5- Let me add a sobering thought . Ovando, the governor of Hispaniola (Haiti), who had exhausted the labour of that island, turned his thoughts to the Bahamas, and in 1509 Ferdinand authorized him to procure labourers from these islands. She hadn't practiced since she had met Alex, though. Little conversation took place as each of us kept our thoughts to ourselves. The images passed through her thoughts again. The parrot is in the cage. What is sentence Give 5 examples? Even as she spoke, her thoughts went to what Gabriel told her. The demon moved at last, though it hadn't yet decided what to think of the visitor. Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) Jessie ate dinner. and Absorbed in these thoughts he did not notice the approach of a man along the grassy track. Her expression confessed that the first statement was true, though. He'd heard it in her thoughts even if she didn't speak the words, and her ability to see through him as he did everyone else amazed him. We're not there yet though, despite what some people in the media seem to think. Thought Thought sentence example thought Meanings Synonyms Sentences The children thought the new game was very funny. Unlike Jonathan, though, Destiny had natural grandparents to spoil her and they did. The young man said he understood but sounded confused at Dean's sudden absence from their lives, though he didn't press for an explanation. He was scheduled to work tomorrow, though and she didn't want to wait another day. I thought of Frank Vasapolli and the difficulty he had securing certain information. She hadn't thought to put her hair up; it blocked the name of her mate on her back. Yes, I thought, there were scores of people who wanted to murder Howie. 40. It is divisible into two well-marked periods - the first extending to the end of the 12th century and embracing as its chief names Roscellinus, Anselm, William of Champeaux and Abelard, while the second extended from the beginning of the 13th century to the Renaissance and the general distraction of men's thoughts from the problems and methods of Scholasticism. (89) it's as i thought. I thought it was strange, since Jimmy's the last person who would veer off course from your orders because you let him blow up whatever he wants and he doesn't wanna lose that. As he stood alone in the jungle, Kris couldn't help feeling as though he'd failed some test, one Rhyn wouldn't fail. Dreams are just conglomerations of thoughts and memories. His thoughts went to Gabriel, the best friend he hoped he hadn't lost completely. That means a lot to me, I don't feel much like hunting though. She didn't like seeing someone else suffer the way she did every time she thought of Cody or Jake or others dying. She sipped her cocoa, cheered by the thought of soon knowing what was wrong with her. A simple sentence, like the name suggests, is a simple statement about casual day-to-day matters, facts, information about something and more. Though I guess if Death doesn't find their soul like she can't find yours, they can just linger. It must have convinced Katie, though, because she went away. I would, if I thought I could get away with it. The car still smelled of blood, and her thoughts went to Jule again as she exited the car. He wanted to know her deepest thoughts and feelings. Darian watched her then finished his cheeseburger slowly, listening to her thoughts. While beginning writers learn to put together simple sentences first, they will soon find that compound sentences provide added detail and tend to make paragraphs more engaging. There was no way he would admit it, but his personal scenario matched Fred O'Connor's to a tee, even though his practical side was embarrassed to even consider the possibility. I could feel tears streaming down my face though I had no recollection of generating them. The possessed king snapped out of his thoughts and looked around. Then, at the moment of our loss, these thoughts could not occur to me; I should then have dismissed them with horror, but now they are very clear and certain. To be reminded first by a woman who should be dead and again by a Healer of some sort He shook out his shoulders and nudged his XO awake, not wanting to deal with the thoughts. The train was late. She closed her eyes, the home videos playing in her thoughts. Subject + Verb (SV) Jessie ate. Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave. I guess they figured the land wasn't worth as much as they thought. His conversation with Evelyn lingered in his thoughts. Her thoughts went in a different direction. I can't change you back anyway, Darian muttered, thoughts on his missing family. He wants me to wear it while I'm working, though. The atmosphere in the room was tense, though apparently not hostile. I'm joking about that. Like her other thoughts, this one escaped before she was able to understand its meaning. His caution to her about the sharks hadn't discouraged her, though, as he had intended. In 1784 Edwards wrote Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of America, in which he attacked the restrictions placed by the government upon trade with the United States. He did not know how or when this thought had taken such possession of him, but he remembered nothing of the past, understood nothing of the present, and all he saw and heard appeared to him like a dream. I suppose so, but I thought I could work it out. Darian's thoughts grew darker as he thought again of Jenn. He's been explaining how things work to me, Jonny said, blinking out of his thoughts. The people for miles around were roused as though a fire were raging. She didn't do it, though; he was able to tell from her thoughts. A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. A thought had occurred to him and so it belonged to her also. She wasn't too far from shore, though any distance felt impossible with her cold body. I saw it in the paper yesterday and thought since I had Saturday off, I'd come out and look at it for you. (90) i thought i'd win. Katie's musings interrupted her thoughts. Please promise me you will be extra careful, though? It was the same when I was young, David thought. Then he heard the door close with a bang and Dean was alone with his thoughts and unanswered questions. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train. " volume_up more_vert. It acclimated to her and accepted her until it obeyed her thoughts before she thought them. I'd have thought you had tons of friends. I thought you'd be more like Attila the Hun. To him Christ appears simply as the Logos who is with the Father from eternity, and works from all eternity, to whom alone the instructed Christian directs his thoughts, requiring nothing more than a perfect - i.e. Here's an example. It is a large house, devoid of boarders, though a weathered sign offers such accommodations. Illness plagues me each morning, causing me difficulty in accomplishing my chores, as simple as they may be, though failing Mrs. Cummings hardly seems to notice. She hadn't recognized it as depression then, though. Though the orders were to abandon the wounded, many of them dragged themselves after troops and begged for seats on the gun carriages. Browsing her face told him everything he needed to know about her thoughts. She felt as though a cold hand grasped her stomach and squeezed hard. Besides this feeling which absorbed her altogether and hindered her from following the details of her husband's plans, thoughts that had no connection with what he was saying flitted through her mind. Simple Sentences 10 Examples. Romas's voice distracted her from her thoughts. The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time. The download contains 14 pages, each with a full colour illustration at the top of the page, three words (a mix of verbs, adjectives, nouns, subjects, and objects) underneath, and three lines of wide-ruled writing space at the bottom.The child is invited to make a . The thought brought goose bumps to her arms. She had no idea if Darkyn sought her out when she was upset because he thought she might be in danger or because he was concerned about her being with her ex. Thought you might be interested in something I found in Sean's notebook, Rourk said and rose, handing it to him. A'Ran was gone indefinitely for a surge operation in his war, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Shortly before his death at Colford, near Crediton, Devonshire, on the 25th of September 1805, he completed his Second Thoughts on the Trinity, in reply to a work of the bishop of Gloucester. My thoughts flowed easily; I felt a sense of joy in the composition. Maybe this was what they needed to do instead of thinking torrid thoughts about each other. Who would have thought he would become attached to a child that was neither his own blood nor male? He didn't respond verbally but his hands caressed her back - as though that would solve anything. Dean thought about the pictures, especially the one of Dickinson Faust standing next to his Jeep, with the woman's sweater hanging over the seat. He has to give up all thoughts of pleasure. It was a comfortable intimacy, though and the first of his money she would spend on herself. Having devoted much time to the study of the Latin writers, historians, orators and poets, and filled his mind with stories of the glories and the power of ancient Rome, he turned his thoughts to the task of restoring his native city to its pristine greatness, his zeal for this work being quickened by the desire to avenge his brother, who had been killed by a noble, a member of the ruling class. The warmth of his smile was not lost on her, and she thought about what Linda had said about him. Even though it will upset the child, I shant take the time to tarry long with the woman. She doesn't want to give up, even though she knows she doesn't have a legal right. Thoughts of home grew stronger the nearer he approached it--far stronger, as though this feeling of his was subject to the law by which the force of attraction is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance. Many news anchors in the U. S. are originally from Canada because the Canadian accent is thought to be fairly neutral sounding. He never thought something so simple could please him so much. 4- The point is that thoughts themselves are phenomenal. Yes, Alex did have kind eyes, though she had never actually thought of it that way before. The flow of energy between them, though, was open and warm. Perhaps the prior sheriff thought that sort of little joke is funny. I thought you might want to talk about it. Rhyn pulled himself from his thoughts as he stood. It is certain that I cannot always distinguish my own thoughts from those I read, because what I read becomes the very substance and texture of my mind.