b) the Chief Justice and the Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice; (d) the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice or an associate chief justice designated by the Chief Justice; (e) one judge of the Court of Appeal, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of Ontario; (f) four judges of the Superior Court of Justice appointed by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice, at least two of whom shall be judges of the Family Court referred to in clause 21.2 (1) (d) or (e); (g) the Senior Advisory Family Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice, and two other judges of the Ontario Court of Justice who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice; (h) the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney General; (i) one law officer of the Crown, who shall be appointed by the Attorney General; (j) two persons employed in the administration of the courts, who shall be appointed by the Attorney General; (k) four lawyers, who shall be appointed by the Law Society of Ontario; (l) four lawyers, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice; and. 1994, c.12, s.16; 1996, c.25, s.9(20). [99] As to 2012, mortality from Obesity was 3 times larger than from hunger,[100] reaching 2.8 million people per year by 2017[101], Cycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions[102] while reducing the effects of a sedentary lifestyle at the same time. As the purpose of the Data Futures programme is to enable Jiscto have a platform suitable for the public functions of the higher education sector, the lawful bases for this processing can be found in Purpose 1 (below). (b) who is or was a member of the Committee within the previous three years. He is known today for his free trade principle of comparative advantage, and for his formulation of the controversial labor theory of value. While the bodies described in Purpose 1 (above) have legal or regulatory power to require information from certain higher education providers, other public authorities also use your HESA Information for their statutory and/or public functions including funding, regulation and policy-making purposes. (a) the Chief Justice and Associate Chief Justice of Ontario; (a.1) the Chief Justice and Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice; (a.2) the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice, or another judge of that court designated by the Chief Justice; (b) two judges of the Court of Appeal, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of Ontario; (c) eight judges of the Superior Court of Justice, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice; (d) the Small Claims Court Administrative Judge appointed under section 87.2; (e) the Attorney General or a person designated by the Attorney General; (f) one law officer of the Crown, who shall be appointed by the Attorney General; (g) two persons employed in the administration of the courts, who shall be appointed by the Attorney General; (h) four lawyers, who shall be appointed by the Law Society of Ontario; (i) one lawyer, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of Ontario; (j) four lawyers, who shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice. 2, s. 20 (4) - 15/12/2009. 2015, c. 23, s. 3. 3. (c) hold a hearing under section 51.6. R.S.O. 2002, c.18, Sched. B, s.5(2). A, s.22(8). Criteria for the purpose of subsection 51.6(8). [28]:15 It has been argued that although Keynes was right about future growth rates, he underestimated the inequalities prevailing today, both within and across countries. 1990, c.C.43, s.148. 2, s.20 (11). Such uses may include the following: The above list of organisations who may receive your HESA Information will be subject to change over time. Information to be maintained in confidence. 3, s. 2 (2)). [6] On April 12, 2012 the Supreme Court of California issued its long-awaited opinion in Brinker Restaurant Corp., et al. 2, s.20 (11). (15) The subcommittee may, if the judge who is the subject of the complaint agrees, impose conditions on a decision to refer the complaint to the Chief Justice. 1990, c.C.43, s.108 (6). A, s.19(1); 2021, c. 34, Sched. 2017, c. 2, Sched. (2.2) The regional senior judges of the Superior Court of Justice and the Senior Judge of the Family Court shall meet at least once in each year with the Chief Justice and the Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice, on a day fixed by the Chief Justice, in order to consider this Act, the rules of court and the administration of justice generally. 2006, c.21, Sched. 1994, c.12, s.7; 1996, c.25, s.9(14). Every era has an industry that epitomizes its values. (2) The Unified Family Court is amalgamated with and continued as part of the Family Court. 15, s. 8 (1). An afternoon coffee break, or afternoon tea, often occurs as well. 1994, c.12, s.8. The study ends by the words:"The case for a transition to a steady-state economy with low throughput and low emissions, initially in the high-income economies and then in rapidly growing economies, needs more serious attention and international cooperation.[17]. More efficiency and recycling efforts are induced by the higher resource prices resulting from the restrictions (quota prices plus regular extraction costs). Other uses of named data 2017, c. 20, Sched. Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. R.S.O. A, s.14. R.S.O. As of 2018, 3.7% of global emissions were from digital technologies more than from aviation, the number is expected to achieve 8% by 2025, equal to the emissions from cars. A, s.13(2) - 26/02/1999, 2006, c. 21, Sched. 2006, c.21, Sched. Data protection guidance for the HESA records, Frequently asked questions for HE leavers 2010/11 survey, Frequently asked questions for HE providers 2010/11 survey, Data protection agreement between HESA and IFF Research, Pre-release access to official statistics, Graduate Outcomes postal survey privacy information, Processing of your personal data throughout the development of Data Futures, Categories of information submitted to Jisc, including Special Categories of data, https://www.hesa.ac.uk/about/regulation/data-protection/ucas-data, Purpose 1 Named data used for public functions by the HE funding and regulatory bodies, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Purpose 2 Named data used for public functions by public authorities, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, https://www.hesa.ac.uk/support/tools-and-downloads/husid, https://uksa.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/about-the-authority/uk-statistical-system/types-of-official-statistics/, Purpose 5 - Equal opportunity, research, journalism and other processing for statistical and research purposes, www.hesa.ac.uk/services/custom/data/timescales-costs, Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service ('ONS SRS'), Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/longitudinal-education-outcomes-study-how-we-use-and-share-data, Purpose 6 - Students on Primary Medical Qualification courses only, https://www.ukmed.ac.uk/faq#for_doctors_and_medical_students, https://www.gmc-uk.org/privacy-and-cookies, Purpose 7 - Students whose information is returned to Jisc on a voluntary basis, Purpose 8 - Use by Jisc to perform its role as designated data body for England and its equivalent roles for the other countries of the United Kingdom, Linking of your HESA Information to other information, www.gov.uk/government/publications/longitudinal-education-outcomes-study-how-we- use-and-share-data, East Midlands Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Partnership (EMWPREP), The Initial Teacher Training record (ITT), Further information about recipients of your HESA Information, https://www.hesa.ac.uk/about/regulation/data-protection/register, Purpose 1 Individual level data used for public functions by the HE funding and regulatory bodies, Purpose 2 Individual level data used for public functions by public authorities, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (including Research England), Purpose 4 - Equal opportunity, research, journalism and other processing for statistical and research purposes, Purpose 5 - Clinical academic staff and health professionals only, Purpose 6 - Senior staff pay and compensation for loss of office, Purpose 7 - Use by Jisc to perform its role as designated data body for England and its equivalent roles for the other countries of the United Kingdom. (b) publish in the prescribed manner a table showing the rate determined under clause (a) for the next quarter and the rates determined under clause (a) or under a predecessor of that clause for all the previous quarters during the preceding 10 years. 3. 5, s. 6 (4); 2021, c. 4, Sched. 1990, c.C.43, s.121. TRA will contact you to provide confirmation of your TRN and any subsequent award of QTS and as part of your statutory induction year. 6, s. 50 - 01/06/2011. 3, s. 12 (9). (17) The Chief Justice may delegate his or her powers, duties and functions under subsections (2), (3) and (4) to a judge of the Superior Court of Justice, but a judge who acts under any of those subsections in relation to a complaint may not be chosen under subsection (5) to be part of a committee to investigate the complaint. 1996, c.25, ss. (2) The Attorney General and the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice may enter into a memorandum of understanding governing any matter relating to the administration of that court. 2009, c.33, Sched. Complaint against Associate Chief Justice or regional senior judge. 1998, c. 20, Sched. It requires the time and commitment of some of the most highly paid and highly experienced people in your organization. 1, s. 1 (13). So, why do you need a strategy? (4) Where a judge has commenced hearing a matter sitting alone and, (b) is for any reason unable to make a decision; or. 2006, c.21, Sched. 2, s. 4. 1998, c.20, Sched. (3) On the hearing of the question, the Attorney General of Ontario is entitled to make submissions to the court. 1998, c.20, Sched. 1994, c.12, s.16. A reference in an Act or regulation to a county or district for judicial purposes is, in the case of The Regional Municipality of Niagara, deemed to be a reference to the following areas: i. 2009, c. 33, Sched. So help me God. 1994, c. 12, s. 40 - 28/02/1995; 1996, c. 25, s. 9 (17) - 19/04/1999. Join the discussion about your favorite team! (parties). (19) The members of the subcommittee that investigated a complaint shall not, (a) deal with the complaint under subsection 51.4(17) or (18) or subsection 51.5(8) or (10); or. Many countries and territories that allow abortion have gestational limits for the procedure depending on the reason; with the majority (14) The Attorney General shall pay compensation to the associate judge in accordance with the recommendation. [60][75][76][77][78][79][9][80][81][26][82][83][10][11][84][85][86][43][58][87][88][89][90][91][92], In September 2019, 1 day before the Global Climate Strike on 20 September 2019 in the Guardian was published an article that summarizes many research and say that limiting consumption is necessary for saving the biosphere.[93]. (10) At any time during or after the mediation, the complainant or the judge may refer the complaint to the Judicial Council, which shall consider the matter, in private, and may, (b) refer the complaint to the Chief Justice, with or without imposing conditions as referred to in subsection 51.4(15); or. In addition, even if an off-planet economy could somehow be established at some future point, one long-term predicament would then loom large regarding the continuous mining and transportation of massive volumes of materials from space back to earth: How to keep up that volume flowing on a steady and permanent basis in the face of the astronomically long distances and time scales ever present in space. [119] This book is the basis for the theory of overdevelopment, saying that the global north, the rich countries are too developed, which increases the Ecological footprint of humanity and create many problems both in overdeveloped and underdeveloped countries.[120]. Research and understand progression through higher education. (5) Where a proceeding is tried with a jury, (a) the judge may require the jury to give a general verdict or to answer specific questions, subject to section 15 of the Libel and Slander Act; and. The Government of Ontario is likewise entitled to receive advance disclosure of written submissions by provincial judges associations and is entitled to make a written submission in reply. (6) A directive under subsection (5) may apply to a part of the hearing or mediation, and in that case subsections (7) and (8) apply with necessary modifications. 1990, c.C.43, s.90(4); 1996, c.25, s.9(17). Legal basis for processing your HESA Information for ITT purposes. 2017, c. 2, Sched. 1990, c.C.43, s.89(4); 1994, c.27, s.43(2). On 4 October 2022 the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) merged with Jisc.HESA is now part of Jisc, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England (company number: 05747339; charity number: 1149740).. Any personal data processed by HESA as controller has now transferred to Jisc under the purposes set out in this 2, s. 20 (8) - 01/01/2011. Although the number of individual colonies supposedly could be increased without end, living conditions in any one particular colony would become very restricted nonetheless. paradigmatic magnum opus on The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, Georgescu-Roegen argues that the carrying capacity of earth that is, earth's capacity to sustain human populations and consumption levels is bound to decrease sometime in the future as earth's finite stock of mineral resources is presently being extracted and put to use; and consequently, that the world economy as a whole is heading towards an inevitable future collapse. In Daly's view, mainstream economists tend to regard natural resource scarcity as only a relative phenomenon, while human needs and wants are granted absolute status: It is believed that the price mechanism and technological development (however defined) is capable of overcoming any scarcity ever to be faced on earth; it is also believed that all human wants could and should be treated alike as absolutes, from the most basic necessities of life to the extravagant and insatiable craving for luxuries. (2) The court may order the public to be excluded from a hearing where the possibility of serious harm or injustice to any person justifies a departure from the general principle that court hearings should be open to the public. 1996, c.25, s.9(6). [98] Obesity was a medical problem for people who overconsumed food and worked too little already in ancient Rome, and its impact slowly grew through history. (d) a proceeding previously instituted by the person in any court not be continued. Jisc is the body responsible for collecting and disseminating information about higher education in the UK and the designated data body for England (see www.hesa.ac.uk/about for more information). 108 (1) In an action in the Superior Court of Justice that is not in the Small Claims Court, a party may require that the issues of fact be tried or the damages assessed, or both, by a jury, unless otherwise provided. 2, s. 20 (9, 10) - 01/07/2010. Jiscmay charge other organisations to whom it provides services and data. (4) Where an application for leave is made under subsection (3). 1994, c.12, s.16; 1996, c.25, s.9(20). (12) If the complaint is dismissed with a finding that it is unfounded, the Chief Justice shall recommend to the Attorney General that the associate judge be compensated for his or her costs for legal services and shall indicate the amount of compensation. 15, s. 2. Information provided to Jiscis retained indefinitely for statistical research purposes. R.S.O. You have the right to be informed about how your personal data is used. 1990, c.C.43, s.101(1); 1994, c.12, s.40; 1996, c.25, s.9(17). 3, s. 4. (12.1) When there is an appeal or motion for leave to appeal under subsection (9.1), the Court of Appeal shall consider whether the associate judge should be compensated for all or part of his or her costs for legal services incurred in connection with the appeal or motion. 1990, c.C.43, s.108 (9). 1994, c.12, s.16. (5) The three persons shall be a judge of the Superior Court of Justice, a deputy judge and a person who is neither a judge nor a lawyer, all of whom reside or work in the region where the deputy judge who is the subject of the complaint sits. (b) an appeal lies to the Superior Court of Justice from a certificate of assessment of the costs if an objection was served in respect of the issue appealed in accordance with the rules of court. All the area of the County of Lincoln as it existed on the 31st day of December, 1969. ii. (6) One-third of the members of the Family Rules Committee constitutes a quorum. 1990, c.C.43, s.15(4). (2) The Chief Justice shall review the complaint and may dismiss it without further investigation if, in his or her opinion, it is frivolous or an abuse of process, or concerns a minor matter to which an appropriate response has already been given. (4) If the complaint is not dismissed, the judge shall refer it to a committee consisting of three persons chosen by the regional senior judge. 73 (1) Registrars, sheriffs, court clerks, assessment officers and any other administrative officers and employees that are considered necessary for the administration of the courts in Ontario may be appointed under Part III of the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006. (10) In exceptional circumstances and in accordance with the criteria established under subsection 51.1(1), the Judicial Council may make an order prohibiting, pending the disposition of a complaint, the publication of information that might identify the judge who is the subject of the complaint. (2) Every document issued out of a court in a civil proceeding shall bear the seal of the court. 1994, c.12, s.16; 1996, c.25, s.9(18,20). (13) If the Judicial Council finds that the judge is unable, because of a disability, to perform the essential duties of the office, but would be able to perform them if his or her needs were accommodated, the Council shall order that the judges needs be accommodated to the extent necessary to enable him or her to perform those duties. (5) The chair is entitled to vote, and may cast a second deciding vote if there is a tie. 2, s. 12; 2018, c. 8, Sched. The goal of strategic planning should be to produce a Plan that is 1) relevant, realistic and flexible; 2) with a very highly likelihood of being implemented; 3) in order to achieve the purpose of the planning, e.g., a purpose to evolve to the next stage of development, expand marketshare or survive major cost-cutting. A, s.4(4); 2021, c. 4, Sched. (1.1) Despite clause (1) (b), a final order of a judge of the Superior Court of Justice made on a first appeal from an order described in subsection (1.2) may be appealed to the Court of Appeal only with leave from the Court of Appeal, as provided in the rules of court. A, s.2. 52 (1) The judges of the Superior Court of Justice shall meet at least once in each year, on a day fixed by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice, in order to consider this Act, the rules of court and the administration of justice generally. 2019, c. 7, Sched. 1994, c. 12, s. 39 - 28/02/1995; 1996, c. 25, s. 9 (17) - 19/04/1999. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the apparent source of global warming and climate changes. Periodic payments exempt from garnishment, etc. C, s.20(1). (3) The Attorney General may, by regulation, prescribe the manner in which the table described in clause (2) (b) is to be published. 36 (1) The Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice shall direct and supervise the sittings of the Ontario Court of Justice and the assignment of its judicial duties. 11, s. 7. The natural nitrogen cycle is heavily overloaded by industrial nitrogen fixation and use, thereby disrupting most known types of ecosystems. [5][131][132][83]:97100 [13]:4551 [133][134] Taken together, these critics point to the following growth dynamics inherent in capitalism: In short: There is no end to the systemic and ecologically harmful growth dynamics in modern capitalism, radical critics assert. 1998, c.20, Sched. 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