The position, size and shape of the inner envelope are indicative. For a more in-depth look at progress and performance, we have one-click reporting. High Ambition Coalition on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction. ENTSO for Electricity shall consult stakeholders when providing non-binding guidance. With regard to type B power park modules, the LFSM-O response tests shall reflect the choice of control scheme selected by the relevant system operator. If requested by the relevant regulatory authorities, system operators referred to in paragraph 1 shall, within three months of the request, provide the information necessary to facilitate assessment of the costs incurred. With regard to the reactive power capability test the following requirements shall apply: the power-generating module's technical capability to provide leading and lagging reactive power capability in accordance with points (b) and (c) of Article 18(2) shall be demonstrated; the power-generating module operates at maximum reactive power for at least one hour, both leading and lagging, at: an active power operating point between those maximum and minimum levels; the power-generating module's capability to change to any reactive power target value within the agreed or decided reactive power range shall be demonstrated. The notification submitted by the power-generating facility owner to the relevant system operator and to the relevant TSO shall at least indicate the contract title, its date of signature and date of entry into force and the specifications of the main generating plant to be constructed, assembled or purchased. When the market declines and funding is not available, the project must be stalled. wider voltage ranges or longer minimum time periods for operation may be agreed between the relevant system operator and the power-generating facility owner in coordination with the relevant TSO. Here you will find documents to provide guidance on stakeholder engagement processes: Sustainability is such an important issue for ISO that we have created a guide to help include these principles into more and more standards. "padding-right": "23px" Apply a document theme that matches your company brand. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began work on NextGen improvements in 2007 and plans to have all major components in place by 2025. scope of the project: What a company needs to include in a BRD will vary depending on the services it provides. 4. "imgWithCarousel": true, For questions on the ISO/IEC Directives please Stakeholder communication improvements in a software delivery project; Stakeholder communication improvements in a public infrastructure project scope, risks and approach. Final operational notification for type D power-generating modules. 4. Government regulatory agencies are major stakeholders for some projects and virtually non-existent for others. Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering. the power-generating facility owner has concluded a final and binding contract for the purchase of the main generating plant by two years after the entry into force of the Regulation. 3. compliance with the requirement laid down in point (d) of Article 15(2) is demonstrated. 3. compliance with the requirements laid down in points (b) and (c) of Article 21(3) is demonstrated. The table shows the minimum time periods during which a power-generating module must be capable of operating for voltages deviating from the reference 1 pu value at the connection point without disconnecting from the network where the voltage base for pu values is from 300 kV to 400 kV. Some of the topics you might wish to touch upon include an overview of the current process, the business drivers prompting the changes, and any users or business areas affected by the project. Type B power-generating modules shall fulfil the following requirements relating to system restoration: the relevant TSO shall specify the conditions under which a power-generating module is capable of reconnecting to the network after an incidental disconnection caused by a network disturbance; and. Explore Courses The following Corporate and Continuing Education programs include hybrid, live online and in-person courses at Central Piedmont. Detailed guidance, regulations and rules objective] . 7. 4. Background, Scope, Features, Functional Requirements, Personnel Requirements, Reporting and The content of your communications must be clear. 9.5 (Project phase 5) If an employer decides that a candidate meets the requirements for the cultural and lived experience pathway, they must ensure there are appropriate supports in place to oversee and support the candidates role in the organisation. Instead of all or part of those simulations, the power-generating facility owner may use equipment certificates issued by an authorised certifier, which must be provided to the relevant system operator. with regard to frequency restoration control, the power-generating module shall provide functionalities complying with specifications specified by the relevant TSO, aiming at restoring frequency to its nominal value or maintaining power exchange flows between control areas at their scheduled values; with regard to disconnection due to underfrequency, power-generating facilities capable of acting as a load, including hydro pump-storage power-generating facilities, shall be capable of disconnecting their load in case of underfrequency. 2. See PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.j for full policy implementation. impacts [Sender.Company] s ability to provide client with (project milestone) . Those authorities or relevant authorities of the Member State shall provide the Agency with all the information necessary for that purpose. Details such as these may not fit into other requirement buckets but still need to be documented within your BRD if they impact business processes. (Glossary term) (glossary definition) compliance with the requirements of points (b) and (c) of Article 18(2) is demonstrated. The Functional requirements section is where to put more details about the structure behind what the user of the end product or service sees. The format of the PGMD and the information to be given therein shall be specified by the relevant system operator. Communication of operational / maintenance requirements after the project has concluded; Customers. } else { Different synchronous electricity systems in the Union have different characteristics which need to be taken into account when setting the requirements for generators. 7. 4. The scope of the [project name] initiated by [Client.Company] should cover the following changes to business procesess: [Client.Company] Synthetic inertia could facilitate further expansion of RES, which do not naturally contribute to inertia. Where applicable, the relevant system operator shall ensure that the commissioning and decommissioning of TypeB and TypeC power-generating modules can be notified electronically. "total": "Subtotal", 2. Automatic connection is allowed unless specified otherwise by the relevant system operator in coordination with the relevant TSO. Proof that a request submitted pursuant to paragraph 1 complies with the eligibility criteria laid down in Articles66 and 67 shall be provided by the manufacturer. 2. That transitional period shall not be more than two years from the date of the decision of the regulatory authority or where applicable the Member State on the requirement's applicability; be subject to public consultation in accordance with Article 10. Proposals must include a supplementary document of no more than two pages labeled "Data Management Plan". Rather than phoning us, please send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.. 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Plain English Campaign 3. (6)Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p.30). var scriptURL = ''; This facility shall record the following parameters: The relevant system operator shall have the right to specify quality of supply parameters to be complied with on condition that reasonable prior notice is given; the settings of the fault recording equipment, including triggering criteria and the sampling rates shall be agreed between the power-generating facility owner and the relevant system operator in coordination with the relevant TSO; the dynamic system behaviour monitoring shall include an oscillation trigger specified by the relevant system operator in coordination with the relevant TSO, with the purpose of detecting poorly damped power oscillations; the facilities for quality of supply and dynamic system behaviour monitoring shall include arrangements for the power-generating facility owner, and the relevant system operator and the relevant TSO to access the information. Whether you want to add video to your next email campaign or roll out a hosting solution with a full suite of video marketing tools, Vidyard is the easiest way to put your videos online. Member States may, under the national regulatory regime, provide that the responsibility of a TSO to comply with one or some or all obligations under this Regulation is assigned to one or more specific TSOs. Its also a good idea to highlight the reasons why your business is the right fit for the client. Committees consist of multiple people who each hold individual opinions and worldviews, and any one of them can derail the project. 4. If the relevant system operator does not provide the requested additional information within that time limit, the request for a derogation shall be deemed withdrawn unless, before expiry of the time limit: the relevant system operator informs the regulatory authority by means of a reasoned submission that the request for a derogation is complete. (***)At the offshore connection point for configuration 1. In doing so, regulatory authorities shall take into account the delineation between the transmission system and the distribution system at the national level and shall consult with system operators, power-generating facility owners and stakeholders, including manufacturers. [Sender.Company] must deliver (project phase) of [project name] by (MM.DD.YYYY) . Some customers are a group, such as a purchasing department, and some are individual people. Include both final deadlines and detail around milestones. We also offer on-demand online classes through Ed2Go. }, Request for a derogation by a power-generating facility owner. That will afford the development team and all project Stakeholder analysis is the foundation of your stakeholder management plan. Regulatory authorities shall ensure that all relevant clauses in contracts and general terms and conditions relating to the grid connection of new power-generating modules are brought into compliance with the requirements of this Regulation. For example, weekly status reports to executives based on a visual RAG status. Detailed guidance, regulations and rules 3. Having that knowledge upfront reduces the potential of the project getting thrown off track by any unanticipated challenges. This Regulation establishes a network code which lays down the requirements for grid connection of power-generating facilities, namely synchronous power-generating modules, power park modules and offshore power park modules, to the interconnected system. 2. The report and proposal shall be notified to the regulatory authority or, where applicable, the Member State, and the power-generating facility owner or, where applicable, third party shall be informed on its content. Parameters for the inner envelope in Figure 7, Maximum range of steady-state voltage level in PU. The relevant regulatory authority or, where applicable, the Member State shall decide on the extension of the applicability of this Regulation to existing power-generating modules within six months of receipt of the report and the recommendation of the relevant TSO in accordance with Article 38(4). } 2. compliance with the requirement set out in Article 13(2) is demonstrated. For the purposes of the data and study review, the power-generating facility owner must submit the following to the relevant system operator: an update of applicable technical data, simulation models and studies as referred to in points (b), (d) and (e) of Article 35(3), including the use of actual measured values during testing. The specified U-Q/Pmax profile may take any shape, having regard to the potential costs of delivering the capability to provide reactive power production at high voltages and reactive power consumption at low voltages; the U-Q/Pmax-profile shall be specified by the relevant system operator in coordination with the relevant TSO, in conformity with the following principles: the U-Q/Pmax-profile shall not exceed the U-Q/Pmax-profile envelope, represented by the inner envelope in Figure 7, the dimensions of the U-Q/Pmax-profile envelope (Q/Pmax range and voltage range) shall be within the range specified for each synchronous area in Table 8, and. But we're still here if you need us. Stakeholders include project managers, team members, clients, department heads and company executives. Stakeholder Management Fundamentals. That additional period shall run from the day following the date of receipt of the complete information. [Client.FirstName][Client.LastName] operation within the range of 10-20 % of maximum capacity for 60 min; the test shall be deemed successful if the following criteria are fulfilled: the power park module operates for a duration no shorter than the requested duration at maximum reactive power, both leading and lagging, in each parameter specified in paragraph 6(b); the power park module's capability to change to any reactive power target value within the agreed or decided reactive power range is demonstrated; and. Marketing Teams Love It Too. Use this section to help nontechnical users understand the approach taken to complete the project. 4.4.4 [Sender.Company] must (requirements description 4) to meet the clients need for [business