On the other hand, producing electronic vehicles and advancing public transportations features are other operable solutions in order to deal with such problems. Despite this, it would be necessary to pay some initial costs in order to apply the paradigm of using recyclable materials. Additionally, some may argue that increasing the usage of recyclable products will result in an increase in costs for businesses and customers. In this IELTS writing task 2, we impart the best way to solve environmental problems opinion-based essay in which you are required to express your opinion on the provided topic. However, it is not possible to cope with the issue just by raising the amount of refilling the vehicles that run on fuel. Spain with the highest environmental performance and air quality in the world, based on their European scoring system because of the National Environmental Education of Spain, which established the curriculum and developed an environmentally friendly program to teach their primary students the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, which can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future. To What Extent Do You Agree Or Disagree With This Statement? The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. RT @Yinoma2001: Say the Lakers trade for Kyrie. The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other private vehicles. Thus, using this structure of the essay will be very helpful in making a good score. This can cause an economic meltdown of the state. The most practical measure at the moment is to reduce the demand for resources in daily activities like traveling or production. The most sustainable solution to reduce the use of fuel is by taking the advantage of natural sources of energy like air, water etc. According to the assertion, municipalities and localities should establish severe limits on the amount of waste that can be collected from each residence. Based on the given topic of this GRE Analyse an Issue essay Consequently, the majority of car drivers and prospective car drivers will decrease. It has been shown that the best motive to stop an unwanted behavior is to make it expensive. To what extent do you agree or disagree. The premise is valid, however when you consider that the vast majority of products for domestic customers are available in recyclable forms, the argument is moot. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. However, this has not stopped the people from using their cars or bikes for traveling. On the other hand, governments can take other measures to mitigate these problems. This can be explained by the fact that excessive use of cars releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which makes air pollution worse. Increasing fuel prices will affect the agricultural industry, education industry and tourism also. Solving this challenge will require more than the adoption of top-down solutions or greener technologyit will require countries to address governance challenges. Some individuals believe that increasing the price of fuel is by far the most appropriate method of tackling this issue. For example, in daily life, people still need to use their cars despite the fluctuation in the petrol price. One of our IELTS trainers will evaluate your essay from an examiners point of view and reply to the comment. The same environmental benefits might be realised without the additional cost of public unhappiness. Last but not least point would be about evolving the efficient facilities or more essential than that how safe and hygien are our public transportation. Rather than increase the price of fuel the government should focus on making public transport better. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some sentences lack clarity. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The Best Way To Solve Environmental Problems Caused By Consumer-Generated Waste Is For Towns And Cities To Impose Strict Limits On The Amount Of Trash They Will Accept From Each Household GRE Issue Essay, 2022 Collegedunia Web Pvt. It cannot be done by increasing the price only. Besides that, the government could introduce some free transports that support people having a low income. On the one hand, increasing petrol's price can help to tackle enviromental problems. In my opinion, this idea is completely flawed and there are several reasonable alternatives. Do you have an essay on this topic? Send all your holiday cards & more with an annual subscription. Firstly, many people think that the excessive use of crude oil is one of the root causes of the environmental issues our planet is facing and the only way to prevent this is to make the use of fossil fuels more expensive. Knowing that there is more than one way to approach the problem can help you realize that you have choices. The increased use of fuels releases harmful gasses into the environment. Improving the efficiency of public transport and investing in renewable energy sources are better alternatives that ought to be considered. Major Policy Decisions Should Always Be Left to Politicians and Other Government Experts GRE Issue Essay should be written with careful analysis. These measures would improve the air quality in the city and reduce the pollutants from private transports and also decrease the ability of global warming. As plastic accounts for an extensive amount of time to dissolve, even in a matter of centuries, we should recycle these items to inhibit the superabundance of redundant offal into the ocean, ambiance, and numerous other essential components of the environment that we are supplying unnecessary refuses out of it. People can travel in mass transport which will reduce the use of fuels, causing less effect on the environment. Do you have an essay on this topic? We are facing the environmental crisis and it is high time to save the environment. On the other hand, while increasing the price of fuel for many private vehicles would be a useful measure, the government could adopt transport policies which would be more effective for the long term. This extra cost can put the pressure on underprivileged people as well as the middle class and ultimately, lead to a higher inflation rate and economy instability. If the price of petrol is increased / hiked), individuals will start to use their cars less often and this in turn can decelerate the rate of air pollution. Find out by watching our video on this essay topic. Unlimited greeting cards for $49.99! There's rubbish on the beach and on the banks of the river. This means that if gas is an available and cheap source of energy to run their cars they will keep using it regardless of what harm it might cause. PARAGRAPH 1 Excessive traffic and increasing pollution are affecting every major city around the globe. . It is obvious that the growth of fuel price is an ieal solution for solving problems of the environment. Secondly, the money raised could be used to improve the quality of public transport like buses or trains. The Best Way To Solve The World'S Environmental Problems Is To Increase The Fuel Cost. This is my blog where I give IELTS preparation tips. The increased population has resulted in increased use of fuels. Pollution Is Also a Governance Problem Thus, raising petrol price would reduce pollution as the number of vehicles on the road would decrease. Therefore, the concentration in this issue should be givento either move such factories to the other places or to change their energy consumptionmethod. What are the problems associated with this? It's very dirty and it's dangerous to swim there. Supports learners at every point in their global education journey with reliable services, products, and solutions. For example, if the railways and subways are in good condition, even the wealthy will want to utilize them, thus reducing the daily quantity of carbon dioxide emitted. Hence, hike in fuel prices can aid in resolving environmental issues by making it difficult for the public to use personal vehicles on a daily basis. Some People Believe That Reading Stories From a Book is Better Than Watching Tv or Playing Computer Games for Children. Supporters of this argument claim that cars are the major cause of environmental degradation. Increasing fuel price is the most effective way to solve environmental degradation globally. Finally, enterprises should appropriately dispose of trash to prevent the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The primary cause of global warming is petroleum. In conclusion, it is not enough to rely on the conscious of people to help save our environment, governments must have the main role by making fuel an undesirable option, one way to do that is by making it financially repelling. Conclusion: In this last paragraph the student should make a contrast and show that his argument is right, and the given topic is wrong. The overconsumption of fossil fuels causing environmental problems is one of the major topics of concern for the modern world. Another reason to consider is available data that we already have. Therefore, it is obvious that a hike in fuel price is not going to affect the number of automobiles on the road. Conserve water and electricity. The GRE AWA becomes a crucial tool for demonstrating your critical thinking and analytical abilities. Check: Register for IELTS Coaching - Join for Free Trial Class Now. If something is not clear or missing, the writer will contact you for clarification. the environmental "Problems" are not from us. Hi IELTSMaterial, Id like to submit my essay of the above topic for evaluation. Climate change has taken centre stage as the number one global worry. There is indeed a worldwide increase in environmental decline and disturbances to the natural environment. For example, if people be ensured that the factors they are searching for ideal transporting is available while using subway they may be more tempted to buy a ticket for it . Recycle waste to conserve natural resources. Clarification of the stand must be stated clearly and briefly. There are alternative ways to generate power which can be used in place of fuels. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Only the first letter of the word in a sentence and proper nouns must be in capitals and there should be proper space between words. You can spend that time instead on other tasks. Since it is an opinion essay, you are required to write about one line of contrast in a separate body after presenting two body paragraphs supporting your views. Method 2 Taking a Creative Approach 1 Brainstorm different solutions. Gifts that bring cheer every time (and to everyone!) However, the increase in the cost of petrol will not stop the environmental pollution. And industry-generated trash as a result of the implementation of recyclable product utilisation. This can be seen in Japan where the number of car users remained the same after the hike in the price of petrol. The lesser use of fuel can only be done by reminding and educating people of the need. However, it is essential to emphasize that limiting automobile use would not alter the baseline environment. In conclusion, the implementation of the claim would result in widespread dissatisfaction among citizens. What are the 3 major environmental problems and how can we solve them? Increasing the fuel price cannot minimize the global demand on fuel. Using cause and effect patterns can be helpful. Concentrate on the correct usage of prepositions, subject-verb agreement and punctuation. Evidently, problems related to environmental degradation are rising day-by-day. See below for simple adjustments you can make to decrease the amount of disposable items in your daily life.