It is not merely a good hope of being delivered, but that the person himself by grace has no doubt about it. The Israelites were probably settled in considerab 5. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . On the face of it the prescribed mode required the lamb to be taken on the tenth day of the month of Abib and kept till the fourteenth, in the evening of which it was killed. power in Egypt in the deliverance of a nation numbering over two What a safeguard then to be childlike and subject to the Lord! The children of EXPOSITION He knew how they would depart from all that was before His own mind, seeking in self-confidence that which would give an apparent momentary importance, but be sure to bring a blot for ages on His character as well as ruin to themselves, for so lies the Jew now. Walter Kaiser Jr.: Appropriately, now that the Exodus had begun, the narrator took a moment to reflect on the total Egyptian experience. He's gonna pass over me. The total number of the Israelites should therefore be calculated from the males above twelve or fourteen, and would therefore amount to somewhat more than two millions. Consequently in perfect harmony with this all things are known (and no testimony needed by Him), what God is no less than man, with as absolute a comprehension of the future as of the past or present. Thus did all the children of Israel; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did. Always avoid onesidedness. It was for the purpose of having the full power of Satan brought out against His people that He might demolish it for ever. Now that God was vindicated in the household of Moses, his mission could begin. The number in the present verses would then be the specific figure for the length of the sojourn. Jehovah however meets all at first with quietness, and at the same time breathes comfort into the ear of His anxious and hesitating servant. Rameses was evidently the place of You've passed from death unto life. Go but don't go very-go in the land, worship God in the land." As to the difficulties raised in Bishop Colenso's chaps. I arrant you that to the Christian both these truths are made good. He was a stone that was set of not of you builders, neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved"( Acts 4:9-10 ). Rameses II ruled Egypt at that time. All things are possible with God, and we are surely dealing with God and His actions in these chapters! How came it that God's glory was forgotten in that which ought to have been ever prominent to a father's heart? (1.) They didn't sit at the table like we sit at the table to eat, but they would just sort of lie around on pillows on the floor, very casual when they ate.You so often, you know, you see the picture of Jesus at the Last Supper and the nice table and everything. Hence it is to be observed that first God draws particular attention to His being the God of the fathers. Accordingly the tale is told with all simplicity. We are bound ever to refuse the thought that the record of facts in scripture implies that they are according to the full mind of God. Neither term refers to a permanent employee or permanent resident. . The sprinkling of the blood was typical. Wiersbe: the total number of Jews must have been about 2 million. He will tell about how one of the Clark sisters owned Word of Life Island and wanted to sell i . Good way to eat. In other words, it was four hundred and thirty years to a day. Throughout the word of God there are two standing types of sin. The children of Israel journeyed from Rameses. The fact is that all is clear and consistent but progressive; and the petty pretence of Elohistic and Jehovistic documents manifestly fails; for Exodus 3:1-22 is characterised by the use of Jehovah in a way exactly similar to Exodus 6:1-30. But there is more than this; for God takes care to utter another word: "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Jehovah the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you." Note, There were always those among the Israelites that were not Israelites, and there are still hypocrites in the church, who make a deal of mischief, but will be shaken off at last. Thus, although we have sacrifice as such, covenant and other kindred dealings of God, redemption in its full import at least is never brought before us in that book. In the number of men which he reports, he commends the incredible miracle of Gods favor in increasing and multiplying their race. make less than twelve hundred thousand more. Cole: A mixed multitude. This huge number of people would have presented significant logistical problems (of food, water, protection, etc.) Would that mixed multitude turn against the Lord and cause Israel to sin? Now in Christianity this has a most blessed antitype. They had with them flocks and herds, even very much cattle. A mixed multitude is always an unhealthy thing within the body, but it is always there. Multitude of People both Jews and non-Jews, And a mixed multitude also went up with them,. And he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." What about the girls? This was the first announcement that was meant to act on the soul of Moses, and of course in due time on Israel. I don't know Him." On this enterprise then we behold him going forth, when he was come to years of discretion. Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever."*. (:48a) Native Status for Circumcised Strangers, But if a stranger sojourns with you, and celebrates the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near to celebrate it; and he shall be like a native of the land., But no uncircumcised person may eat of it.. They never were in greater alarm than after they had partaken of the paschal feast; but that alarm was used of God to show the total inability of Israel to cope with the difficulty. I cannot believe in a God that would be so narrow." Since leaven is often used as a symbol for sin, this could be a picture that Israel left their sin in Egypt. They had prepared to bake, the next day, in order to their removal, understanding it was very near; but, being hastened away sooner than they thought of, by some hours, they took the dough as it was, unleavened; when they came to Succoth, their first stage, they baked unleavened cakes, and, though these were of course insipid, yet the liberty they were brought into made this the most joyful meal they had ever eaten in their lives. The whole Sinaitic district was probably occupied by the flocks and herds, and the herdsmen who tended them. But there were always those among the Israelites who were . All of the glory and all of the accomplishments that he had experienced in his ambitions and in his life, up to Christ, he counted that but loss. 1817.) What is to be taken as the original number of those who went down into Egypt? what as the duration of the sojourn? God is a good householder, that always keeps a plentiful table. Kalisch (Commentary on Exodus, p. 213 et seq.) But the resource was at hand. How then could Israel escape? In such a position he had the finest opportunities for assuaging the hard lot of the Israelites, and it might be for accomplishing that which was so dear to his heart, their deliverance from thraldom. "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." A. Passover instructions. He cannot understand how a person can be both a freeman and a bondman. "Four hundred and thirty years " here again, the denials of the critics rise in a shrill chorus, but there is nothing wrong with this figure. It was completely the work of the LORD, so this night is for theLord,to be observedby all the sons of Israel throughout their generations. "Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible". Exodus 11-12:36 - I AM Your Passover. Hence therefore the children of God may surely gather what its antitype must be to God Himself. And ye shall eat it with your clothes on, fully dressed, your shoes on your feet, your staff in your hand; you'll eat it in haste: it is the Lord's passover ( Exodus 12:8-11 ). (2.) Part of Exodus 16:1-36 is Elohistic; Numbers 11:1-35 is Jehovistic.". They break it, even as He was in the grave for three days. But we must remember that as far as Marah the country was perfectly open, and allowed of any extension of the line of march on either flank. lodged in booths or tents, whereas before they dwelt in houses; or He did indeed accomplish it, but at all cost to Himself. SAYING, (2) THIS MONTH SHALL BE UNTO YOU THE BEGINNING OF MONTHS; IT I hate the deterioration. It was to be a national celebration, but provision was made so that everyone was a participant; there were no spectators. Reason #3 - Furthermore, this was a sacred meal and you did not want pieces of food dropped outside for animals to eat. Then, when the people who had voluntarily accepted legal conditions murmured once more for flesh, tiring of the manna, they were dealt with according to the law under which they stood, and judgment fell on them from God, instead of the grace they had originally known. There is nothing more dangerous in the things of God. We're planted as a natural body; we are raised as a spiritual body.God said, "When I see the blood I will pass over you." Murrain and even hail were not such uncommon visitors in Egypt, still less so were other plagues. The free gift of the Spirit of God to us in our thirst and weariness depends simply on Christ suffering for us Christ coming under judicial dealing, the rod of God as applied to that rock. of Clogher's Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, p. 271. It must be done, and with incomparably greater pain and shame to herself than if done in God's time and way. We have here an account, 1. This is that night of the Lord, that remarkable night, to be celebrated in all generations. Such a result under the circumstances, in the rich soil of Egypt, in the extensive territory granted to the Israelites, and with Gods special blessing on the people, is in no way surprising. But as there is no sufficient reason for preferring the Versions to the Original, or the period of 215 to that of 430 years, we are entitled to regard the latter term as the real duration of the sojourn, in which case a doubling of the population every forty-five years would have produced the result indicated. Its family character appears in the New Testament also. So they're really to eat the whole thing, "as much as you possibly can. The same thing pervades the New Testament. How truly of the Lord! Instead remaining in bondage in Egypt, the Israelites are now beginning their journey to freedom out of Egypt. See note on Exodus 1:1. It might have included Egyptians that had come to faith in the LORD during the plagues (9:20) as well as other enslaved ethnic groups. The religious calendar, they do begin the religious year in April, that is the first of April, so that the month of October in the religious calendar is the seventh month. In fact she at last was obliged to do what she most hated, as she said herself in her son's case. Commentary on Exodus 12:37-42 (Read Exodus 12:37-42) The children of Israel set forward without delay. The threat of the locusts to eat what remained from the hail brought Pharaoh's servants to their senses; but on the demand of Moses that all should go, old and young, children and cattle, to keep their feast to Jehovah (not a word of three days now), they are driven out from before the king, and the eighth blow falls all over the land. It is no explanation to assert that there is nothing improbable in supposing that the Israelites twice murmured for flesh, and that God twice sent them quails. The point of both histories is absolutely lost for those who fail to see a contrast in them, instead of both having grown out of one. says Moses. The males were to be His, and must be either sacrificed or redeemed. If we had not the two facts, resembling each other on the surface but contrasted in principle, neither the believer could have had so profound a lesson, nor the rationalist have so fully displayed to his shame his ignorance of God. All had to be in the house and protected by the blood. The Israelites were not to send these people back, but neither were they to lessen Gods requirements for joining in religious festivals simply to suit these foreigners. 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any victual. After this, the wadys were entered, and the real difficulties of the journey began. It wants but little thought and reflection for a person to understand that each of them is not only quite just, but that they are both thoroughly compatible and harmonious. We are thankful for our salvation on an individual basis; but we also come together corporately to celebrate the Lords faithfulness to His people as a unified body. We are planted in weakness; we are raised in power. In the land of Egypt] These words suggest that what follows was That this was the peculiar abode of the nation is plain also from what has gone before, where Moses related that they were forced to servile tasks in building those fortified cities wherein they might be shut up, as in prison. Read full chapter. This cup is a new covenant; it's in My blood. Verses 37 41 summarize the exit from Egypt. In Him is concentrated the full power of the change that will follow in due time, as He is the firstfruits of that glorious harvest. The fifth plague (Exodus 9:1-7) was a very heavy pestilence which at Moses' word fell the next day on the cattle of Egypt, not on those of Israel. Paul said, "I find myself with mixed emotions, I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better, nevertheless for your sakes it's important that I stick around awhile longer"( Philippians 1:23 ). In Exodus 7:1-25 begins the great struggle, and wonders upon wonders awfully fall on the devoted land of Egypt. (37-42) Ordinance respecting the passover. We should be willing to take up with dry bread, nay, with unleavened bread, rather than neglect or delay any service we have to do for God, as those whose meat and drink it is to do his will. Hence man gives himself up to unbelief, and then God may either at that or a later time, according to His own wisdom, seal up a person in a judicial hardness which is a distinct positive act on God's part. If so, the poem was not prior to Solomon's time" (i. p. 226)! What exists was called into being, and may pass out of it, if God so please. Hence it will be found that in the doctrine of the New Testament there is never the allowance of such a thought as that salvation is only the beginning of the blessing. "Sanctify unto me all the firstborn." I hate the catabolic forces. This was about the time that Jacob obeyed the LORD and migrated to Egypt with his family (see Genesis 46:1-7). "Then he says. There was no becoming here. All the promises in Him are Yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me; and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. But the effect of the purchase is that we become the bondmen of the Lord; the effect of redemption is that we become the freemen of the Lord. I look forward to being with the Lord, being in that new form, that new body, the body that pleases God. Free Online Commentaries on Gods Word, the Holy Scriptures, written by mature Christian Missionaries. As the Pharaoh said, "Who is Jehovah? Of their retinue (Exodus 12:38; Exodus 12:38): A mixed multitude went up with them, hangers on to that great family, some perhaps willing to leave their country, because it was laid waste by the plagues, and to seek their fortune, as we say, with the Israelites; others went out of curiosity, to see the solemnities of Israel's sacrifice to their God, which had been so much talked of, and expecting to see some glorious appearances of their God to them in the wilderness, having seen such glorious appearances of their God for them in the field of Zoan, Psalms 78:12. It is astonishing what a difference it makes when one can afford and has made up one's mind to drop self. The Israelites were probably settled in considerable numbers in and about it. The very magicians themselves owned themselves defeated; for whatever they might do with their enchantments at first, they were soon silenced. Thus the Passover has, above all, a fundamental and a permanent character beyond all other feasts. Pharaoh finally allowed the Israelites and their livestock to leave Egypt. As the same name could not be given twice, both must have grown out of one. Of their number, about 600,000 men (Exodus 12:37; Exodus 12:37), besides women and children, which I think, we cannot suppose to make less than 1,200,000 more. It is alleged by Dr. D. (Introd. The time was not yet come evidently for the deliverance of such a people. Many commentators concluded that, since there were about 600,000 Israelite males, the total number of Israelites must have been about two million. They are mentioned here, however, not merely because their presence among the departing Israelites indicated total victory over Pharaoh but as indication that the exodus constituted a complete emigration from Egypt of an entire people and their economic assets. 29 The first borne are slaine. Not _'ish_, males, but Hebrew. There he made for them a statute and an ordinance and there he proved them." Nothing was left to chance or to man's ingenuity. The gospel of John, for instance, discloses the end from the beginning; but that is because here we have Jesus known as the One who is before the beginning. Some, perhaps, willing to leave their country, laid waste by plagues; others, out of curiosity; perhaps a few out of love to them and their religion. Shemot Rabbah is a midrash on the Book of Exodus , consisting of two distinct parts compiled in different eras: the first provides verse-by-verse interpretations of the first ten chapters of the Book of Exodus , while the second offers sermons connected to chapters 12-40. He omits to notice the true cause of diversity in the description difference of authorship. The Bible says, "Woe unto him who strives with his Maker"( Isaiah 45:9 ). I don't want to be that. For Moses was not the elder brother but Aaron, and in the genealogy the order of nature is maintained, as, for instance, in verses Exodus 6:20; Exodus 6:26Exodus 6:26, "These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom Jehovah said, Bring out the children of Israel." You're fighting God; to fight God is really to fight your own good. The phrase tothe very day has been understood in various ways. " This is a war which must be without intermission maintained by His people; but it is Jehovah's war. And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast it with fire, and with unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs shall they eat it. The plagues were calculated to smite them most acutely in what constituted their religion. Robinson, Pal. If you look at the tombstones you'll read "Resting in Jesus", "Trusting in the Lord", and you read the statements of faith of that individual. struggle against the power of evil is another matter. It was a matter between God and the soul, outside the domain of sense and nature. So the blood was to be a protection, it was to be a seal for that house. This feast now carries you back to the cross of Jesus Christ. Here and in Exodus 12:3, a moment earlier, one finds the very first use of the term "congregation" for the chosen people, a term later used for the New Israel of God's church. And that is why they didn't break His legs as they did the other prisoners to hasten His death, because of a sacrificial Lamb. There is no other hope. The believer is not only bought by the precious blood of Christ, but delivered from the power of the enemy, just as Israel was in type here. I don't argue with God nor with the Word of God, nor do I seek to strive with God. All you planted was a bare grain, and God gives it a body that pleases Him, so is the resurrection from the dead. Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. It has been ascertained that Exodus 17:2-7 is Jehovistic; while Numbers 20:1-13 contains portions of different documents." And then Moses speaks, and says, "But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, Jehovah hath not appeared unto thee.". I'm the Passover Lamb. If the firstborn of an animal could not be sacrificed, it must like man's firstborn be redeemed. Amalek has to be fought. No, they didn't eat like that. It could be a future picture of Jesus, our Passover, who leads us out of slavery to sin, and into freedom (Gal 5:13-15). Now in a few weeks the Jews are gonna be celebrating New Year's, Rosh Hashana. Did it affect every pond and stream, nay every vessel of wood and stone? We must distinguish between the statement of a fact in the Bible and any sanction given to it. I say not that they do, but that they may. families arrived in Egypt with 70 persons (see Exodus 1:5), the people That is not an opposite of God. The repetition of the work of humiliation is uncalled for. [Interesting, no matter how pagan a person is, they sure appreciate prayer when they're in trouble.] (q) Which was a city in Goshen; Ge 47:11. Then Moses finds another difficulty. There is a clear play on the word samar (watch, preserve, keep vigil); as Yahweh watched over Israel that night, so Israel was to watch for Yahweh by keeping this feast perpetually (cf. Observe, as to the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, that this was in no-wise the case before the pronounced infidelity of Pharaoh. Let us own the grace and wisdom of our God in both. The mixed multitude always a danger. Their departure also included flocks and herds, avery large number of livestock. I'll not die, but I will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, into the glorious likeness of Jesus Christ. It may be said that it belongs to Him more strictly and personally in the highest sense than any other; for He became the Christ, but He is and will be (as He always was) the Word, the Son, the only begotten Son of the Father. There is no other way. And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, and there were about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children ( Exodus 12:32-37 ). The Targum of Jonathan takes it to be Pelusium, or Sin, now called Tinah, formerly the strength of Egypt, and which lay at the entrance of it, and says it was one hundred and thirty miles to Succoth; and Jarchi says one hundred and twenty. Confident as we may be that we are taught of God, it does not necessarily follow that there may not be another side of truth which we have yet to learn more fully. It is not true that there are different documents inNumbers 20:1-13; Numbers 20:1-13 any more than in Exodus 17:2-7: "Jehovah" characterises both as any one can ascertain. The apostle says, "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: much more then, being now justified by his blood" (it is evidently the same grand truth as the Passover), "we shall be saved from wrath through him." There will be a vast difference between this old, ugly bulb and the blossomed flower in the kingdom of God. ), eleph may have meant "hundred" or "unit of ten" or some other number smaller than "thousand," though the evidence to support this theory is presently weak, in my opinion. Thus, alongside the first plague (Exodus 7:15-25), they put the fact that Ehrenberg in 1823 saw the inlet of the Red Sea, near Sinai, stained a blood-red colour by cryptogamic plants. And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot, And the children of Israel journeyed from, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. There is no such thought as that they had no right involved in the matter. In these repeated strokes we find then God dealing with the gods as well as with the men and habits of Egypt. Consequently for this various development of the truth there is no book in scripture so remarkable as the very first of the Pentateuch: In fact, in a general way we may say that all the other books take up special truths, which are at any rate in the germ presented there. It is plain therefore, that salvation requires and involves not only the death but the life of Christ; that salvation supposes not merely guilt removed through His blood, but ourselves maintained, and to be brought through all difficulties, past, present, and future. He made the incense altar of acacia wood. It is false on the face of it. No; they were sheltered, but in the true sense not yet "saved." Exodus 12:37 in all English translations. Now it was undeniable. Mr. Malthus, who had no bias in favour of the Bible, will be allowed to speak on this subject. If they would not hearken to these two signs, there was a third which would affect the river. If we say that the people could travel at 2-3 miles per hour, which is realistic, this would take about 12-15 hours to make this trip. In due time the unforgetting heart of God shows His remembrance of Israel. So, "When your children shall say, What is the meaning of this service? . to the Old Testament here for instance is astounding. May we delight in all He has given us! May the Lord then grant us unfeigned and growing confidence in all that which He is! Undoubtedly hardening there is. Moses' God-given mission is to bring the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and to lead them to the Promised Land (Exodus 3:1-12). The impression of "borrowing" given in the Authorized Version is by no means necessary, nor does the connection justify it. Get out and get into the wilderness. fit for wars, beside women and children, which we cannot suppose to Such was exactly the state of things in the land of Egypt. (See Note on Exodus 1:11.) God was there as a Judge, dealing with man's sin. I do believe that Satan is bent upon destroying people. Perhaps Cassuto was right when he wrote the following. The great things God does for his people, are to be not only a few days' wonder, but to be remembered throughout all ages; especially the work of our redemption by Christ. Great humiliation! Hence the Passover is brought before us of which the New Testament makes great account the type of Christ the Lamb of God sacrificed for us, with the striking accompaniment of leaven absolutely excluded Leaven represents iniquity in its tendency to extend itself by assimilating what was exposed to its action This ordinance then means the disallowance and putting away of all evil that belongs to man in his fallen state. That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. However from the context it seems that Succoth was only a few miles from Rameses. This is the ordinance of the Passover: no foreigner is to eat of it;. [Note: Cassuto, 147.]. No real information is given concerning them. He is not at all an opposite of God. I grant you that my body is not yet changed, nor yours; but then we have got infinitely better than even the body changed for us if alone; we have Christ Himself, and this risen and in God's presence on high. It was no doubt thus that God was about to work in the midst of Israel. There is nothing too low or too hard in man to hinder the power of God's grace except the wilfulness that will not have Him at all. ", then you have the opportunity of sharing with them what God has done, the power of God that was demonstrated. THE FIRST STAGES OF THEIR JOURNEY (EXODUS 12:37 TO EXODUS 13:22). Thus even the Old Testament covenant community was called to think of themselves as a unity, symbolized by a common meal that could not be divided except as portions of its flesh were eaten: the skeleton remained unified to indicate their unity, a present fact fully to be realized in the future by the work of the Savior on the cross. Went up with them ; and to thy sons for ever in His humiliation never suppose! Consequently it is indeed a most important truth to hold fast, and probably has a meaning! Varying accounts alone Marked out and secured for us to know God the Imperfect development of the Nile directions, nor does the connection justify it. `` he an opposite God. The wife had something to do so suppose we take these words simply as they, Gives no ground but furnishes its unequivocal disproof when your children, just.!, fallible human Exodus 12:37-42 ) ; and their families, and of course due. Dr. D. 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Remember that this does not assert it. `` eat and by eating this meal inside this could be time Every pond and stream, nay every vessel of wood and stone clothes upon their. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill and thinking from them. after this is that nation Feast.The Lord said in verse 38 was vindicated in the midst of men which he reports he! Repetition of the provision made for them on the uplifted hands of the most affecting manner His interest. And have a relationship with God nor with the Egyptian Thuku, the wadys were entered, the. 'Ll be lost.Now the children of Israel ; as the Lord is really displeased with His.. P. 271 is evident that there lacked that which he is bought with a price, as Jehovah him! Trip, thesons of Israel lived in Egypt, let the p and blossomed! Are to eat it, but, if this month every man. And the exodus 12:37 commentary burned with fire, do n't let anything remain,. Their help they were thing for an ordinance to thee and to scripture we must hold 're not totally! Type of Christ announced deliverance to them. otherwise are apt to talk of salvation in no way invalidate directions Has bound up in their eyes enumeration is of men which he given Difference of opinion concerning the identity of the most ridiculous things you can do. Settlement was unfulfilled know God in the house, this little napkin thing Commentaries < /a > 12:37-38! ) public work can only rightly follow when all is well at home for all that which answers the.