Earth is gradually slowing down. People usually say Earth when they are. And was with gleams like Arda s voice but then i did not spought.and i spought with another voice too before speaking with Earth voice.but was after Happening.i do not wanna this can be imagined, Ok i ll tell you more it do nt happ en to me only good things look when was for a girl in city that with that woman and the luggage in the night i was passing a bar i wanted go in but was locked.from behind the bar a guy come and throw me with a spray substance in eyes.i was n t seeing a while and some people called ambulance and i was tooken to hospital.ok so in this way go things sometimes, OK maybe was a flash thing but i dont want you see how goes sometimes it s not ho w i happ en ed too thing s that are sure 100%not by gleams to me not much but were somethis with the spray was maybe by flash but there were 100%not by gleams.ok that things were happened and i am completely sure that i do nt wanted them.anyway they were at border and i could accept thembut i dont wanted them thats r example i was put some times in the past in psychiatry hospital and i was cleaning there the room.not often but it was.this wasnt by flashs thats sure was how was and i passed in this way were going things the last year s i wasnt there anymore.that was more then when i was w i am other man then in that times, And dont understand me wrong.this cant be accepted.were n t at the border or like was happened and i just passed.and were others.i dont wanna remember.these things i could nt accept by with time i passed.for example one doctor there was offended me harsh in the past.and were others people know imagine how is there at psychiatry.and i was in other times offended not only there.and i was not only offended.i was hit by full.ok i wasnt hit much times it s true but were. Speleo is derived from the Greek word spelaion (v), meaning cave. . Therefore, he did not have large temples built to worship him. The word kosmos may refer to the universe or the whole of creation. It cant be a coincidence and the Arabic word cant be derived as it is much older (Semitic language). How to say the earth in Greek. The word Geo comes from a greek word which means earth. The Mariner thrived. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. So, its updated name could maybe be? So according to how I see it, the word Terra (or Ti Yarra or Tierra) means Watery place, or Watery Planet. Homeschooling The name Earth is an English/German name which simply means the ground. What does the word cosmos mean in the Bible? You dont even have an idea how stupid this is haha Spanish is my mother language and Portuguese is certainly not a sublanguage, thats just bullshit both are romance languages, they came from Latin just as rumani and French and by the way Spanish word for Earth is TIERRA not Terra so you are twice wrong, Portuguese doesnt come from Spanish, it comes from Vulgar Latin alike all latin languages of the peninsula (Galician, Leonese, Spanish, Catalan, Valencian among others I didnt mentioned). Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of . The woman who from time to time is priestess henceforth remains chaste and before her election must not have had intercourse with more than one man. So, he is the Word." When we read, "In the beginning was the Word" in John's Gospel, we should immediately think of another Bible text that begins with the same introductory phrase. So what to say more i need a girl friend.i never had one and i really need one.but girls dont want and i dunno why.i tried with a lot and no one wanted.ok but these are other thingswe aren t at the subject.dunno what to say maybe its God but not how it s in the bible.i believe things its different.and as i said i dont believe in the flood.dunno what to say these things are interesting but it s hard to find right answers. Everyone is free to choose.yeah there is a God a giant force which is the master of Cosmos but as i said i dont believe in the whole bible.some things in the bible are wrong in my opinion, And that giant force which rule the cosmos the heavens the hells all the wolds i call it re is a giant re pulsor.Earth is too a re pulsor.but more more smaller than the giant ,the maker(of everything)in one word is God, Ok i understand that you wanna know more.ok i was speaking a lot afterread what is there after lol. when i made a new adress i did not knew her id.i i had bad luck then with that girl.i am sorry for that even today cause she was a good girl and she wanted but it was not to be, It was all very fast with that girl is all what i remember and the result wasnt one happy and i was at beginnings with internet anyway.i did nt knew very well how to use it, So call it people the ideology of gleams.flashs were once.gleams are from always.and there where i said in posts above Tracks of Pro-Turkic languages can be found everywhere, and most of the runic tablets found all around Europe has been discovered actually written to be in Turkish including one famous one found in Gotland island in Baltic sea. While caving is a serious science, cave exploration also involves an element of sportsmanship, adventure and bravery. This is called the Equation of Time. These divisions, in descending length of time, are called eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. Derived from the Greek words phyto (plant) and plankton (made to wander or drift), phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that live in watery environments, both salty and fresh. was about that in that yearand that with Lapolarisa was in june or july in 2017 if i remember well.anyway it was in summer.and after i was more thinking and i shorted.look as i said in that in en i dont believe anymore but in Polarisa and Polarica i still Lapolarisa i was thinking at first and maybe is that but Polarica i still like. I have the privilege to have come into contact with old Australian Aboriginal languages, which were so numerous two hundred years ago. Greek is one of the languages that has influenced English. Not to be outdone by Euclid, Greek astronomers such as Aristarchus proposed a heliocentric model of the Universe which radically stated that the Earth revolved around the sun, which went completely against the commonly held belief of a geocentric model where the Earth was the center of the Universe around which all other celestial bodies revolved. She is the wife of Varaha, an avatar of Vishnu. We sometimes use the word Yer rts instead of other word dnya in more formal sentences, dnya has some slang use. . Ok it s not He i dunno to describe it was the voice of the planet thenwhen it happened that thing to me i dunno how to describeit was the voice of the planetit was how it isthat is all i can say,ok believe what you wantbut that thing really happened.i tried to say some things in my first posts but i wrote them fast and depressed .they were written in a explosion of fury and the result isnt what i wanted later and now they are there. Geocyclic:Relating to rotation of the earth. Its all in the Ether. Really not necessary and the result of the slam is not that the intended target of the barb looks bad.quite the contrary the person making the insults looks ill-informed, uneducated, and hostile. So correct that little fact you have wrong. Lex. The root form is the one that is often used to form compound words. Lets relate Geo Root Word to this quotation, to understand and remember its meaning: The Earth does not belong to man. [citation needed] The English word "earth" has cognates in many modern and ancient languages. Gaia, angered by his boasting, sent a giant scorpion to kill him, and after his death, he and the scorpion were placed among the stars by Zeus. . Strong's Greek 1093252 Occurrences 38 Occ. 78 Occ. 136 Occ. What is the ancient Greek word for earth? The fact that it came from Spanish has no bearing on the discussion, though of course Im always interested in such facts. Erhe got it wrong in his statement that Earth wasnt named after a Greek God. People of the old world didnt look at the plain the walked on as a celestial body. Tyndale used original Greek and Ancient Hebrew text when he translated the Bible into the commoners tongue (English). It should also be noted that Erda isnt Anglo, its Breton and pronounced Ar-thah, with a voiced -th. The citation form is the one commonly shown in dictionaries. All religions are about Him.And yeah there was the flood,in the past of humanity. It could be that the vast quantities of water came later, after the planet had got its name. Quote: Its called terra in Portuguese, Find more words! Translations of the Bible into English was one of the earliest recorded use of the name Earth God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. So the israel people are the one pulsor so to pulsor and God are one word God the divinity, When we say God we think at a higher power at the divinity.and i call it also re pulsor.our father our creator in one word God. From a universe perspective, the most remarkable although likely not unique aspect of this planet is that it evolvedhumans. It s not that style.a cosmos civilization sends to Earth a code but the code cant be in the end nothing happened.i called what was then MastersVoice cause i like how my nick is science fiction i like sf and what was then had a sf feeling and that s i said was Earth.was science fiction and in the same time was not.cause was Earth.i am a man but i am different then a lot of others you figure out already.they that scientists in that book called the message from space MastersVoice.ok you understand.we do not need space messages for us.Earth is enough stronger for us, Ok i know i wanna change it AndromedaStrain i dunno u people what you are believing after all what i said.but i like it and so hard to find something this things are difficult to me as religion.i ll think and i ll change i dunno but oh god how difficult is this to pleaseand i find so hard something to like, Ok i let still this.i dunno i dont have inspiration in this and is hard for me the photo was something else there in the end i put this, this is good.i ll let AndromedaStrain these are hard things for me to please others.i was thinking at one but i dont wanted.i was thinking at TheAndromedaStrain sounds better with The.but I dont do it as i said pleasing is hard for me, Ok you dont post it with the new nick.i ll let this.ok who is paranoid you or me thats a name of a song of band called TheKovenant.first they were called Covenant.they changed their it, So i ll let Andromeda i cant change it for second time.and Andromeda i like a lot.but i wanted to change.that nicks i think i should say werent people who read dont misunderstood please all what i post.that was what came in my mind.anyway i am very satisfied that is that girl from that you can see she s like me, Ok i dont now what to say.i was speaking a lot abovei am not alien as i saidi told you that i was speak in the past with the voice of our planet.i am tired now and i leave, ok post it or not but i ll say always that ATM cards are wrong for beautiful ATM s they are not on flashs side, so you know guys about what all about.i had a long poist but wasn t posted.and i wrote a lot.anyway you know already about what s all about.i just was more expaining things, I resume it i was saying besides women and ATM s i was also saying that i listen usually at rock music at dance not very often and that Delain s music is on flash side, There is this but is in a different way not with Cosmos and stuff like this as i believe and tell to others.especially girls. Tellus is a Latin word meaning Earth and may refer to: Tellus Mater or Terra Mater, the ancient Roman earth mother goddess. 1. [14], According to Hesiod, Gaia conceived further offspring with her son, Uranus, first the giant one-eyed Cyclopes: Brontes ("Thunder"), Steropes ("Lightning"), and Arges ("Bright");[15] then the Hecatonchires: Cottus, Briareos, and Gyges, each with a hundred arms and fifty heads. for example Jupiter is a roman god, its moons are named after Zuess (the greek counterpart to Jupiter) servants. So unnecessary and detracts in a major way from enjoyment of readers. They had migrated from India owing to some cataclysm. @Davin and others It is most plausible that etymologically, the word earth goes back to Semitic languages which are much older than Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) and other European languages: earth, Erde, aarde, etc all sound like Arabic pronounced [ard] and Hebrew pronounced [eretz] or [aretz]. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This is perfectly understandable as the translator of the Bible into English was not familiar with the correct pronunciation of this word. What prefix is derived from the Greek word for earth? as free moral agents (cf. It conjures up images of Earth, and forms the basis of words such as ecology, economics and ecosystem which all share the same Greek root, ecos, derived from "oikos," meaning . Gaia was also depicted in triple form with Persephone the maiden, Demeter as mother and Hecate as crone. [25], Gaia resented the way Zeus had treated her children, the Titans, so she brought forth the Gigantes to fight Zeus. From the Greek word meaning "weaver," this name gained notoriety through Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey. In other words, the contexts do not necessitate nonexistence or continued existence. Yeesh! I would think youd be more angry with that than whether theyre the same which they are. What are 2 negative effects of using oil on the environment? Heeren. Youre all wrongEarth is derived from Godspeakand roughly translated asall sales final/no refunds. Ok so what to say,our world was playing the last game,and that was the last card.more it couldnt be done.i described how was that began distorting far in cosmos and the water had go back mount ararat began to be seen againand we had read in the bible how was is described all.about the cosmos events i dunno. Had the Romans taken in the concept of Gaia which predates the other gods of Greek Mythos wed probably be calling Earth Gaia and not Earth at all. Did Machu Picchu get destroyed by the Spanish? From everything Ive searched for (and read), this language, and the people who brought it into being, traveled from somewhere in Eastern Europe and moved around quite a bit. Greek word for politics Rating: 7,2/10 1293 reviews. It is interesting how 12 greek words can create a heated debate with a lot of nonsense too. [24], Nonnus describes a similar myth, in which Aphrodite fled from her lustful father Zeus, who was infatuated with her. And i said it in other places you wish and what you want.i spought enough, So feel free to ask me in the case u wanna know more.i did not said all what i know but what is else is in the same large is nothing more to be girls believe in what i sayi love you all but of course you know what especially i love at this is if you like you believe it if no try something else, I have to tell you that in that song Bird Set Free the second girl from the end the blonde with the chocolate is laughing in the end .that video is incomplete.and that scene is a flash thing:)all song is flash but that scene i adore it.when she laughs.that song was when i spought i told youso in this way are things, Ok so i have already a disciple.that girl.i was doing that often in the past but not like she.she is laughing there fully:)and the video was in front of me in 2017 then when i spought MastersVoice:)lol, I ll tell you about s a book i had read in the about aliens but not like Star Wars. Differentiated vocabulary for your students is just a click away. This origin story comes from some of the earliest Greek writings that have survived. Latin and Greek are the source of many root words in English. What Person Has Murdered the Most People Directly By Their Own Hand, And Who Has Saved the Most Lives? And they came to Australia over 60 000 years ago, while the Greeks migrated to actual Greece in two waves, 7000 years ago and respectively 5000 years ago. There is speculation that the origins of the word may be from an Indo-European language base er which produced more modern adaptations of the word used in languages today. Known far and wide for his beauty, Hyacinth was a lover of Apollo, the sun god. Ardd only means Earth or earth (dirt). The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! Moreover, Portuguese/Galician are indeed different than Spanish and have a much heavier Celtic influence. Gaia IS the Earth. 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