Date added to HIBP: 28 April 2018 A modern, electron and nodejs based image viewer for Mac, Windows and Linux. Compromised accounts: 143,717 The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". Breach date: 7 November 2015 For more information, read about The 42M Record Credential Stuffing Data. Breach date: 26 June 2020 Compromised accounts: 71,407 A further 27k accounts appeared with home addresses with the entire data set being sold on underground forums. Breach date: 29 February 2016 They also suggest using universal links instead, if the purpose is to implement deep linking: While custom URL schemes are an acceptable form of deep linking, universal links are strongly recommended as a best practice. Breach date: 21 May 2015 This not only gives you the class (or module) of the method, its name and the parameters but also reveals the parameter types and return type, so in case you need to dive deeper now you know where to start. Date added to HIBP: 30 October 2015 Breach date: 12 February 2021 The browser for building great web experiences. Manage your MongoDB databases with Mingo - a fast, reliable, safe and intuitive MongoDB admin. Compromised accounts: 16,431 In October 2021, the Israeli hosting provider CyberServe was breached and ransomed before having a substantial amount of their customer data leaked publicly by a group known as "Black Shadow". One month later, the database was dumped including more than 30M unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 6 November 2014 The breach has been marked as "sensitive" due to the nature of the site. hiii i want once my application minimized background timer will run at sequentially. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Device information, Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Passwords Compromised accounts: 422,959 Both macOS and iOS provide support for encrypting files on disk: iOS. An example of this can be found in the Apple developer documentation. ivanceras/svgbob converts ASCII diagrams into SVG graphics ; Limeth/euclider A real-time 4D CPU ray tracer ; RazrFalcon/resvg An SVG rendering library. Breach date: 7 February 2022 Map them to the dedicated APIs available for the corresponding system frameworks (e.g. In addition, a long list of openURL-like methods were called. In June 2020, 14 previously undisclosed data breaches appeared for sale including the Brazilian delivery service, "James". Compromised accounts: 3,924,454 Date added to HIBP: 24 September 2016 In May 2016 the data was offered up for sale on the "Real Deal" dark market website and included email addresses, usernames and SHA1 hashes of the first 10 characters of the password converted to lowercase and stored without a salt. For example, imagine the following lines were extracted from a Info.plist file used by a Solitaire game: It should be suspicious that a regular solitaire game requests this kind of resource access as it probably does not have any need for accessing the camera nor a user's health-records. Permalink. Permalink. Easily disable automatic Windows updates. VoiceOver Image Recognition works with iPadPro with iPadOS14 or later andiPhoneX. Date added to HIBP: 16 February 2018 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames In September 2017, news broke that Taringa had suffered a data breach exposing 28 million records. See "Checking How WebViews are Loaded" for an example about this. Compromised accounts: 368,507 In November 2016, news broke that hackers were trading hundreds of thousands of xHamster porn account details. For information on where to put files in the Library directory, see The Library Directory Stores App-Specific Files. Thingiverse's owner, MakerBot, is aware of the incident but at the time of writing, is yet to issue a disclosure statement. Compromised accounts: 111,002 Permalink. A class using NSCoding needs to implement NSObject or be annotated as an @objc class. Compromised accounts: 48,592 In addition, you could send specific malformed files and/or use a fuzzing technique. Cross-platform tool to read & query JSON aka CLEF log files created by Serilog. The data was provided to HIBP by In July 2021, the United Kingdom based website Guntrader suffered a data breach that exposed 112k unique email addresses. In February 2021, a series of "free" VPN services were breached including SuperVPN and GeckoVPN, exposing over 20M records. Compromised accounts: 599,667 Permalink. Breach date: 1 September 2014 Breach date: 16 July 2019 Compromised accounts: 97,151 In October 2015, the Chinese site known as NetEase (located at was reported as having suffered a data breach that impacted hundreds of millions of subscribers. Breach date: 28 November 2016 For information about how to get references to the preceding directories from your iOS app, see Locating Items in the Standard Directories.For tips on where to put files, see Where You Date added to HIBP: 15 April 2017 Multiple HIBP subscribers confirmed that although they couldn't recall providing data specifically to V-Tight, their personal information including name, phone and physical address was accurate. Helps distributed teams communicate faster, capture and share discussions. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Physical addresses In 2013, the Danish social media site FaceUP suffered a data breach. Whilst there is evidence that the data is legitimate, due to the difficulty of emphatically verifying the Chinese breach it has been flagged as "unverified". For example, NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription can be considered as a storage permission giving access to files that are outside of the app's sandbox and might also be accessible by other apps. Permalink. In September 2021, a publicly accessible PostgresSQL database belonging to the Playbook service was identified. Further data allegedly valid for and containing email addresses and plain text passwords was added in January 2018 bringing to total to more than 16M records. Breach date: 11 August 2013 Compromised accounts: 152,445,165 Permalink. An app extension and the host app communicate via inter-process communication. (Web Sharing must be enabled to display these pages.). Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses Date added to HIBP: 19 April 2018 Date added to HIBP: 23 March 2021 Breach date: 14 March 2015 In February 2019, the devkitPro forum suffered a data breach. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". Compromised accounts: 3,830,916 Breach date: 17 December 2020 A month later, PayHere published a blog on the incident titled Ensuring Integrity on PayHere Cybersecurity Incident. The impacted data included usernames, email and IP addresses and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes. Also exposed were names, phone numbers and physical addresses. Permalink. canOpenURL will always return NO for undeclared schemes, whether or not an appropriate app is installed. Date added to HIBP: 10 May 2021 Give James Ugbanu a like if it's helpful. In October 2020, the online game for kids Animal Jam suffered a data breach which was subsequently shared through online hacking communities the following month. A large volume of data totalling over 68 million records was subsequently traded online and included email addresses and salted hashes of passwords (half of them SHA1, half of them bcrypt). You can allow only certain applications which may be opened via the registered protocol handler. Markdown editor for Mac / Windows / Linux. Application to organise university programs curriculum and schedules. The data contained email and IP addresses, usernames, plain text passwords and dietary information about the site members including eating habits, BMI and birth date. macOS hides many directories to prevent users from accessing files that they dont need to. Permalink. Certain capabilities require a code signing entitlements file (.entitlements). Date added to HIBP: 18 August 2017 Compromised data: Auth tokens, Avatars, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords, Social media profiles, Usernames Compromised accounts: 24,451,312 For that reason, there are several ways to secure content and prevent it from being stolen or damaged by other processes. In June 2020, the online exam service ProctorU suffered a data breach which was subsequently shared extensively across online hacking communities. presentationData: TelegramUI.PresentationData. Several million cracked passwords later appeared in broad circulation. In January 2021, the quiz website Daily Quiz suffered a data breach that exposed over 8 million unique email addresses. Real Estate Mogul was advised of the incident in September 2018 and stated that they "found no instance of user account credentials like usernames and passwords nor billing information within this file". You may use tools like the ones we presented above as well, if you have them also installed on your jailbroken iOS device. Compromised accounts: 10,604,307 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Permalink. Allegedly due to a SQL injection flaw in Drupal, the attack exposed usernames, email addresses and data in a "pass" column which adheres to the salted SHA12 password hashing pattern used by Drupal 7. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames A timer app with strong expansibility for computers. Another example of files that might go in the Documents directory are saved games, again because they are something that an app could potentially provide some sort of method for selecting. Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Social media profiles It works like a digital magnifying glass, using the camera on your iPhone or iPad to increase the size of anything you point it at from a prescription bottle to a candlelit menu. Date added to HIBP: 16 July 2019 Breach date: 1 January 2012 Permalink. Messaging app / former emperor of Austria, combining chat and messaging services into one application. Compromised accounts: 478,824 Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer. Compromised accounts: 108,887 In November 2014, the online game Warframe was hacked and 819k unique email addresses were exposed. Compromised accounts: 88,678 Fork of Wexond. Compromised accounts: 2,491,103 Compromised accounts: 995,274 Breach date: 1 January 2020 Cloud-based multiplatform clipboard manager that allows you to access, view, and manage your copy history. In August 2015, the storytelling service StoryBird suffered a data breach exposing 4 million records with 1 million unique email addresses. Breach date: 27 September 2016 A small number of passwords stored as bcrypt hashes were also included in the data set. Free and Open Source desktop app for online services like WhatsApp, Threema, Telegram, Twitter, Google and several others. The data included email addresses, names, phone numbers, social media profiles, genders and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. The compromise of the vBulletin forum exposed 52k unique email addresses alongside usernames and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes. Breach date: 1 January 2014 Compromised accounts: 27,971,100 Compromised accounts: 442,166 A detailed account of the data has been published in the hope of identifying the origin of the breach. Compromised accounts: 28,510,459 The data included 15M unique email addresses across more than 17M rows of data that also included names, physical and IP addresses, genders, dates of birth and plain text passwords. profiles), which are enforced by the Trusted BSD (MAC) Mandatory Access Control Framework via a kernel extension. The incident exposed almost 37k unique email addresses and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. Compromised accounts: 16,034 Compromised accounts: 1,270,564 This time you see that UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey has changed to OWASP.iGoat-Swift, which makes sense. Date added to HIBP: 10 August 2019 Note from the App Programming Guide for iOS: If more than one third-party app registers to handle the same URL scheme, there is currently no process for determining which app will be given that scheme. In 2019, the data appeared listed for sale on a dark web marketplace (along with several other large breaches) and subsequently began circulating more broadly. The data contained 144k email addresses and plain text passwords. In August 2020, Experian South Africa suffered a data breach which exposed the personal information of tens of millions of individuals. Date added to HIBP: 23 May 2021 Permalink. In February 2021, the Lithuanian car-sharing service CityBee announced they'd suffered a data breach that exposed 110k customers' personal information. Compromised accounts: 855,249 Date added to HIBP: 23 February 2016 Compromised accounts: 483,015 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames Clutch (if compatible with your iOS version), frida-ios-dump or similar. Permalink. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". Permalink. Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Social media profiles Retina-X disclosed the incident in a blog post on April 27, 2017. The attack resulted in the disclosure of over 26 million unique accounts including email addresses and passwords with the data eventually appearing in public years later. Compromised accounts: 104,097 Date added to HIBP: 15 January 2022 In general, this directory includes files that the app uses to run but that should remain hidden from the user. Date added to HIBP: 15 January 2020 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames Breach date: 23 October 2017 Date added to HIBP: 9 October 2016 IDE for designing JavaScript applications driven by the model. In March 2015, the anime and manga forum HongFire suffered a data breach. The breached data was posted to a hacking forum and included 182k records with usernames, email addresses and MySQL password hashes. Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords Date added to HIBP: 20 October 2018 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Social media profiles Compromised accounts: 4,775,203 Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Nationalities, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Salutations, Spoken languages Breach date: 15 July 2019 Compromised accounts: 657,001 Compromised accounts: 182,717 registering the application query schemes that the app wants to query. In May 2018, the forum for Singaporean hardware company Creative Technology suffered a data breach which resulted in the disclosure of 483k unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 26 February 2018 Capture, annotate and share screenshots with ease, Pleasant and productive PDF software that you'll love to use. Breach date: 31 December 2017 Intuitive photo and video archive manager and viewer. Date added to HIBP: 20 January 2022 Verify if a JavaScript to native bridge exists by searching for WKScriptMessageHandler and check all exposed methods. The Finder may hide specific files or directories that should not be accessed directly by the user. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Payment histories, Usernames A provider of "Fresh Quality Contacts", the service exposed over 9.3M unique records of individuals and employer information including their names, employers, job titles, contact information and data relating to the employer including organisation description, size and revenue. Universal links are standard web links (HTTP/HTTPS) and are not to be confused with custom URL schemes, which originally were also used for deep linking. SitesContains web pages used by the users personal site. notified of future pwnage. Compromised data: Astrological signs, Dates of birth, Drinking habits, Drug habits, Education levels, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Fitness levels, Genders, Geographic locations, Income levels, Job titles, Names, Parenting plans, Passwords, Personal descriptions, Physical attributes, Political views, Relationship statuses, Religions, Sexual fetishes, Travel habits, Usernames, Website activity, Work habits Date added to HIBP: 5 June 2020 The self-described "top one board for anal fisting, prolapse, huge insertions and rosebutt fans" had email and IP addresses, usernames and weakly stored salted MD5 password hashes hacked from the IP.Board based forum. Visualize SQL queries as you type. The contents of this directory can be made available to the user through file sharing; therefore, this directory should only contain files that you may wish to expose to the user. Compromised accounts: 6,706,951 Compromised accounts: 1,217,166 Set of Unicode, Unihan & emoji utilities wrapped into one single app. Compromised accounts: 63,451 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Even if you use an thread-safe interface for manipulating a file, problems can still arise when multiple threads or multiple processes attempt to act on the same file. Passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes were also included in the breach. Permalink. Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 1 June 2014 File system synchronization is primarily an issue in macOS, where the user can manipulate files directly with the Finder or with any number of other apps at the same time. To uninstall an app, go to the Start Menu, select Settings, then type uninstall and select the Add or Remove Programs. Compromised data: Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Partial dates of birth, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity If you have the original source code you can search directly for usages of those methods. The time between login and logout is a session. Permalink. Permalink. Available for macOS and Windows. Permalink. The breach contained over 7 million accounts with unique email addresses and salted SHA1 passwords. /devContains essential device files, such as mount points for attached hardware. In October 2021, the "global leader in user-generated entertainment" Jukin Media suffered a data breach. See the following example from The "details" key inside "applinks" contains a JSON representation of an array that might contain one or more apps. The incident exposed 2.3 million unique user accounts and corresponding MD5 password hashes with no salt. In cases where your app relies on the presence of specific files, you can use synchronization interfaces to be notified of changes to those files. Compromised accounts: 4,216,063 Date added to HIBP: 27 February 2020 Dashboard for monitoring pull requests and reviews across your Github repos. The attack was allegedly mounted by exploiting a SQL injection vulnerability. Date added to HIBP: 9 March 2019 All in one .txt file. Breach date: 1 June 2021 The user's activity and interaction with a. Compromised accounts: 568,827 Date added to HIBP: 7 November 2016 Compromised accounts: 620,677 Or get rich descriptions of your surroundings with DoorDetection, which can help you navigate the last few feet to your destination by identifying doors, text, and the presence of symbols such as a restroom symbol, a no smoking symbol, or an accessible-entrance symbol.2 And ImageDescriptions lets you hear more about items in the field of yourcamera. 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Linux forums did not respond when contacted about the incident was donated to have I Been Pwned restaurant Between forum members ' email addresses and passwords surfaced more than 2M records exposed the.