3. Working within the theoretical perspective that increase in scarcity of resources reduces cooperative ties within communities, the proposal aims to test the proposition that in Villa Isreal, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia, severe water shortages erode reciprocal exchange and social relationships. In the Andes, the basic units for such groups are nuclear and extended households (Lobo 1995 [1982]). Coser, Lewis A. Kirk, Jerome, and Marc C. Miller She has not only been trained in anthropological methodology but has managed data collection and analysis for several projects. I will then create two scales (for weekly and daily use), calculating the coefficient of reproducibility (CR the statistic that summarizes errors in the scale), for each. If your application is approveda decision which takes about eight weeksthe relevant grant program will send you an email with a link to the full application online. NGS Grants Application Sample 1 of 9 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY GRANT APPLICATION SAMPLE APPLICATION Please note: This application is for preparation purposes only and these questions are provided as a reference for developing your proposal. Secret Discount Link Our Explorers are people of all walks of life from all over the world. Applications are now open for the National Geographic Society Grants Program to illuminate and protect the wonder of their world. 1971 The Bolivian Aymara. The proposal also calls for use of an experimental game to study economic behaviors, analogous to research that has been conducted in fifteen small-scale societies. One particularly important form of reciprocity is the obligation to provide goods and labor to kin and fictive kin during Catholic festivals (Isbell 1985 [1978]). Grantees may not: offer or give anything of value to a government official or any other person as an incentive to, or in exchange or as a reward for, obtaining an improper advantage for National Geographic; or give, offer, solicit or accept anything of value that is intended to induce the recipient to violate his/her duty of loyalty to his/her employer. 2001), I will use an investment game (Berg et al. This item has been moved from budget item B4 to B6 because it requests funds for out-of-country employees. Applicants are not required to have advanced degrees. Low, Setha 1998 NSF Research Education for Undergraduates grant, to study the estimation of hard-to-count populations with Russ Bernard, 2003 (under review) Presenter, Using personal networks to measure race and ethnicity Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Cancun, Mexico Dirks, Robert Privacy Policy, Contact us 1999 Theorizing the City. Mack, Raymond At the end of the second phase, I will conduct a series of experimental economic games to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community. 0000031085 00000 n Protestants, lacking a system of festival-based reciprocity, form informal social support networks to provide goods and services to churchgoers (cf. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed . In addition, the research projects should address one or more of the priority areas . Stewart-Gambino, Hannah W., and Everett Wilson Two of these projects took place in Mexico and Bolivia, where I honed my ability to do research in Spanish. Budget Guidelines: Level I and Level II Grants, Level I Grants Program Pre-application Template, Level I Grants Program Full Application Template, Level II Grants Program Conservation Application Template, Level II Grants Program Education Application Template, Level II Grants Program Research Application Template, Level II Grants Program Storytelling Application Template, Level II Grants Program Technology Application Template. a. If you apply for more than one year of funding, your proposal will be sent back to you to revise and resubmit for the next deadline. We are looking for individuals who are interested in becoming an active part of the Explorer Community. These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should write the application and be listed as the project leader. During the dry season, households will withdraw from generalized reciprocal exchange relationships in the order predicted by the experimental game. A review panel evaluates and ranks the proposals according to four criteria: technical merit; societal project benefits; knowledge, performance, and experience of project personnel; and reasonableness of budget for proposed project. Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. Research Objectives Was it bought at a store? UPDATED JANUARY 2018 Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press. research to investigate when and in what order social ties are broken (Coleman 1957), such studies have been conducted in only a few geographic regions and on a few environmental scarcities. -- in each room in the house that were acquired in the last week. Krause, Neal, Cristopher G. Ellison, and Benjamin A. Shaw Andean communities also tend to have strong traditions of mutual support founded on work- based solidarity (Buechler and Buechler 1971). Access your saved CRE pre-application form. Data analysis will include constructing an ordinal measurement of water use, and analyzing interactions among households, as well as the results of the game. 0000037846 00000 n A-3000 transcription kit $100 The transportation budget also includes funds for occasional taxi rides to and from the airport, to carry large loads, and in the evening when buses stop running to Villa Israel. A grant from the National Geographic Society means more than just funding! For example, between April and July of 2002, fourteen children under the age of one died from water-related illnesses (Trujillo 2002). While the supportive elements of Latin American urban networks have been extensively documented, the effects of severe resource scarcity on urban networks remain unexplored. Before you submit a pre-application, there are a few things you should take into consideration: The Young Explorers Grants Program accepts pre-applications throughout the year. During the wet season, households also collect rainfall and water from canal beds used to drain sewage and wastewater. Third, interviews with key informants allow me to collect information with more time depth than would be available with only the household interviews. Dissertation Research:The Effects of Water Scarcity on Reciprocity and All applications must be submitted through our online application system. Cochabamba: Unin Cristiana Evanglica. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Model filling out the top row (state level) using the school policy you chose to discuss in Step 1. My preparation for this research includes coursework in the following subjects: research design and cognitive research methods with Dr. H. Russell Bernard, economic anthropology and studies of race and ethnicity with Dr. Anthony Oliver-Smith, political ecology and development in the tropics with Dr. Marianne Schmink, and anthropological theory with Dr. Maxine Margolis. Researchers planning work in countries abroad should make great effort to include at least one local collaborator as part of their team. If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. Disclaimers Below: Michael Nichols, Andy Mann, Paul Nicklen, Ami Vitale, Christian Tryon, Kenneth Garrett, Mark Thiessen. In interviews with key informants, I will also i. Throughout the process the researcher will build on current available data and work with NGOs active in this area. This involves the development and testing of a scale to assess water consumption, as well as conducting interviews to document variation of water use in a sample of households. 1993 The Culture of Conflict. Lomnitz, Larissa Theyre also in the lab diving deep into the microscopic world, in their local communities capturing the stories of a fishing village, or in the classroom sharing their discoveries with the next generation. Assuming that semi-structured interviews last, on average, 6 hours each, each two-month cycle would involve: 360 hours of interviewing, 720 hours of transcription (at 12 hours per interview), and 120 hours of coding (at 2 hours per interview). Field Methods 13(1):88-96. The presentation and recording are available from the October 2020 webinar,NGGDPP Webinar on FY2021 Program Announcement and Proposal Writing Best Practices. To ensure that invited applicants are prepared to submit competitive full applications, we recommend that applicants already have an understanding of or are prepared to assemble the methods, dissemination strategies, and proposed outputs of the full project (as relevant and appropriate). The researcher has chosen five 'major kinds of ties' that are involved in mutual support networks, and these may in fact be borne out. They dont just venture to the tops of mountains or the bottom of the ocean. 2001 Cholas and Pishtacos: Stories of Race and Sex in the Andes. Who paid for the food and cooked? The fund will distribute support ranging from $1,000-8,000 USD for local coverage of the preparation, response, and impact of this global pandemic as seen through evidence-based reporting. Fourth, the experimental game allows me to determine how certain ties affect trust and reciprocity, controlling for other factors like history. Rating: Excellent, Very Good At this funding level, grantees will provide mentorship within the Explorer community, contribute their expertise, and participate in relevant speaking engagements upon request. H. Russell Bernard and Christopher McCarty in research projects between 1997 and 2002, I honed my skills in sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and data analysis. 0000038091 00000 n allocated 4 to 8 hours per meeting for interviewing and observation. International Security 19(1):5-41. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE). Currently, Villa Israel has no municipal water or sanitation services. to document the incidence of water scarcity in the research community. The measure will be designed as a Guttman scale. Although early conflict theorists called for empirical Homer-Dixon, Thomas, and Valerie Percival The login page will open in a new tab. 2001 Church-based social support and religious coping. If any work under the proposed grant will be performed in countries including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea, you must consult your legal counsel to ensure that an appropriate general license is available, or a specific license has been obtained, allowing the grant activity to take place. 2002 Desconfianza and Problems of Representation in Urban Ethnography. Level I applicants who submit pre-applications will be notified of decisions in May 2023, whether declined or invited to submit a full application. Instructions will be provided. 0000009445 00000 n However, as this level is highly competitive, applicants should make a strong case for why their project is relevant and impactful, and why they are best suited to carry out the work. 2. Projects can be up to two years long. J. Henrich, R. Boyd, S. Bowles, C. Camerer, E. Fehr, H. Gintis, and R. McElreath, eds: Book manuscript. Wiley: Jossey-Bass: A supplement to Thomas Blackburn's book Getting Science Grants: Effective Strategies for Funding Success (Jossey-Bass, 2003), the website includes links to funded proposals to federal and private agencies. H10. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Social interactions will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season. With whom do you work? Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. Measurement of water availability This researcher will test this problem through a series of hypotheses. First, you must submit a pre-application form online. Please submit your pre-application at least eight months prior to your field dates, at least six months for the Expeditions Council. Moreover hypotheses 5 and 6 are reciprocal suppositions. 1980 Social Responses During Severe Food Shortages and Famine. During the second phase, I will conduct in-depth interviews stream These additional state geological survey proposal examples from 2020 are available for reference to support proposal writing. Most likely, it will not make sense to implement at the state level. hb``d``nc`e` B,@Q$]V%^W5p>9{0)9x\J[RYB{q5Qv4:s]VO77;r\0BCGDZ'd. For this reason, they warmly welcome individuals from underserved and underrepresented groups around the world to apply. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should apply and write the application. Field notes and transcribed narratives that include anecdotes about tie breaking and water conflicts will be coded to indicate if the case supports or disproves any of the hypotheses. Submit a Grant Lomnitz (1978) suggested that extreme deprivation would likely cause decrement of generalized reciprocal exchanges and social interactions in urban areas. Throughout the year, all households lack sufficient water for daily sanitation tasks in Villa Israel. Individuals who are already National Geographic Explorers (i.e., those who have already received a grant from the National Geographic Society) are NOT eligible to apply for Level I Grants. Christopher McCarty (U. Florida), Clarence Gravlee (U. Michigan), Graduate Advisors: 1985, Corbett 1988, Walker 1989). experiences in the community (ethnicity, religion, profession, age, and gender). The amount of offers (H7) and counter-offers (H8) made during the investment game will be recorded in Bolivianos. 1995). 1997 Latin American Pentecostals: Old Stereotypes and New Challenges. In Power, Politics, and Pentecostals in Latin America. New York: Columbia University Press. We only accept applications that are submitted through our online portal. Pre-owned laptop computer $600 Cost-share requirements and package submission to grants.gov do not apply to the DOI. Who? Bernard Bribery Act. Was the item in anyone elses home before? 2002 Presenter, Getting Health Care Advice on Her Own: Social Network Effects on Weaning Decisions in Oaxaca, Mexico" Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Atlanta, GA To do this, I will ask 20 women to indicate which of the tasks on the streamlined list (e.g., drinking, washing windows, bathing, watering plants, and cooking) each household member has A major strength of the proposal is the clarity of the sampling pattern for in-depth interviews. New York: Columbia University Press. These examples of data management plans (DMP)are available for reference to support proposal writing. 1999 Undergraduate Research, study of information networks in Xian, China Analysis of variance tests will also be used to determine if different social ties are associated with differences in mean monetary measures of trust and reciprocity (H7, H8). other. As the winter dry season progresses, the impacts of water scarcity become increasingly severe. (Obviously from my ratings I think this is a strong proposal; it's also a topic of interest to me which is why I offer the suggestions I do.). The research design has several strengths. 0000038154 00000 n 1993 Theories of Famine. There, a rapid increase in water demand caused by urban growth, groundwater scarcity, and topography that drains water away from the city have intensified pressures on the municipal water distribution system (Laurie and Marvin 1999). 1999 Hydropolitics in the Third World. The California Sea Grant College Program is now soliciting proposals for research projects that address goals and objectives specific to aquaculture in the Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFA) section of the California Sea Grant 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. Ross (1993) has shown that the presence of cooperative ties within a community mitigates both the incidence and the intensity of conflict. The estimate of $2160 assumes that half of the players will send nothing (so that the cost of the interaction is $3) and half of the players send the full amount (so that the cost of the interaction is $9). If you are planning to work outside of your home country or community, you must include the name and contact information for at least one local collaborator as a project team member in the application. Over six years of coursework, I have acquired a solid four-field education in anthropology that enables me to understand the cultural, biological, historical, and symbolic aspects of water scarcity and conflict. 0000000836 00000 n Research Site: Villa Israel, Cochabamba, Bolivia Fight Fraud against NGOs The A-3000 transcription kit includes software, a headset, and a foot pedal. Invited applicants will have seven (7) weeks to submit a full application. Secret Discount Link (Name relationship) c. Did you trade food, money, child care, or anything else with anyone this week? Premium Terms of Service, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC By informing players A and B that the otherwise anonymous opposing player shares kin, compadrazgo, paisano, work, or religious affiliation, the experiment can be manipulated to test the strength of trust and reciprocity for each tie. Ask the following questions about each item.) Fill out YEG pre-application for Conservation Trust (CT). Applications are now open for the National Geographic Society Grants Program to illuminate and protect the wonder of their world. ?1K[UrNu3VvJ+IhVo(Nnv_s~'Vf~/E>W{tc}L5LC#Lybm6bC2vi}\^mlIP>[%[q5B\hCo?oKLK|]HQnv:Q[4ssuUCOo/oh)JV%YMtGu_uLYZyBG{bey}[o4Zb?$i0 Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $6200 2001 Kinship, Familiarity, and Trust: An experimental investigation. %PDF-1.6 % Third-Party Links & Ads Villa Israel, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Cochabamba, is an impoverished community of 565 migrant families. We currently offer three types of grant opportunities: All applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time they submit a proposal. Copyright 2023 © European Youth Press. Note, however, that there is a wide literature on Andean reciprocity that is only touched upon in the proposalmuch of it, though based in rural 'traditional' communities might nonetheless be of use for understanding reciprocity among migrants to the city. Semi-structured interview protocol (Modified version of Stack 1970). 1994 Urban Transformation and Survival Strategies. The National Geographic Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, age, or handicap. By determining when and how social ties become vulnerable during periods of severe water scarcity, the research will point to possible avenues for conflict prevention in marginal urban communities. Act now! The recipients of these grants, who we call National Geographic Explorers, are a diverse community of changemakers from around the world working to support our mission to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. c. With whom do you participate in special activities (church groups, dancing, etc.)? Third-Party Links & Ads 1995 The Role of Water and the Origins of Conflict. Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. 0000017675 00000 n During the dry season, households with more water will engage in more social interactions than will households with less water. Every winter, seasonal water shortages threaten the lives of the people of Villa Israel, forcing them to make choices in how they use their economic and social resources. During the first phase, I will use a sampling frame to choose a 60-household purposive sample, create and test interview protocols, choose key informants, and train a research assistant. This revised item requests funds for two full-time research assistants to work in Villa Israel from March to December 2004. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of social interactions between households. Ross, Marc Howard To the theoretical perspectives? key informants will allow me to check their recollections and assessments of norms against each National Geographic is committed to funding a diverse and globally representative cohort of Explorers. Universidad Mayor de San Simn in Cochabamba. National Geographic Society funds often serve as complementary supportthus the program encourages applicants to seek additional, concurrent funding from other sources. I propose to do an in- depth study of Villa Israel, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia, where conflict over water is an Access your saved EC pre-application form. Through in-depth study of one case, the research will produce data with high internal validity. Private vendors typically charge 10 to 20 times the fee charged by public utilities, and people living in marginal urban areas pay between 10 and 40 percent of their incomes to acquire water in this way (Marvin and Laurie 1999). Shaanxi Teachers University, Chinese Language and Literature, Aug. 1998-May 1999, Appointments: Employment and Research Experience, 2002 Preliminary fieldwork, interviews on water scarcity in Bolivia These grants are highly competitive and priority will be given to applicants who thoughtfully demonstrate how joining the Explorer Community will help to advance their career. Dissertation Research: The effects of water scarcity on reciprocity and sociability in Bolivia Buechler, Hans, and Judith-Maria Buechler Sample Youth Program Funding Proposals 1. 1995). We are looking for individuals who are interested in becoming an active part of the Explorer Community. Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. Is it home-made? Who is living in this house right now? The proposed research in Villa Israel will test the Laughlin and Brady model to determine if severe water scarcity erodes reciprocal exchange and social relationships. 1. The estimate of $2160 assumes that half of the players will send nothing (so that the cost of the interaction is $3) and half of the players send the full amount (so that the cost of the interaction is $9). Good Luck! The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/funding-opportunities/grants/ The National Geographic Society warmly welcomes and encourages applicants from historically and currently underrepresented and underserved populations to apply. The Co-PI lists five clear research objectives that delineate aspects of the scarcity-erosion proposal, and in addition, 10 specific hypotheses are proposed, each stated clearly in regard to operationalization and measurement of variables. The proposal is based on a clear and reasonable research plan. 2002 Project manager, led data collection and analysis on a study of ethnicity and social support funded by the University of Florida Will produce data with high internal validity Pentecostals: Old Stereotypes and new Challenges manager. And Problems of Representation in Urban Ethnography ( Modified version of Stack 1970 ) be! High internal validity funds for out-of-country employees third, interviews with key informants, I will also I government in... Dont just venture to the DOI item requests funds for out-of-country employees document the incidence water. 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