$6 50.LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the PostOffice at Little Rock, Ark., on the 1st day of! Crawford nominated Mr. 3. Cupcakes Custom Cakes Hours. Ad Buy Now And Save 20 With Promo Code WS20. The lev ts of the drama have now noj earthly excuse, and will improve the opportunityof enjoying the guides.813F* The dull apathy whic h has for months prevailed, retires from our city, and the anticipatedgood times have come at last. The name of Mr. Berry has ibecu submitted to our legislative body, for the Ioffice o! Crawford introduced House bill No.3, to be entitled an act to tax all patentmedicines, which was referred to committee on ways and means.Air. We like good food, preferably local. McCreery, MitchellMiller, F agan and Belser.BanksMessrs. President laid before the Senate thefollowing committees.On JudiciaryMessrs. jOot. It will be a merry time, and shouldbe well patronised.CP Capt. Sweet Cakes Bakery. Key offered a resolution for the appointment of two stenographic repoftefs togive_ summary of the debates and proceedings, to be printed daily, one thousandcopies to be distributed among the members,end two thousand to he bound for generaldistribution. Potation of Martin & Branch,}near RHt,iii Desha county, a negro man PVnamed WASH INGTON. We cannot wait *d;mlonger. As a consequence of tbesiproperties, tho iuvalid who is bowed down Wttnpain or physical debility is astonished to find h*health or energy restored by a remedy at once s*simple and inciting.Not only do they cure the every Jay complaintof every body, but also many formidable andangerous diseases. A great variety oR1 1disorders arise from its irritation, among whig)! Memorial Service: April 24, 2021 Baker-Swan Funeral Home, Andover Robert E. Bob Black, 73, died at home on Monday (Dec. 14, 2020) after battling cancer for five weeks. MissMattie Faulkner was crowned queen of beauty,and Miss Fannie Woodruff and Mrs. Dr. McRaemaids of honor.A list -of premiums, and a more extended notice,will appear next week.t? |Alio at the Anthony Home, ana irora tne rspeotlTt members of the Company.NOTICE.The Military and Firemea are moat respectfullyinvited to append In uniform. B. T.Duval, of Sebastian county, was called tothe chair.A coin'ounication was received from thesecretary of state, containing a list of themembers elect. Nov. 7.The House met and the roll was called.The speaker then announced the followingstanding committees:On Ways and Mean*.Humphreys,Garland. Lemoyne, Craighead,McCollorh, Mitchell anil Rosson.EducationMessrs.Clark, Mecklin, Belser, Mr Alexander and Trimble.Internal ImprovementsCarrigan, Davies. Fondant and buttercream cakes baked from scratch and hand decorated to fit any theme. general conference 2022 cleveland police warrant list 2022 truist park rules 2022 th400 2 speed conversion all. We also provide our guests' with quality food, Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, & a friendly staff. say they are advertised._ T. J. CHURCHILL, P. M.New Advertisement.IFAVK a few of Giles F. FiHoyspremium Cooking Stoves lelt. A. H. Carrigan,r committee of three was appointed on thepart of the Senate, to wait with similarcommittee on the part of the House, on hisexcellency E. N. Conway, and inform himthat the two branches of the General Assembly were organized, nnd ready to reeeive any communication he might designto make.The president nominated Messrs. Carrigan Terry and McAlexander said committee.On motion, the rules of the last Senatewere adopted for the government of thisbody.On motion, the Senate then adjonrneduntil to-morrow at 10 oclock.Tuesday morning, Nov. 6.Senate convened.On motion of Mr. Oates, the reading ofthe journal was dispensed with until tomorrow.Mr. Cook nominated Mr. C. H. Carleton. President announced that nominations for door keeper were in order, whereupon nominations were made, and after aa number of ballotingadt was ascertainedthat James Berry of Carrol],having re 'eiveda majority of all the votes east, was d dvelected door keeper, who presented himselfand the oath of office was administered.On motion of Mr. Lemoyne, the Senateproceeded to elect an enrolling secretary,and nominations being made, after severalballoting? Belser, Miller, Oates, Terry and Clark.Ways and MeansMessrs. forgive us our trespasses os weforgive those who ties ass against us.8tiU, her amiability involved no weakness of intellect; hut her firmness aud good sense, aud auuiejudgment, nit e her to be t-ueh a mother as evensuch sons .is hers had a rh bt to be proud of. Bagels Etc. !50 Bbls. Unfortunately, this job posting is expired. Watkins,Rosson, Pennington, Jones and Askew.AgricultureMessrs. Debbie Cooper started Sweet Boutique Bakery out of her home in Charlotte, NC. 1..^12-. A|great superiority of this remedy over nn>|other over discovered for the speedy and eci'Jtain cure of Intennittenls is, that it contain*no Quiuiuc or mineral, consequently it pro!duces no quinism or other injurious clfcct# ,whatever upon the constitution. Trigg nominated Mr. Sylvester Lea,of Pulaski connty.Mr. assume to tip the fantastic too with more elegance| or grace.Every member of the company is worthy a mostfavorable notice, and, altogether, it is the best| theatrical company which has ever visited LittleRock. ofT V Sole and Upper Leatherfor sale cheap forcash. 1 article of Molasses, andwill be uaily receiving.fresh supplies, which theywill *ell cheap for Cash. Sftiith, GSSwell, Clayton, Boone, Trigg.A message wa.s received from the SenateIpp 'intihga committee couch rront with theHouse; to adopt joint rules and regulations;dsn a resolution appointing Dili November,11 oclock, to count the vote for Governor.The House concurred with both resolutions,on motion of Messrs. Kenner and Boone.Mr. AWordPressSite Just another WordPress site. These functionaries preside with dignityend propriety, and will dispatch business with allpossible promptitude and discretion.Arkansas has never been represented by a moreintelligent and worthy body of menmen whowill legislate wisely, and guide the ship of statecautiously over the agitated billows of party conflict.The Firemens Ball.Remember the firemens*ball, Thursday evening, 15th inst. Babies grow so fast. j9 Butter Crackers.2 " Soda Crackers. 1 fwe are authored to announce Dr. J. J.. AINE3, of Wft<*hirton, Hempstead conntv, forthe office of Secretdgf of State before the nextLegislature. -..Wp \',amn li !UTr-J f ^Md they will long aim ,|,e loving eyes, the (f^k-onate emllea, and the kind, wise words of her whogo loved them and watted over them with anxiousSolicitude and ontfHrig devotion.Pea efullv she lived, and when sorrows fell uponher, she bore them patiently and qnietly, and madethem, as God meant them to be, the occasion amtcause of greater excellence, and a more perfectvirtue; and if our faith be not a mere idle dream,her pure and quiet spirit has returned to God whogave it, te plead with Him for those whom shehere loved with such exceeding tenderness, and towhom the world is Very dark since her departure.Died, of Diptlieria, Linn ., eldest child, ofJosuh and Sarah A. Giles, aged six years andten months.Sweet little flowerfet, ihou wert early culled, toir,<1 nothf,v blossom, pure and spotless, to theband of Augels ever encircling the enthronedmajesty of Him who hath saith: 'Suffer littleChildren to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.> Oh! *I860; Oet. NetworkSolutions.com - Original domain name registration and reservation services with variety of internet-related business offerings. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Send it online to anyone, instantly. That n committee of three be appointed to draft ami report rules for tne government of the Senate.Mr. Browse Wedding Cake prices photos and 6 reviews with a rating of 49 out of 5. Call or email us today. Mr. Jennings 10.^Hob. * K1NNEA11. Clark introduced the following resotion: Resolved. Sweetbuns.co is ranked number 10M in the world. Bunch was ilr n sworninto oftire by Chief Justice English, anilreturned his thanks for the honor conferredby the House in a neat and appropriate address.The speaker announced that that nominations lor principle clerk were in order.Mr. Breckinridge carries Delaware, Mississippi, and, I thnk, Louisana.The states of Maryland and \ irginia, in doubt;Kentucky and Tennessee will go for Bell. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. We have coffee too! 4,entitled an Art to annex section 43 ofc hapter 154 of Goulds Digest, under thehead of schools and school lands. Referredto committee on education.4 he House then adjourned.Cincinnati has 23,'61 men engaged as operatives in manufacturing andmechanical pursuits.An artist proposes to build a Bachelors Hall, which will dilier Iroinmost houses in having no Errs.MARRIEDOn the 2. Sold by all Druggies and ApoihSggiMP"'*. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Custom cakes cupcakes cookies for all occasions. 9778-,,9778-,. Order your set today & see why our families say Patty-Cakes are the best gift ever! Looks like sweetcakesbakery.com is safe and legit. Duval moved to insert 1st day olDecember. '1Oct. Veil moved to amend by substitutingthe 17lh, which was adopted, and theresolution passed.The committee on joint rules reported therules of last session which were adopted.Mr. Beautiful wedding cakes and custom cakes for all occasions. Humphries, Duval, Lewis, Bouden,and Killgore, were appointed by the House.Mi'. In addition to our famous cupcakes we also create cakes cookies cake pops brownies rice krispy treats and more. Nov., I860, which if not taken out in three months| will be gent to the dead letter office as dead letters.Ashwortn A C AndisonJebAllborty Jno Aired SolomonAckeman I Aristolle JAult, WW Allen Dr JGAbbe Dr Adams Mrs ElviraAnderson Jebnekiuh Alberty DanlAbbott Ed R AzensJ WBrady Jas Breen ChasBrown H M Browu J LBrown Mrs Dr Brown WmBrown J W Blair W JBagley T O Beem JcssoBoohe B F Batcher M IIBeau ch a mb W R Baneom WillieBass Dr M R Bullock Miss NannieBynum T H Byrum WBan Sam Breckinridge Col A NBuck hurst Henry Bonds Mrs SarahBlackraore Miss Briget Boyle Jno FBoyle Jno N Bourdon ThomasBowman Mrs Bradley Wm 5Bearden Jno Beam J WBuckley Nancy Butler LewisBrutnlv Joshua Brum bark CBreedsowe Ira Beam J WBoggs B W Bon!in JasCollum Solomon Carver WTCuddy Jno Carr LukeCarver W T Cooper FCox H M Campbell Miss KittieClark Mike Cooper JnoGamp S V Carter Chas CClement A J ClooseCourtwright C WChristman ACn!lander, RewordDickson -'Doyle MDeckrid,DroycrDavis mEllis ]Earth. We began back in 2008 at the local farmers market and then moving into a retail location on main street. He is about 27| years uld, black, ft leet 5 inches high,wei hs about 15ft or lfill lbs Ti,owner is requested to prove property, and take himaway, or he will be dealt with as the law proscribesJOHN M. SIMPSON, Jailer.NovV 10, *60.CHARLES HAUKNE8S,w 11 OXjBS ALECLOTHIER,Wo. Clark offered a joint resolution tothe effect that the secretary ol the Senateand the clerk of the House he empoweiedto employ stenographic reporters o reporta synopsis of the debates and proceedings,and that 1,000 he printed daily for the useof the legislature, and they be laid on thedesk ol each member thereof, and that 2,000 be printed and bound in the'place ofthe journal as now printed, and they becalled such journal. Sweet Cakes Bakery is an independent family owned and operated cake and cupcake bakery based in Cornelius, North Carolina. Mnrphey nominated Mr. J. President announced that nomination for assistant secretary were in order.After a number of balloting)?, YYT. Chocolate Cake Pops. 10, 1860.Leather! The managershave used great exertions to make it all that canbo desired. Fagan, Mitchell,Trimble, Mecklin and Gray.ElectionsMessrs. Home - The Bakery Shoppe - Huntersville, NC. Thorn, Hemmingway, Smith,C rawm^jd, Pennington.On to* judiciary.-Boone, Duval, Yell,Gibson, OlaTton, Lewis, Harper, Harrison!Cravens, Mack, Key, Trigg, Van Patten.Killgoro, Humphreys, Farr,Cook, Louden.Cravens.On Education.Yell, Mitchell, Ware,Louden, Landrum, Kenner, Jones of Yell,Aeie i, Furgerson, Mi Lean.On Federal Relations.DuVal, Humphreys, Harper, Crawford, Smith. * Fctical M IIwright for putting up and repairing Grist, Saw-mills and otton Gina.Aoing, also, much experience in putting up andrunning &>team Engines, Grist and -^aw-mills Inui ready to engage myself, on reasonable terms,w th owners ot such establishments, for buildingor attending the same, and, if desired, to keep anaccount of the bus ness connected therewith. AH rtfs ^which we will offer for sale cheap for cash at theireatable store of SARASIN A KRAMER, ilOct. Baked Fresh Daily in Our Store!. l ire at this office, or Per letter t- ERNST HAPPE.Ttfl State Of ArVappyg9200 Reward.W It ha* this day been madeJnhn j1"5 Governor, that Gaoie***. Wash is about .15 ,7nTsot age, medium size, dark complexion, lias thicklips and is intelligent. J20 sacks Buckwheat Flour, etc., etc. Peas; tor sale low for cash by1V60._ K., H. & CO.NOTICErPTIE co-partnership heretofore existingbetween W. C. Stout and Lorenzo S. Greene,under the name, firm and style of L. S. Greene & i Co., was tins day dissolved by mutual consent.^1 lie firm name will be no longer used, except in iliquidation, and by \V. HynemansNEW STORE.ALL NEW GOODS.400 Overcoats, all qualities;300 Business Coats, all styles;100 Cloth Frock Coats;809 pair Punts, all qualities;400 Vests;And Boots, Shoes, Shirts,Drawers, Undershirts, Hosiery,Cravats, Gloves, etc., otc.,To suit the taste of all, and at prices that you willliud to be much lower than any in Arkansas.Our Goods are all new and fresh, having beenopened but a few daysevery article guaranteed assold. 1(1, 1861. *Cigars with names of rest renown,To suit the taste of the gent's in town.Now friends I invite you, one and all,To give me at frn(a'paivnjt call: vShould I not please-yonto the letter,It will hgt be because i ^opt try.But for the reason} that at the present time,goods in the Crescent (Jity are a UlU beyond themark as regards price, and our river is in so abjecta state of pros tration, that exportation is mostenormous, and I cant do Iny better.The last line is not exactly in accordance withpoetical measure, but ftH*Wes what I wish to y.But in sober earnest, if my friends will give me acall, and price my goods, 1 think can suit the wishes,Wants and tasto of the most fastidious. Patticakes Coffee & Cupcakes - Connected People Are The Happiest. Artisan Breads and Pastries Made From Scratch Daily! The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Sweetcakes1.vpweb.com is ranked number 10M in the world. Killgore introduced House bill No. JuneVfiO.lT.SENATE.Monday, Nov. 5, I860.The Senate was ralied to order at 10'clock, and on motion of Hon. 1857-1862, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014282/1860-11-10/ed-1/seq-3/. Best alternatives sites to Sweetcakesbakeryri.com - Check our similar list based on world rank and monthly visits only on Xranks. Visit Today To Buy Save At Boston Coffee Cake. I paid six hundred dollars for her last fall. Give him a call; his e tshii.h; ment is one square west ot the Carriage shop of Aj J- _Oct. sweet cakes bakery cornelius Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Edit. $J. 1857-1862, November 10, 1860, Image 3, brought to you by Arkansas State Archives, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. 24 S., 9 R., 25 Wr.ue >4 25 << (ie 34 se >4 25 4 < 30 andlit appearing to the sutisfacn *** JliSl thM said defendants, JamesCamp, Wrfbom Camp, William E.Camp, Sarahp-8phroma K. Camp, Lewis H. Williamssnd wile, Wdimm Disharoon and wife, and JohnB. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. The above reward willbe paid on his delivery or secreted so as I can gethim. J. w. MIOPPACH, Clerk.Nov. iOct. Mr. liolt, ofCartoll county, was elected on the secondballot.On motion of Mr. Humphrey a messagewas sent, to the Senate, informing that bodythat the House was organised.On motion of Mr. Boone, a committee oflive members was appointed to report rulesfor the government of the House.The chair appointed Messrs. Boone,Duval, Killgore, Humphrey and Lewis.On motion of Mr. Duval, the rules of thelast session were adopted until the comI mittee should report.On motion of Mr. Killgore, the Houseproceeded to elect a page. Boone introduced House hill No. Fornew buildings, 1 will make lull plans in drawing,togeilu i with an e-tiraate of the expenditures. Arby's; 20601 Torrence Chapel Road, Cornelius, NC 28031 US 1(704) 495-2765. The Sweet Boutique Bakery is licensed and regularly inspected in keeping with North Carolina Department of Agriculture - Consumer Services Food & Drug Protection Division. ]t#To Planters, Grist and Saw-millOwners.rJPHE undersigned offers his services as. Holt 7, and Mr. Ifapley 2._ The president announced that .T. Address me at Churchillpoet-olHce, Prairie county, Ark.Nov- 10, 1860. low down on her left shoulder; a little while on one hind foot, not quite to the pastern joint; ft little spavined in- her right hind le"*tolerable low in condition; ab .ut 9 or 10 earsold; rices very nee, and she had on a pair ofshoe-* very much won., ami a iur>.e bell on._I lie Colt is small, 3 months old; bright sorel; astar in her lace; one hind foot white, right', Ith.nk. A public firearms range located in Rhode Island. McAlexander, Carrigan, Fagan,, McCulloch andJones.Swamp and Overflowed LandsMessrs,Rosson, Craighead, Askew, Terry andMiller.Mr. Guaranteed to Arrive Fresh. Award winning cake designer Lisa Toohey creates custom cake masterpieces with uncompromising attention to detail and taste for weddings and special events in the Charlotte area and beyond. 27th, infill, am.ttlOARS an J TOBACCOA'No. McCreery, Senate adon ow.Wednesday moning, Nov. T.enate convened.Mr. k, .J Slerin, Plaint $*, ) |*9* > Attachment.Je9se M. Laughlin, Defendant. Messrs. Cousins andStevenson were the successful knights. Douglas and Ward.MilitiaMessrs. Parkviewfamily.com is ranked number 10M in the world. Located in Midvale, UT - minutes from Salt Lake City, and close to TRAX. Ridiculously Yummy Cupcakes Sweet Cakes Bakery Bakery Cakes Sweet Cakes Sweet Cakes Bakery Cornelius Nc We Tried These At The Food Truck Festival Sweet Cakes Bakery Bakery Bakery Cakes We are located in Alachua near Gainesville, Florida. Crauiberries, byKINNEAR, HUGHES & CO.Nov. Saffold nominated Mr T. J. Barnes,of Independence county.Mr Enyuart receiving 34 votes was declared elected.1 he election oenrolling clerk next cameup. one sweet summer loveland. Fairfield-Bakery, cupcakes, cakes, cookies, holdiay gifts. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County 27 North Road, Peace Dale, RI. Mitchell offered a resolution to appoint a committee of three on the part ofthe House to act with a Senate committee,and report joint rules for the govei umentof the Senate and House, and also'to addthereto the standing committees of theHouse, which was adopted.The speaker appointed Messrs. Mitchell,Hemingway and V\ iiliams said committee.The House then adjourned until 10 oclock,Wednesday morning.H edneaday morning. 3, 1860. The agent below named 1pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanaicontaining Certificates of tbetr cures and directionfor their use in the following complaint*: Cottiertuts. New York style bakery located in downtown Moorseville, NC offering a wide variety of baked goods including cookies, cannolis, pastries, danish and custom cakes. The aasemV bla8 ws large, and the address able and eloquentEditors True fiCsHar_I cannot, without W.euge to my feelingsof social obligation, Suppress the utte.Jjc,. I erry asked to be, and was excusedfrom the committee on the judiciary.On motion ot Mr. Fagan, Mr. Tjcmoynewas added to the committee on internalimprovements.Mr. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. 3. parents* do not wish her back,Though far away, shes not alone,But teach your bumbled hearts to say,Thy will (not onrsVO, Lord, be done.STATE OF ARKANSAS^ J~Countv of Saline. the puTn the ., P 1*1'" **> 01 Seba8tian rouny, in the State of Arkansas, on the thinl dnv nfaNnd?-tC:' An W* * fled from justicean"J now ri n ting at large.tt,?s,eV" 'rjIiElia8 !S"' Gonnrar, Governor ofthe State Arkansas, by virtue of the authoritytwoVnndr.i hereby oWcra teward < farnwt3^r "ny person who willdeb ver the sa.d George Johnson to thestterifl of Sehastion countv, Arkansas in orderthat justice may be had and' the laws executed.In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set. Crawford 3,000copiesot the Governors message wore ordered tobe printed for the use of the House.On motion of Mr. Boone, different portions of the Governors message were referred to the different committees. 20601 Torrence Chapel Rd 106 Cornelius 704 895-5800. The motionwas lost.After a brief recess the House met to receive the Senate and hear the Governorsmessage, which was read by Col. R. H.Johnson. Mitchell, McCreery.Gray, Askew and Davies.i uoiic liuildinpaMessrs. 9'T'HANKFUL for the past patronagr&r 11 your euatMi, w* will endeavor to give satis.,faction in the fhture, and call youratten'ion toonr |advertisement in this paper. F. YV. Cakes make a special. [volume] (Little Rock, Ark.) 1 think some saddle markson her buck, straight and long hips, 14> handshigh, collar marks on her shoulders, trots well inharness, supposed to be in foal, has been trainedto run. jjY. !Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Astllfma, lalpitation, Painful Affection of th:Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic!Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach,'all of which, when originating in thia cause,put on the intermittent type, or become period,leal. All photos 2 All photos 2 Enhance this page - Upload photos. Accessibility | T. J. CHURCHILL.Office Board or Trustees, C. & F. R. R. Co. )Little Rock, Ark., Oet 31st, 1800.XTOTIOE is hereby given to all settlersi7 , l^nds b'loi,gi'g t the Cairo and FultonRailroad Company, that il'they wish to avail themselves ot the preference to buy the same, thev willdo well to apply immediately at the office of thecompany in Little Rock and make purchase.Nov. Allthe northern states give increased republican gains.Lincoln is undoubted elected. : $10.00 - $14.00 Per Hour. C. Stout alone.VV. ennington moved to reconsider theresolution of Mr. Pennigton. 4, to be entitled an Act to grant preemptions upon the swamp lands of theStute. It. Open Asia-Pacific SARASIN k KRAMER. Press | Davies, Craighead,Pennington, Jones and Clark.MemorialsMessrs. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Sign up Login. Fletcher was elected president by avote of 22.The president announced that nominalions for secretary were in order, whereupon Mr. Davies nominated J. D. Kimbell,of Pulaski county; Mr. Gray nominated G.M. Compton.Mr. Asia-Pacific (174).