When Uther was broken by Morganas betrayal, Gaius didn't seem to care anymore and thought that Uther would not recover. The man who acted as Gaius in MERLIN is still much alive. The Dragon saved Morganas life, although it is unknown what motives led to this. WebHe explains his belief Merlin is the only one who can return magic to the kingdom and will, with Arthur, make a better world. After discovering Gaius was innocent, Uthers trust in him strengthened so much that he even gave him permission to use magic to heal Morgana after she fell down a flight of stairs. The clever old man frightens them off by saying a boy just died of 'Red Thrush Fever' and they are now going to burn his bed linen to prevent an outbreak. This course of action could land the couple straight into Morgana's waiting arms. Gwaine then demanded that Morgana give them food, particularly for the aged and ailing Gaius. They are brought to Gaius' chambers for treatment. The old physician is amazed that both knights are still alive and suspects that dark magic is involved. Gaius is present at Sir Elyan's funeral pyre he assures Merlin that the young knight's death was not of his making. Leon then arrived and informed Gaius that Agravaine had summoned him to examine a dead body found at the foot of one of Camelot's towers. When he turned to look at her, she did something completely out of character. Guinevere blocks this attempt by claiming that Merlin confided in her that he has a sweetheart somewhere in the country and that he must be with her now. After Merlin was kidnapped by mercenaries and taken to Morgana, Gaius expressed great concern and was told by Arthur that he would not rest until Merlin was recovered. Merlin and Gwen then poisoned Guy to get the goblin out of his body, but managed to Gaius was present when Arthur uncovered the Round Table and knighted Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Lancelot. He also serves as a moral advisor and a source of reassurance. Under cover of darkness he takes his ward to Arthur's chambers and assures him only he can save the king. Alice (ex-fiance)Gaius's Mother (mother)Hunith (younger sister)[1]Merlin (nephew) Morgana then used magic on Gwen, turning her evil temporarily. Though Arthur was unhappy at treating Gaius in this way, he sensed that Gaius was hiding something. He kept it as an example. He has saved Uthers life many times through his skills as a physician. Gaius is very proud of Merlin but also frequently scolds him about his recklessness with using magic, though ultimately things usually work out for the best. Gaius identifies it as the horn of Cathbhaddh a magical horn used by the high priestesses of the Old Religion to visit the land of the dead. Alive In that same movie, we have a grown up medicine man known as Gaius in the movie, who was also a magician like Marlin but, he hide his gift to become a physician. After Merlin recounts his encounter with Finna to Gaius, the physician is unsure if the old witch can be trusted. The man who played Guy in Merlin is still alive. Out of worry for his ward Gaius tells Arthur of Finna's presence in Camelot and where to find her. The only person who Gaius valued more was Merlin, whom he came to love like a son (A Remedy to Cure All Ills). What happens to Gaius when Merlin kills Nimueh? Status: It seemed that Gaius actually did die but Merlin arrived and, enraged by the death of his friend and mentor, slew Nimueh. Gaius: People used magic for the wrong ends at that time. Merlin finally admits that despite all warnings Arthur used the horn to contact Uther. It soon became clear to Gaius that a Lamia was on the loose and after the creature was killed Gaius was able to cure all those afflicted by the creature (Lamia). Richard Wilson broke a blood vessel in his left eye, as seen in several scenes in this episode. I want to know her eyes as she watches MERLIN sleeping with his head resting against his backpack. The exact nature of their relationship before Agravaine betrayed Camelot is unclear, but Agravaine treated Gaius with respect and even used flattery sometimes, speaking of Gaius's knowledge and wisdom when he tried to get Gaius to tell him about Emrys, although Gaius was too humble to allow the flattery to affect him. When Merlin found out about the Goblin, he revealed his magic. The Goblin then revealed Merlins magic to the court, forging evidence with a magic book from a hidden section of the library. Despite Merlins original claims of Gaius possession being ignored, Arthur grew suspicious of Gaius behaviour. Uther sentenced Alice to death and Gaius visited her in the dungeon and told her that he loved her. Gaius then told Uther that he was possessed and that Merlin was innocent. Gaius pays Sefa a visit to offer her a potion that will ease her passing. When Uther was mortally wounded by an assassin, Arthur begged Gaius to save him but Gaius told him that because the dagger had touched Uthers heart and that he was bleeding inside, he could not be cured and would only live for a few days. Before The Great Purge, Gaius smuggled Morgause out of Camelot due to an unknown reason and handed her over to the High Priestesses of the Old Religion, where she was trained from very young to become the powerful sorcerer she was in Series 2 and 3. Aithusa has a very mysterious personality. Gaius advises Merlin not interfere and counters that he too helped sorcerers escape Camelot in the past. Though he was eventually defeated, he resisted Alator's mental torture for quite a while though it is unclear if he did this through magic or willpower. Meanwhile, Arthurs uncle Agravaine took charge of the kingdom in Arthurs absence and had the city gates closed to prevent food running out. He frequently tried to encourage him in his abilities while, at the same time, advising him to look at the bigger picture such as with the plague in Camelot where Gaius tried to make Merlin see that curing one person can have consequences; subsequently Merlin cured Gwens father, resulting in her being accused of witchcraft. 6, As Wilson explains during a break from filming at the spectacular Chteau Pierrefonds, Gaius is Merlins mentor and mentor. Is it just me or does it feel like he became foolish out of nowhere? Gaius was not afraid to speak up to Arthur, and like Merlin, addressed him by his name alone on many occasions and not his title. , , . A shadow with ill intent. A few of these had side effects - namely, thecures given to Gwen (for a fake illness), Morgana (for her nightmares, as the goblin had stolen her gold healing bracelet) and Uther (for a curse placed by the Goblin, causing him to go bald) included excessive flatulence. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He is responsible for the health of the royal family, including that of the Lady Morgana, whom he suspects of having magic. He keeps trying to wave off Merlin's suspicions and concerns. Guys droopy eyelid is the result of a magical experiment gone completely wrong. Agravaine was therefore forced to help Gwaine to bring Gaius back to Camelot. Alator then used a form of magical psychological pressure to force Gaius into revealing the true identity of Emrys. Arthur accepted this explanation and seemed to have calmed over the situation, no longer as vengeful towards the sorcerer (The Secret Sharer). Gaius was frequently seen advising Merlin or assisting him wherever he could. Because of Merlin's interference Kara and Mordred are apprehended and Camelot's dark destiny seems unavoidable. Like Merlin, Gaius treats Arthur like another son that he never had, yet he did not bother to ever let Arthur know the truth of Uther's death and the necklace that was enchanted by Morgana, thus let Arthur believe that he was responsible for his own father's death. However Agravaine told Morgana of Arthurs plans and she made him put a necklace she enchanted around Uthers neck and repel healing magic. Merlin and Gwen later poisoned Gaius to get the Goblin out of his body but managed to give him an antidote before he died. Gaius spoke the name of his niece almost as a whisper. Gaius says he may be able to arrest the poison's progress but not for long. It was only after Edwins attempt to kill Uther, and Merlin stopping him from attempting to kill Gaius, that he was once again restored to his post. Recently, Gaius was captured by Alator, a powerful warrior and sorcerer. After Arthur realizes Elyan is possessed when he tries to kill him again, Gaius tells him the spirit won't rest in peace until the crime is atoned for. Gaius eventually discovered Guineveres secret relationship with Arthur Pendragon; he approved and gave Gwen new hope for the relationship (The Last Dragonlord). When Arthur is found unconscious Gaius quickly concludes that the king has been poisoned by way of henbane. Gaius helped Alice escape from Camelot just as he had twenty three years earlier. These two are really two sides of the same coin, aren't Arthur says "I love you" to Merlin in Diamond of the Day. And after Arthur died, Merlin didnt even get to walk away. He didnt get to move on. Because the dragons final words, while meant to bring him hope, basically thwarted any hope of closure for Merlin. Alice to Gaius, shortly after they were engaged. Gaius attempts to reassure Merlin that both women are merely traumatised after their horrendous ordeal. Gaius was the first name of Julius Caesar, as well as the first name of Caesar's uncle Marius. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? However Gaius magical skills have clearly improved as the series went on. Gaius then suspected that Agravaine was loyal to Morgana and later discovered that Gwen had been knocked unconscious by Morgana before curing her. I love you far too much ever to betray you. He was seen saving as many lives as he could during the Great Dragons assault on Camelot and later comforted Merlin about Balinors death telling Merlin, "you've still got me.". Gaius councils Arthur to keep the horn safe. You're right, Merlin was starting to feel he needed to start going it alone to protect Arthur and the time was coming up, coz he wasn't getting support from anywhere else, and yet when he does go off on his own to trust someone who is going to help, Gaius takes it upon himself to act against Merlin, and risk nearly getting them both cuaght. Gaius is the current guardian of Merlin, who was sent to him by his younger sister, Hunith. He was loyal to Uther, despite the methods the king used to deal with sorcerers and the use of magic. There is sorcery at work here. Merlin and Gaius managed to find the source of the disease; an Afanc in Camelots water supply and after the Afanc was destroyed, Gwen was freed. Later, locked in the dungeons, Gaius immediately saw that Elyan had been tortured to the limit of human endurance by a Nathair serpent. When Merlin returned from a patrol and spoke to Gaius of a mysterious abandoned village deep in the forest, Gaius warned him that it was in fact a Druid shrine, erected for the sake of a troubled soul to appease it after an unjust death. He often provides Merlin with advice and was the one who provided him with his first magic spellbook. The Goblin then revealed Merlins magic to the court, forging evidence with a magic book from a hidden section of the library. "You are not alone. In the season finale, Merlin saves his mother, Gaius, and Arthur while also vanquishing the sorceress Nimueh and making an enemy of the Great Dragon chained beneath Camelot. Gaius believed that basic problems should be solved by science. Arthur recovered, due to Merlin making a deal, but then Merlins mother grew seriously ill. Merlin planned to sacrifice himself to save her but Gaius went instead. Webwhat happened to gaius eye in merlin Merlin: Created by Johnny Capps, Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy. When the spirit of Cornelius Sigan possesses a boy named Cedric and tries to take control of Camelot, Gaius tells Merlin that only the great dragon, being the only one living old enough to know how to defeat Sigan, can help them. Gaius identifies the spell Gwen was placed under as the Teine Diaga a horrid ritual to bend a victim to one's will. Because he helped Balinor, the Dragonlord felt he owed Gaius a debt that he had to repay, referring to him as a good man. Though it was almost torturous, he didn't mind it, as long as Arthur was happy then he was happy. Merlin is the Boar's Sin of Gluttony of the Seven Deadly Sins. Gaius also had a talent for keeping secrets; being able to hide a sorcerer, Merlin, right under the nose of Uther Pendragon, smuggle Morgause out of Camelot without Uther knowing until many years later and help Balinor and Alice escape Camelot (the latter individual twice). Whilst he and Merlin are smuggling a bundled up Gwen out of Camelot the pair are caught by Gwaine and Mordred. Merlin yelled, but no one answered back. Gender: He and Merlin managed to destroy the Manticore when Gaius used magic to blow up the box that allowed the Manticore to come from its own world into theirs. Although he acted as if nothing had changed, Gaius helped Merlin work to thwart her plots time and time again, and when he was possessed by a goblin he told her that her heart was full of darkness. Inner tube series of dot marks and a puncture, what has caused it? He states that both the elder Gaius Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar) and the younger Gaius Julius Caesar (Caligula) were stabbed 30 times by conspirators led by a man named Cassius (Cassius Longinus and Cassius Chaerea respectively). changes Merlin Gaius are standing in a huge clearing outside the walls of Camelot guys explains to Killgarra what happened to Merlin. Gaius' medical expertise is called upon once again when princess Mithian arrives in Camelot grievously wounded. Upon his arrival, Merlin saved Gaius from falling from a balcony in his room using his powers. Merlin arrives just as Gaius has died. Gaius and Merlin. Despite this Gaius remained in love with Alice. "Me." However after being wrongly accused of magic, a devastated Uther ordered him to be put to death but Gaius was later proven innocent. Gaius spoke the Merlin is my only child, to the It was just a normal day in the kingdom of Camelot when it happened. Merlin refuses to heal the young knight because he still believes in the prophecy, this shocks and hurts Gaius. Gaius, along with the rest of Camelot, was caught by surprise when Morgana and Helios invaded Camelot. He also never tried to change Uther's mind in regard to magic but manipulated him. Words cannot describe how much I care for you. List of Appearances: I wish Merlin gave him a right shouting at afterwards for that. WebLanguoreth 16:47, December 16, 2010 (UTC) Great Uncle would be possilbe, so Gaius is the uncle to Hunith's mother or father. WebGaius is constantly haunted by the decisions he made during the purge, the ghosts of the people he could have saved but didnt, even losing a girlfriend for it. He helped Hunith by hiding her lover, the Dragonlord Balinor from the wrath of Uther during the Great Purge. He told Merlin he did the right thing by poisoning her, and that Morgana had chosen to use her gifts for evil, despite the fact that at this point she had been nothing more than an unknowing vessel for Morgauses scheming after she had agreed to help bringing about Uther's downfall. At the shrine, Arthur reveals to Merlin he was the one who led the attack on the druids' camp. 65 episodes. Morgana showed none of her former respect and affection for Gaius and was happy to firstly torture him to extract information, then later leave him deteriorating in a cell without sufficient food. Gaius later told Arthur that he loved him and Arthur thought of Gaius as a member of his own family having known him ever since he was born (The Secret Sharer). After Kara has been captured and sentenced to death Merlin is convinced Mordred will liberate the girl and leave with her. He is efficient, smart and very good at doing chores. Gaius helped Balinor escape from Camelot when he was hunted by Uther. Gaius provides Merlin with a aging potion so he can adopt his Dragoon guise and escape the dungeons. But in the last season it's like the roles switched completely. (The Secret Sharer.) Merlin, who was unable to forsake his destiny to protect Arthur, told Gaius that he would sacrifice himself in Arthurs place despite Gaius telling him not to go. It is unknown why Uther was led to believe that Morgause had died shortly after her birth. Knowing that his own death was imminent, Gaius committed suicide on the Aventine Hill in 121 BCE. Words cannot describe how much I care for you. Gaius reassured Merlin that he was not to blame for Uthers death and that Arthur would soon learn that Merlin is a sorcerer. WebGaius is Merlins enigmatic father-substitute on the BBC show Merlin. After Uthers death, Gaius showed no emotions at all but expressed sympathy to Arthur and told Merlin that Uthers spirit had already died when Morgana betrayed him. Gwen also gave him a kiss on the cheek when he was about to leave Camelot (A Remedy to Cure All Ills). It's really weird. He explains his belief Merlin is the only one who can return magic to the kingdom and will, with Arthur, make a better world. Although Merlin denied using magic, he once again exposed his magic when Gaius tricked him into preventing a bucket of water from spilling off the table. Wilson confesses that, his wig aside, the most challenging aspect of the production has been the arcane and colourful language he finds himself having to deliver on camera. WebGaius and Merlin find the shrine, which was the place of one of Uther's ruthless slaying of druids. Statistics Gaius lands Merlin in a spot of trouble when he claims that the old witch who lives near the cauldron is the only one who can reverse Morgana's magic. How does weight and strength of a person effects the riding of bicycle at higher speeds. 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