Authoritarianism primarily differs from totalitarianism in that social and economic institutions exist that are not under governmental control. Lai and Slater argue that singleparty regimes are better than military regimes at developing institutions (e.g.,mass mobilization, patronage networks, coordination of elites) that are effective at continuing the regimes incumbency and diminishing domestic challengers; Lai and Slater also argue that military regimes more often initiate military conflicts or undertake other desperate measures to maintain control, as compared to singleparty regimes. Let me overstate the case, but only somewhat, in outlining these consequences in the remainder of this section. These coup-proofing strategies may include the strategic placing of family, ethnic, and religious groups in the military; creation of an armed force parallel to the regular military; and development of multiple internal security agencies with overlapping jurisdiction that constantly monitor one another. Sikhism. Christian creeds, all of which keep more of a distance from god, keep having a go at ecumenical togetherness, but their different traditional allegiances permit only the attempt at, not the substance of, religious co-operation. Authoritarian Spirituality. No authority resides in anything external unless you first decide to confer that authority on it. #_form_10_._form-left { left:0; } Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though youve already said that! However, coup-proofing reduces military effectiveness, and limits the rents that an incumbent can extract. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The stories are legion, and likely to be found in all authoritarian spiritual schools, ancient and modern, eastern and western. This kind of spirituality is especially common in specific religious practices. Spirituality is the ultimate method of living. They are merely there, and no amount of reasoning will help you break out of it. And the oppressive kind is itself rooted in the underlying repressive kind. #_form_10_._form-bottom { bottom:0; } #3. Everything in your life can be explained and this is what connects and intertwines all your experiences into one. Explore what's popular within Spirituality. Linz distinguished new forms of authoritarianism from personalistic dictatorships and totalitarian states, taking Francoist Spain as an example. A typology of authoritarian regimes by political scientists Brian Lai and Dan Slater includes four categories: machine (oligarchic party dictatorships); bossism (autocratic party dictatorships); juntas (oligarchic military dictatorships); and strongman (autocratic military dictatorships). Often, this type of spirituality is associated with religious beliefs. But for some, spirituality is not religious but more organic. There are, of course, exceptions among more modest claimants, such as the Dalai Lama (1996). And, even more so than with current authority figures, the pathological elements in the spirituality of founding sages and heroes go unnoticed. Thus a sectarian culture is formed, and what is taught within it is given a warrant of authority via an appeal to a combination of some of the following: The teachers intuitive and experiential certitude or faith. This page was last edited on 22 May 2008, at 13:56. According to political scientists Curtis Bell and Jonathan Powell, coup attempts in neighbouring countries lead to greater coup-proofing and coup-related repression in a region. #_form_10_ ._row,#_form_10_ p,#_form_10_ label { margin-bottom:0.7em; width:100%; } Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Political scientist Theodore M. Vestal writes that authoritarian political systems may be weakened through inadequate responsiveness to either popular or elite demands, and that the authoritarian tendency to respond to challenges by exerting tighter control, instead of by adapting, may compromise the legitimacy of an authoritarian state and lead to its collapse. .wmLinkBox_thumbnail, .wmLinkBox_thumbnail img { width: 80px; height: 80px; } In this way, dealing with the challenges of everyday life becomes easier, because there is a way to let go of all the negative thoughts. #_form_10_ ._form-content { margin:0; width:100%; } Authoritarian spirituality involves devotion to a hierarchical structure in the heavens and Earth. For some, it is primarily about participation in organized religion. #4. (3). Intellectual freedom. For spiritual practices based on negative views of human nature, by repressing positive potential, will cause a distorted return of the repressed. Interactions with other elites and the masses, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). #_form_10_ input[type="text"] { padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; font-size:16px; line-height:1.3em; -webkit-appearance:none; } According to a 2019 study by Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman, authoritarian regimes have over time become less reliant on violence and mass repression to maintain control. It is only very recently that a working distinction has been made between a truly transformative spirituality and a false, psychologically unhealthy, spirituality, of which two kinds can be distinguished. I need to remember that I do not really know for sure what the ancient mystics meant by what they wrote, and that when I read them (often already via a translation) it is how I make sense of them - my inner knowing in dialogue with the text - that is central. #_form_10_ ._inline-style:not(._clear) + ._inline-style:not(._clear) { margin-left:20px; } #_form_10_ ._form-branding ._logo { display:block; width:130px; height:14px; margin-top:6px; background-image:url(''); background-size:130px auto; background-repeat:no-repeat; } Writing in 2018, U.S. political journalist David Frum stated: The hopeful world of the very late 20th centurythe world ofNAFTAand an expandingNATO; of the World Wide Web 1.0 and liberal interventionism; of the global spread of democracy under leaders such asVclav HavelandNelson Mandelanow looks battered and delusive.. The dreadfully boring book was presented as a psychological treatise, wrapped in the cloak of science. The [], If you want to learn a prayer to find a home, then you should []. #_form_10_ ._error-inner._form_error { margin-bottom:5px; text-align:left; } It points to the inescapable logic of spiritual projection, the displacement of internal authority on to an external source. The process is not completed until the divine which appears without is acknowledged by the divine which is enthroned deep within. The intellect appears to exercise a lot of freedom, for example, with respect to transpersonal theory, but practice remains firmly wedded to a traditional school. It is a universal human experience. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Yoga is an estimated 5000-year-old, ancient practice which engages the mind and body. Today, however, in a world of mass communication and planetary information exchange, the competing claims of innumerable spiritual authorities of all kinds stand revealed as a composite Tower of Babel, a noisy confusion of tongues which are missing the inner point. Research shows that some coup-proofing strategies reduce the risk of coups occurring. The following are illustrative examples. The people who follow this believe that only their religion is true and the other religions are not. in Applied Accountancy and B.Sc. They thrive on fear, power, and control deeming anybody of whom they do not approve to be a threat that should be eliminated. That isnt something that can happen quickly or painlessly, so if you know an authoritarian person who is willing to change, they will need all the help they can get to do so. #_form_10_ ._form-title { font-size:22px; line-height:22px; font-weight:600; margin-bottom:0; } Even though authoritarianism is a type of dictatorship, it does not necessarily have to be a totalitarian government. #_form_10_ ._close-icon:before { position:relative; } Authoritarian people cast a long, menacing shadow over our lives. He knows perfectly well that perennialism simply does not correspond to the historical data. #_form_10_._dark ._form-branding { color:#333; } It is, essentially, a way of life letting go of the material world. In the same way, if my internal authorising of a spiritual teacher is displaced and projected out as an external authority residing in that teacher, then my inner authority is misrepresented as nescience seeking illumination from another, instead of being affirmed as my inner knowing seeking dialogue with the inner knowing of another. Personalistic authoritarian regimes have been seen in post-colonial Africa. How can music enhance your spirituality? Witchcraft is not widely talked and known; most prefer to ignore its existence. Unlike personalistic dictatorships, new forms of authoritarianism have institutionalized representation of a variety of actors (in Spains case, including the military, the Catholic Church, Falange, monarchists, technocrats and others). ._form_hide { display:none; visibility:hidden; } This type of spirituality is often associated with a set of religious beliefs. Buy Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion Illustrated by Heron, John (ISBN: 9781847287939) from Amazon's Book Store. The foundations of stable authoritarian rule are that the authoritarian prevents contestation from the masses and other elites. I return to this theme in the next chapter. The leader often makes claims of having special insights from God, insights that the laity are unable to possess. The priests put about beliefs and practices, and organize their hierarchy in ways, which generate the sins they claim the power to redeem. It is often a deeply ingrained set of beliefs that take a great deal of time to break down and address. J. Kripal on the necessity to reject the emancipatory illusions in religion and mysticism: "Ferrer ultimately adopts a very positive assessment of the traditions' ethical status, suggesting in effect that the religions have been more successful in finding common moral ground than doctrinal or metaphysical agreement, and that most traditions have called for (if never faithfully or fully enacted) a transcendence of dualistic self-centeredness or narcissism. In their minds you'll find prejudice and a need to dominate, as well as cynicism, double standards and intolerance. Such a person will be benignly and inescapably autocratic in ruling the roost in his or her school of practice, while ostensibly encouraging disciples to make rigorous experiential tests of what is taught. #_form_10_ ._row span label { margin:0 !important; width:initial !important; vertical-align:middle !important; } Michael Ignatieff wrote that Fukuyamas idea of liberalism vanquishing authoritarianism now looks like a quaint artifact of a vanished unipolar moment, and Fukuyama himself expressed concern. The theory of an authoritarian personality was an influential though controversial mid-twentieth-century theory to explain the mass appeal of fascism and ethnocentrism. When Covert Abuse Is Seen as More "Godly" than Those Calling It Out. (2)Concomitantrole conceptions differentiate totalitarians from authoritarians. A person remains within one tradition for purposes of the support found within its spiritual community, otherwise picks and chooses among its beliefs and practices, refracting them through the prism of the internal monitor. Authoritarianism derives from believing in a static, unwavering set of rules about power and control, submission, and obedience. They are more aware of the small daily activities, experiencing positive emotions associated with the small pleasures in life. All Rights Reserved. Here are a few tips to make the relationship more manageable: They cant help but abide by the stringent set of rules in their head; never let it get to you. Sutton, A.B. The Christian religion tends toward a modified dualism. Authoritarians view themselves as individual beings largely content to control and often maintain the status quo. The institutionalization of this process has had a range of unfortunate consequences within each school that maintains it. Carl Joachim Friedrichwrites that a totalist ideology, a party reinforced by asecret police, and monopoly control of industrial mass society are the three features of totalitarian regimes that distinguish them from other autocracies. An extract from Chapter 2 Spiritual inquiry and projected authority in Johns book Sacred Science: Person-centred Inquiry into the Spiritual and the Subtle, Ross-on-Wye, PCCS Books, 1998. The concept of authoritarian constitutionalism has been developed by legal scholar Mark Tushnet. in Corporate Law. .wmLinkBox_link a { color: #000; }. Thetyrantis less a person than an indispensable function to guide and reshape the universe. Whether its the motion of your breath or the feeling of the ground beneath you. Try to be understanding and help them work through the unlearning of this toxic mindset. Eva Bellin argues that under certain circumstances, the bourgeoise and labor are more likely to favor democratization, but less so under other circumstances. #_form_10_ ._error-inner._no_arrow { margin-bottom:10px; } The theoretical outcome will then include veiled special pleading for the practical allegiance. Here is my working hypothesis about the process of spiritual projection, based on my own involvement with it in different contexts, discussions with friends and colleagues about their inner journey, and on reflections on spiritual psychology. And the enlightened who know this have absolute authority with regard to the salvation of the unenlightened, who are too identified with the illusion to effect self-liberation. In a competitive authoritarian regime, formal democratic institutions exist and are widely viewed as the primary means of gaining power, but incumbents abuse of the state places them at a significant advantage vis--vis their opponents. The term was coined by Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Linz identified the two most basic subtypes as traditional authoritarian regimes and bureaucratic-military authoritarian regimes: Subtypes of authoritarian regime identified by Linz are:corporatistor organic-statistic, racial and ethnic democracy and post-totalitarian. #_form_10_ ._button-wrapper ._error-inner._form_error { position:static; } Raja Yoga, Nada Yoga, and Buddhism are some examples of this spiritual practice. All in all, an authoritarian personality is rarely pleasant to be around. Spirituality is a broad concept with many perspectives. Authoritarianism and democracy are not necessarily fundamental opposites, as it is possible for some democracies to possess authoritarian elements, and for an authoritarian system to have democratic elements. It provides a system to easily understand the construct of ones own beliefs. 10 Signs of a Superficial Relationship That Is Not Meant to Last, 10 Traits of a Feisty Personality People Often Misunderstand. Spiritual Growth and Progression This gradual growth generally involves three stages of development: the purgative stage, the illuminative stage, and the unitive stage. Belief in a higher power does not mean you need to practice it in a traditional way. Several subtypes of authoritarian regimes have been identified by Linz and others. #_form_10_ ._form-label,#_form_10_ ._form_element ._form-label { font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px; display:block; } Collusion. Intellectual Spirituality. Partial projection. This can be adopted by both left and right ideologies. Transitioning from Authoritarian "Outer" Authority to Spiritual "Inner" Authority. Prominent economist Amartya Sen has theorized that no functioning liberal democracy has ever suffered a large-scale famine. Spirituality encourages people to be positive, which can be expressed in many of these life practices. It is about living each day with mindfulness and good intention. Some Christians, called complementarians, believe that it is only men, and not women, who have been given spiritual authority by God. All explicit judgements that illumination resides without, rest upon a prior and much more basic tacit light within. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Fundamentalist commitment to a religion or belief system is the most common type of Authoritarian spirituality. Doing something that will benefit someone else without getting something back is a common way for people to get in touch with themselves. The guru without represents the guru within, and the guru within is only developed by full allegiance to, and identification with, the guru without. Others may pray or find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power. This type of spirituality consists in believing in a hierarchical structure of things or in authority, and is defined by following a set of rules and some restrictions. New York: Basic Books. #_form_10_ ._clear-element { clear:left; } In the society around us, we can find more and more people interested and who live Types of Spirituality Read More People who have a mystical spirituality believe that there is greater unity in every experience of life. In use for cases of fascism and Stalinism it has also been referred to as totalitarian democracy.. Authoritarian democracy was first developed and used . In general, these people tend to express more gratitude than others. People who think like this tend to lack emotional intelligence and, therefore, the maturity to appreciate other perspectives. Spirituality can also be used as a way of coping with change or uncertainty. In 2018Freedom Housedeclared that from 2006 to 2018, 113 countries around the world showed a net decline in political rights and civil liberties while only 62 experienced a net improvement.. Authoritarian democracy is a form of democracy directed by a ruling elite of an authoritarian state that seeks to represent the different interests of society. -defines boundaries that strict definitions cannot explain. In other words the individual must take his stand upon the witness of the inner light, the authority within his own soul. Dalai Lama (1996) The Good Heart. Narrated by Marie T. Russell . Embodying spiritual truths within your own religion. Authoritarian constitutions may help legitimize, strengthen, and consolidate regimes. #_form_10_ select.datetime_time { width:29%; display:inline; height:32px; } It does not show that it is valid. Indeed, from many of our own modern perspectives, the waters of the past are barely potable, as what most of the contemplative traditions have meant by "emancipation" or "salvation" is not at all what we would like to imply by those terms today. an individual's sense of peace, purpose, and connection to others and beliefs about the meaning of life. Christianity. A person stays constantly within one tradition in allegiance to certain strands of it, while radically reappraising other strands. #5. To disown, deny and be unaware of the inner presence is to damage its formative power and this disfiguration is reflected in the teaching of the outer authority that replaces it. This is mainly true if you are in a workplace environment. .wmLinkBox_pre { font-weight: bold; color: #666; font-size: 12px; } Often, this type of spirituality is associated with religious beliefs. Racial and ethnic democracies are those in which certain racial or ethnic groups enjoy full democratic rights while others are largely or entirely denied those rights, such as inSouth Africa under apartheid. It regards the human world as a fallen creation outside god, although he is intimately connected with it. .wmLinkBox { margin: 15px 0; background: #f2f2f2; padding: 10px; overflow: auto; } In these kinds of environments . This kind of spirituality is mainly related to religious beliefs. Authoritarian abuse of power by leaders and teachers is an invariable consequence of such projection, and there is widespread evidence of abuse in current spiritual movements, whether of ancient or recent origin, whether eastern and western. Adam Przeworski has theorized that authoritarian equilibrium rests mainly on lies, fear and economic prosperity. Try to see things from their perspective even if you disagree with it. Unfortunately a fundamentalist religion often fules hate and can be the backbone of conflict and religious terrorism. They almost certainly need professional support to try and unpick their thought processes. When there is limited awareness of the projection, we have the anomaly of (1) personal allegiance to the authority projected onto ones own school or church, combined with (2) religious toleration and freedom as between different creeds. Among religious beliefs and doctrines such as Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Spiritism, and many others, spirituality consists of means where the individual is able to seek and find his or her own essence, adjusting to a connection with something greater than himself or herself, and consequently becoming fulfilled by achieving the meaning of being and being. However, this can also be achieved with any other form of group exercise, nature-related activities, meditation, etc. This type of personality is often learned behavior and refers back to a set of rules and standards learned in the early years, thus becoming prevalent as an adult. Spirituality can be considered a path to self-actualization because it requires people to focus on their inner values and work toward becoming better individuals. An ancient or modern innovative sage or religious founder. Within democracies, parties serve to coordinate the pursuit of interests for like-minded citizens, whereas in authoritarian systems, they are a way for authoritarian leaders to find capable elites for the regime. Little attention is paid to generating criteria to evaluate the overall soundness of a school: its beliefs, practices, teaching methods, initiation procedures, social and political structure, financial basis, claims of its founder, personal behaviour of current authority figures, and so on. .wmLinkBox_thumbnail a { display: block; } On the view that all realities are subjective-objective, as proposed in the Chapter 21, any view that reality is independently objective has a suppressed and unacknowledged subjective component which is prior, and which is inevitably misrepresented by the purely objective account. It sounds intimidating, but often a person who is caught in this cycle of limiting beliefs can find it extremely difficult to speak about it, try to relearn their perspective of the world, and train their brain to perceive people in a new light. I have lost faith with myself. Spirituality is a personal experience, and our choice of which kind we follow is also dependent on our personalities. Critical subjectivity, individual discriminating practice, independent judgement, inner-directed unfoldment, personal freedom of spirit in defining spiritual reality and in choosing and shaping the spiritual path - all this is discreetly side-stepped or blatantly suppressed or seductively hijacked or, at the very best, affirmed only to be contained within carefully prescribed limits. Adam Przeworski and Fernando Limongi argue that while economic development makes democracies less likely to turn authoritarian, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that development causes democratization (turning an authoritarian state into a democracy). A variety of positive or pro-social emotions have strong links to spirituality, including allowing them to feel good about the little things in life and look at the world from a more empathetic perspective. The authority within is never final, always provisional and fallible. Intellectual spirituality focuses on building knowledge and understanding of spirituality through analysing history and spiritual theories. To achieve this, people use methods such as study, meditation, and contemplation. It has a lot of room for personal influence, so we can adjust it to our own personal beliefs. It is here that I must become suspicious. If you resonate with this sort of spirituality its likely you enjoy learning, reading and watching videos about spiritual theories. So the reappraisal weeds out past projections while relying, in part, on new ones in order to do so. As you go through life you will encounter many different types of spirituality which could influence how you define the term. People who follow this kind of spirituality trusts the hierarchical structure of things or those in authority. For example, people with this kind of spirituality may lean on the idea that everything happens for a reason. All solutions for "authoritarian" 13 letters crossword answer - We have 2 clues, 39 answers & 166 synonyms from 4 to 20 letters. While it is easy to feel distrust and dislike towards authoritarian people, we must also consider why they think the way they do and be prepared to be a part of changing their mindset for the better. It does not attempt to change the world and human nature. Spirituality is greater than the physical or material world we live in. Fundamentalists believe that their religion is the truest. Prejudice is a crippling thought process and one that can be extremely difficult to break down. } #_form_10_ ._field-wrapper { position:relative; } Remember most of our belief systems are taught and learned, and often not a conscious choice. Authoritarianism is marked by indefinite political tenure of the ruler orruling party(often in aone-party state) or other authority. Spirituality is to let go of the ego and let yourself be inspired by what you believe governs your actions, practicing it on a daily basis. One exception to this general trend is the endurance of the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party, which has been unusually resilient among authoritarian regimes. Disagreement with the leader is deemed a sign of the devil's influence in one's life. The process of buying and / or using the products mentioned herein is entirely the responsibility of the user and the company responsible for the marketing of the product. #_form_10_ ._form-title { font-size:1.2em; } Most fundamentally, perhaps, no really serious attention is paid to the ground of discriminating spiritual authority within each student, disciple, or church follower. It uses political parties and mass organizations to mobilize people around the goals of the regime. The critical turning point is when the process of projection becomes conscious and the subject reclaims the personal power within. Becoming spiritual and working the practice within is a process that must be developed individually, where as a basis of life beliefs the individual has the ability to associate, feel and relate the force of events to a non-material force. Just as there are several types of spirituality, there are also several types of spiritual practices. At least in Western Europe the initial post-war era embraced pluralism and freedom of expression in areas that had been under control of authoritarian regimes. Being in religious groups is one way to experience this spirituality. Authoritarian Spirituality. When the spiritual authority that resides within is projected on and invested in some external authority, it inevitably becomes misrepresented and distorted. This process may become quite intentional, in the sense that the person consciously goes along with the authoritarian tendency of a school in order to benefit from its teachings and practices, and pulls out when that tendency becomes too spiritually restricting. It is a major issue as to the extent to which all past spirituality is riddled with these pathologies. The transition from an authoritarian system to a moredemocraticform of government is referred to asdemocratization. The spiritual ground within is severely repressed and denied, and the resultant frustration is displaced into the spiritual oppression of alien beliefs. Every experience goes beyond the material or physical world, and everything can be brought to a higher plane. Among the most popular, we can list 5, and with them, anyone can achieve a true spiritual self: The main idea behind this practice is the power that knowledge gives people. Intellectual spiritual practices focuse on building knowledge and understanding of spirituality by analyzing history and spiritual theories. Although all religions emphasize the spiritual side as part of faith, you can be spiritual without being religious or a member of an organized religion. The whole of the current perennial philosophy business seems to me to be beset by this kind of mauvais foi. According to Charles H. Fairbanks, Jr., all the new states that stumbled out of the ruins of the Soviet bloc, except Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, seemed indeed to be moving toward democracy in the early 1990s, as where the countries of East Central Europe and the Balkans. Unlike totalitarian states, the regime relies on passive mass acceptance rather than popular support. #_form_10_ .iti input { width:100%; height:32px; border:#979797 1px solid; border-radius:4px; } One form of this spiritual journey is to study theology, for example. A study by economist Alberto Abadie has concluded that terrorism is most common in nations with intermediate political freedom. Discover the best Spirituality events in your area and online. #_form_10_ ._form_full_field { display:block; width:100%; margin-bottom:10px; } Broadly defined, authoritarian states include countries that lack thecivil libertiessuch asfreedom of religion, or countries in which the government and theoppositiondo not alternate in power at least once following free elections.
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