On this occasion,. How Module Federation solves problems of building apps at scale. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. When you first start using module federation and only have one or two micro-apps, managing the configurations for each app and the various ports they run on is simple. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. In our setup, we want to prevent micro-applications from importing resources from each other; if they need to share code, it should come from the libs directory. In the previous article, when it came to importing and using Application 1 and 2, we simply imported the micro-apps at the top of the bootstrap file and hard coded the remote entries in the index.html file: However in the real world, this is not the best approach. #2063 opened Jul 6, 2022 by JamieSlome. 3. Verify it is up at http://localhost:3002. If you import BrowserModule instead, this will break . Build and ship in parallel. Whats New in our Module Federation Plugin 14.3? Module Federation Motivation Multiple separate builds should form a single application. const proxy = { As shown below, multiple teams were still responsible for individual parts of the Tenable.io application. The child app is also mounted on the host domain, hence, A container is created through a container entry, which exposes asynchronous access to the specific modules. "Practical Module Federation" is the first, and only, book on Webpack 5's innovative new live code sharing mechanism. Well, when it comes to your leading, stateful framework e. g. Angular its a good idea to define it as a singleton. Step 1: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app2 directory, execute npm start. Diagrams are great, but what does a system like this actually look like from a code perspective? To avoid getting off the rails, you should remember the following: Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the information about Angular. } The book also covers many practical topics include; state sharing across shared code, different deployment options, sharing non-view related code, writing your code to be resilient to code and network failures, and so much more. #2033 opened Jun 21, 2022 by tzachbon. when i didn't use shared i had error: As shown in the commands below, we simply change directories into each of these applications (via cd apps/), and run the npm run dev command that is defined in each of the micro-apps package.json file. For RSC which applies various different loaders when that layer is active. Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, VR & AR App Development BlogViro Media, The Completely Incomplete Guide to Working on a Vue.js Project, Listen to any DOM Event using an Observable in Angular. Fills it with known provided modules from this build and all remotes, // Initialize the container, it may provide shared modules, 'app1@http://localhost:3001/remoteEntry.js', promise new Promise(resolve => { Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash. Member-only. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. However, while Webpack solves the runtime composition need, it leaves the compile-time needs of tools like TypeScript unsolved. There is also an 'auto' value available to output.publicPath which automatically determines the publicPath for you. Once initialized, the remote and any exposed component can be imported by the Host application like any other import. If you really, really, really want to mix and match different versions of Angular, Ive got you covered with this article and this library. This created a natural bottleneck where each team was reliant on any change made previously by another team. You have to bundle all the source code that you think the app is . Module Federation is an exciting new addition to Webpack 5. Step 2 will be done during the module evaluation interleaved with other (local and remote) modules. This plugin adds specific references to containers as externals and allows to import remote modules from these containers. We strongly recommend using an asynchronous boundary. evaluating the module (synchronous). It covers the internal implementation of Module Federation, and how Module Federation fits with other . Hence, both, the shell and the Micro Frontend have their very own copy of these services and this is something, no one is expecting. If you go with a traditional CLI project, you need to adjust this by hand. This module should only be imported in your shell application's root module. return window.app1.init(arg) As demonstrated in the following diagram, multiple teams were responsible for individual parts of the Tenable.io application. Hint: @angular-architects/module-federation comes with a helper function shareAll for sharing all dependencies defined in your projects package.json: This can at least lower the pain in such cases for prototyping. Also, this articles presents some strategies for avoiding these pitfalls. The application automatically uses the up-to-date version of the components library. Step 2: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app1 directory, execute npm start. Module Federation shared deep dependency resolved incorrectly, Fallback to lower version of shared library with singletone: true, The third-party UI library is referenced in the remote module, and the local UI library does not work, shared-routing: Profile page blank on first render in production build, Followup: Properly accomplish nested routing, Can the main application work without remoteEntry in development, Bi-directional shared files - strange behavior, Angular singleton service initiated multiple times, React In Vue (converted to jsx) button event not firing, angular11-microfrontends-lazy-components | styles not getting applied for shared component. The micro frontends should only import CommonModule instead. Micro frontends with Module Federation give each development team greater autonomy over how their portion of the app should be built. If you use the router, you will get some initial issues because you need to call RouterModule.forRoot for each AppModule (Root Module) on the one side while you are only allowed to call it once on the other side. As you progress and continue to add more micro-apps, you may start running into issues with managing all of these micro-apps. Budget-wise solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. // Initializes the shared scope. One of the very first changes we made was to our NX workspaces. pyusb library comes in two versions:. Sibling containers cannot override each other's modules. Module Federal Overview. While the first one knows the user name, the second one doesnt. Hiermit erklre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass der Betreiber dieser Seite meine E-Mail-Adresse zum Zwecke des Versands des Newsletters verarbeiten kann. Lets analyze how our deployment model above changes with this new approach. Webpack 5 introduced the Module Federation Plugin which has rapidly become the go-to solution for splitting large monolithic applications into smaller composable pieces. Well, it would be a good idea to also share the dependencies of our shared libraries (regardless of sharing libraries in a monorepo or traditional npm packages!). For example, with this logic in place, we could accommodate a host of various engineering needs: You can easily imagine that as your application grows and your codebase gets larger and larger, this type of functionality can be extremely powerful since you only have to build the parts of the application related to what youre working on. While @angular/material and @angular/cdk officially need @angular/core 10, the rest of the application already uses @angular/core 12. the same library. This command adds module-federation lib and creates the webpack config file to setup remotes or hosts. the shell. The application is eagerly executing an application that is operating as an omnidirectional host. Module FederationFederated Application Architectures Summary There's been a lot of excitement in the community about the upcoming module federation feature in Webpack 5. This also holds true for secondary entry points our shared libraries belong to. We will build off the demo from the previous article to introduce module federation for the Tenable.io application. But if you just shared components or services, this might work at first sight. But first, there is a handy Webpack plugin developed by Zack Jackson, one of the creators of Module Federation, called external-remotes-plugin. 2. Already on GitHub? Next.js Module Federation brought, for the first time, client-side rendering to federated modules on Next.js. Now that we have these three new workspaces, how exactly do we run them locally? By making the changes above, we were able to significantly improve our overall performance. The container tries to provide shared modules, but if the shared module has already been used, a warning and the provided shared module will be ignored. A Vite plugin which support Module Federation. init: (arg) => { Concept should be environment-independent. As long as this is the case, you dont need to worry about duplicates. Have a question about this project? Module Federation is the Module Federation, which is a new feature in Webpack5. A chunk loading operation is usually an import() call, but older constructs like require.ensure or require([]) are supported as well. Fortunately, Module Federation got us covered with such scenarios. In a nutshell, it is webpacks way of implementing a micro-frontend (though its not limited to only implementing frontend systems). As you see here, now, the shells AppModule uses the Micro Frontends AppModule. The application shell is also a separate build referencing all pages as remote modules. #2108 opened Jul 19, 2022 by nuno-barreiro. it works on localhost:8080; remote_app is app which rende only - hello world, good luck. Try running the mfe-profile app by itself by running ng serve mfe-profile --open in the terminal. Within each host/ and remote/ run: npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli html-webpack-plugin webpack-dev-server babel-loader. This was done so that if a new micro-app was added it would be automatically picked up without any additional configuration by the engineer. script.onload = () => { Er hat berufsbegleitend IT und IT-Marketing in Graz sowie ebenfalls berufsbegleitend Computer Science in Hagen studiert und eine vier-semestrige Ausbildung im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung abgeschlossen. The problem is that Next.js has no async boundary internally. It can be leveraged to connect remote containers to a host container dynamically at runtime. In this case, it would be much better if the micro-apps could be loaded in dynamically only when a particular route is hit. New workspaces are created via the npx create-nx-workspace command. Our applications are responsible for determining what they want to expose to the outside world. However, if you ran the application you would get the following error message, which tells us that the import on line 15 above isnt working: To understand why this is, lets take a look at what happens when we build application1 via the webpack-dev-server command. This plugin creates an additional container entry with the specified exposed modules. In general there are many ways to implement . Since Angular 14.2, it's possible to use Standalone Components as Angular Elements. As you can see below, this logic is based on the workspace.json file. The following configuration shows a pretty bare bones implementation for our Host application. We use NX to build two Angular applications using PrimeNG, then share a component between the two applications using module federation.Code: https://github.c. This package was previously available for $40 (USD) on PrivJS with over 92k downloads. However, now, when compiling the shell (ng build shell), we get the following error: shared module @angular/common Warning: No required version specified and unable to automatically determine one. This will install wepback and the dependencies we need for our webpack configuration. In our case, a host application that loaded in the other micro-apps made the most sense for us. Generally, remotes are configured using URL's like in this example: But you can also pass in a promise to this remote, which will be resolved at runtime. The actual logic of the component is highlighted below. In the demo above, we have a Host application that is the main entry point for our application. When this command runs, it actually serves this particular application on port 3001, and the entry point of the application is a file called remoteEntry.js. It also calls the override API of these containers to provide overrides to them. By using this practice, you assure (more or less) that these feature modules work the same when loaded into the shell as when used in standalone-mode. Have you ever just ignored a peer dependency warning? Youll see were not defining any remotes, and this is intentional. The packageName option allows setting a package name to look for a requiredVersion. You should resolve this promise with any module that fits the get/init interface described above. Additionally, loading in all the micro-apps as were doing in the index.html file above is not very flexible. Will always be provided, even if not used. The idea is that the micro frontend apps have outputs called exposes and inputs called entries. Once we had the necessary information we needed for the remotes (via the REMOTE_INFO variable), we then updated our bootstrap.jsx file to leverage a new component we discuss below called . WitUTF-8. For our purposes, the intent was to split up the Tenable.io application (previously its own workspace) into three individual micro-apps: This simple diagram illustrates the relationship between the Host and micro-apps: Lets analyze a before and after of our workspace.json file that shows how the tenable-io workspace (line 5) was split into three (lines 46). Once this phase was complete, we were ready to move to the next phase: the introduction of module federation for the purposes of breaking our Tenable.io application into a series of micro-apps. When you first start using module federation and only have one or two micro-apps, managing the configurations for each app and the various ports they run on is simple. In dieser Schulung lernst du von bekannten Insidern und Experten der ersten Stunde anhand vieler Beispiele, wie du mit Angular erfolgreich moderne Anwendungen entwickelst. ist Trainer und Berater mit Fokus auf Angular. The problem was webpack applies loader layers. Next.js Module Federation SSR brought server-side rendering, which is significantly more complex, in addition to client-side rendering of federated . A simple but also non preferable solutions is to put your shared services into the platform scope: However, normally, this scope is intended to be used by Angular-internal stuff. According to their documentation, Remote modules are modules that are not part of the current build and loaded from a so-called container at the runtime. In this demo, were keeping things as simple as possible. Another, less obvious pitfall you can run into is this one here: With inject() must be called from an injection context Angular tells us that there are several Angular versions loaded at once. One of the most important things we did here was create a serve.js file that allowed us to build/serve only those micro-apps an engineer needed to work on. So what I did is specify the layer based on resourceQuery: /shared/ 02 Nov 2022 01:58:26 One could allow the host to set the publicPath of a remote module at runtime by exposing a method from that remote module. Getting Setup. Hence, the only clean solution here is to not share your AppModule but only lazy feature modules. Change the exposes from: You are likely missing the remote container, make sure it's added. It is possible to nest a container. // This part depends on how you plan on hosting and versioning your federated modules The Practical Guide to Module Federation. It is possible to nest a container. But how do we know which micro-app was impacted by a given change? If your webpack.config.js was generated with this or a newer version, it already uses this helper function. As discussed in the previous article, the first step in updating our architecture involved the consolidation of our two repositories into one and the introduction of the NX framework. It allows to use requiredVersion: 'auto' and converts the value auto to the value found in your shells (or micro frontends) package.json. Imagine some of your micro-apps are behind feature flags that only certain customers can access. Uncaught Error: Module "./Button" does not exist in container. console.log('remote container already initialized') This ensures that a given micro-app is never loaded in until its actually needed, leading to a huge boost in performance. To provoke this error, adjust your shells webpack.config.js as follows: Please note, that these libraries are not configured to be singletons anymore. We distinguish between local and remote modules. Leveraging the remote utilities we discussed above, you can see how we pass the remotes and their associated ports in the webpack build via the REMOTE_INFO property. As a result, the compiler cannot protect you as well as you are used to. to your account. If you look at the previous demo, youll see our serve command for the Tenable.io application leveraged the @nrwl/web:dev-server executor. This global property will be accessed later on in our code when its time to load the micro-apps dynamically. The reason for this is the secondary entry point @angular/common/http which is a bit like an npm package within an npm package. Note: When leveraging module federation, there are a number of different architectures you can leverage. Module Federation is a Webpack 5 feature that has arrived to make it possible to share parts of an application to another at runtime. Within ModuleFederationPlugin. Well occasionally send you account related emails. We added Okta into the shell application, but now we need to turn the mfe-profile application into a micro frontend and share the authenticated state. For example, your entry looked like this: Let's create bootstrap.js file and move contents of the entry into it, and import that bootstrap into the entry: This method works but can have limitations or drawbacks. get: (request) => window.app1.get(request), That way you can do SSR with the same codebase and a different webpack config for building for node.js. // inject this script with the src set to the versioned remoteEntry.js https://foo-app.com is expected to be accessible via https://my-host.com/app/foo-app and https://my-host.com/app/foo-app/* requests are redirected to https://foo-app.com/* via a proxy. For this, it looks into the npm packages package.json (@angular/common/package.json) and browses the dependencies there. 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