And only because I care.. Did Jonathan Bolt know that one day he would be reading this journal? I was told this was a civilized town. There was only one way Red and his crew could have known that Stempel was part Indian. Jon promised in the ceremony that he would always provide for me and I must trust that promise. Cmon, Jason. Robert Brown, pop music superstar Bobby Sherman and David Soul (TV s Starsky and Hutch) star in the classic television series HERE COME THE BRIDES, a delightful comedy that combines romance and adventure in the rugged landscape of the mid-nineteenth century Pacific Northwest.The Bolt brothers own a mountain and logging camp in Seattle, and as the area s only employer, the brothers borrow money . Jake and Lucas cringed. IMHO, you write extremely well and have captured Jason and Aaron. Oh, Jeremy, why would you want to do that?, And I was thinking of what itll be like to see that pretty face every morning for the rest of my life., Raising her head, she looked directly into his eyes. Offer him brotherhood with an open hand.. What would be the fun in that? Jason grinned. Well have to depend on you. In Season Two Episode One, A Far Cry From Yesterday, they killed Candy's mom and we got the permanent implants of her younger brother and sister. That Im half-Indian? Hed done entirely too much reading in the past few nights. Will it do more harm to Seattle's residents? Could I resist temptation if I did see her? Uncle Duncan suggested I read some of his journals.. This was all that Bolts fault. Alone, hed made his mill a success. Always has been, since he was a little boy.. They shared the blood of Jonathan Bolt. Oh, lad., Itll break your heart. Trust you, Jason, to take something that could be answered in one sentence and turn it into a speech. With a chuckle, Lottie got up to refill their cups. Hed done just fine as Aaron Stempel and thats who he would stay. He was young and he fell in love as young men are prone to do., Jeremy pulled a chair up to the table. And if theyd jumped anyone else, theyd be in jail right now, not just fired. Aaron spat scarlet on Jasons boots. Jason turned his back, leaving Thompson standing behind him in open-mouthed shock. He stared fiercely into Jasons eyes, looking for what Jason didnt know. Jason winced at her choice of words, but Aaron didnt seem to notice. Bolt. Aaron refused to look at the logger. Hey!, Men! The last few days you have seemed rathermelancholy.. I look happy, too. He thought about you all the time. Bobby Sherman was part of the cast of "Here Come the Brides," a TV show which aired from 1968 - 1970. Ive got something I want to talk to you two about. Knowing only a part of the truth is worse than anything you could tell us.. And now he had a long walk ahead of him to get back home again. Each tooth could be counted. God, hed spent so many years of his life trying to hate Jason and his brothers. There was Aaron to consider, too. But I do know I want to keep our family together.. But try as he might, he couldnt unearth any of his usual enthusiasm for the books, the company or even the future. Thank you, Lottie, he patted her hand in gratitude. Not in this town.. I HATE this evil POS app! I wasnt then and Im not now! He gave a reluctant snort of laughter. Chapter 1 - Revelations. Hey, be careful with my wife, Jeremy shouted, laughter spilling into his voice. Here Come the Brides also debuted in Sept. 1968. Picking up a book at random, he began to read. And his family in Scotland compounded the error. Jason laid a hand on both of his brothers shoulders. Said I was a blackmailer, that I was only trying to shame his family. The sudden memory of his fathers expression as he sat beside Mother and baby Jeremy brought an unexpected sting to Jasons eyes. Love? How could he deny the new member hed discovered? He was sure she had told no one else about the daughter shed been forced to give up. Was he simply what his experiences had made of him? Let me read you some.. He rarely even thought about it. Silently watchful, Lottie shifted until her shoulder pressed against Aarons. How do I know what to believe? He hated the hint of pleading he heard in his own voice. Unexpectedly, he wondered if a lot of Aarons determination to win Bridal Veil had come from the knowledge hed kept concealed. One thing he knew for sure, the damned curly hair he hated so much had to come from the Bolt side. I do have another story I was planning to post, I just haven't had the time to do it. Then one morning he seemed to make up his mind about something. The one has nae to do with the other. He might hide the truth, give it various shadings, use the truth as a weapon, but he rarely told an outright lie. Joshua exited the cabin just in time to catch Jasons words as Jason headed toward Stempels. How would he have faced the impossible choices his father had faced? They shared the rabbits theyd caught with me. Could Aaron really be my brother? Jason treated him as an equal, always had. Close all of the Bolts out of your life once and for all. Hes certainly hardworking. No! Its not like youve never eaten a meal with us before., He slammed the cup back down on the stove. That the man had even had a life before Seattle never crossed Joshs mind. Ayell try., I know how much Father loved Momma. What?, Thats what its always been about, hasnt it? Jason leaned in closer. We have to be rivals. That is, how he should daily demonstrate how grateful he was by instant obedience to everything she wanted of him and how he should be properly humble and prove that he knew his place in the scheme of things by groveling before anyone who was his better. Their shoulders touching, they both leaned back against the same tree. Oh, she let him know when she thought hed stepped over the line, but he knew he was always welcome in her place. Why Jason had ever wanted to be his friend, he didnt know. Joshua, Jeremy, why dont you escort the colonel back to Lotties. Hed never meant for any harm to come to Aaron Stempel. Good morning, Mr. Stempel.. And I never will be. So hed sought refuge in the one place he knew he still had control. Before they could even get halfway to the door, two groups of men converged on them. Our father would never have done a thing like that., Aaron took a step closer, towering over the seated Josh. I wonder if he even thought of me at all. Maybe I can calm him down a little.. You and Candy. I loved the addition of the family dynamic to the Bolt/Stempel conflict. Aaron had never seen the man before but he knew who he had to be. Nothing is going to stop us from being married, she affirmed. Curiosity tinged glances passed over him as people helped themselves to the refreshments. Like a stick of dynamite had exploded unexpectedly in their midst. He seems to be a decent young man. Im shaking like a w-w-w-wet dog., Jason poured a glass of water and held it out to his brother. I dont know if I can ever call that man brother., Seating himself at the table, Jeremy folded his hands in front of him. Those idiotic expectations had only made it worse when Jonathan Bolt not only denied any tender feelings for his son, but also denied Aarons very existence. We were just a mistake he wanted to forget about.. Sensing the developing drama, the chatter of the crowd behind Jason quieted and dancers lost their rhythm. That Stempels part injun?, Didnt sound like they was making it up. He knows all the right facts. Both of them already darkening with bruises, his left was more swollen with a couple gashes over the knuckles. If they were so in love, why did father let her come back to America alone?, He did nae let her. Duncan stared down at the toes of his boots. Can you tell me something, Uncle?, A hint of wariness narrowed Duncans eyes. Let them hate him. He groaned as he identified the intruder to his sanctuary. Could they have jumped to conclusions? Despite all the reasons Aaron has to hate the Bolts, weve become friends, he and I., Truly? Duncans eyebrows rose. I know you and mother are together again and watching over us.. Jeremy, whats your vote?, Jeremy flicked his gaze between all the players. There was a lot of noise at the saloon, with the enjoyment of a free drink at the end of a hard work day. Joshua isnt quite sure of what to make of his baby brother. Candy continued in a tiny voice, isnt it? What did I feel when they told me there was no woman with a half-white son in their tribe? You do nae know? Duncans eyes widened in amazement. He has a way of making people want to confide in him. I wasnt making fun of you. He picked self-consciously at the bark beneath his hand. And a swindler., For which he apologized, Jason interrupted before Aaron could work himself into a lather with the remembrance. Well, I better get home before the boys eat all the food. Jason started down the trail, waving back over his shoulder. The rigid lines of his shoulders relaxed and he quirked a smile. I suppose we are. Aaron wondered why he tried. He could see Joshua relished the idea of delivering the final blow. Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know he would have wanted it that way., Ha! Aaron sneered, snatching his hand away. left kudos on this work! Now they were only blurred scribbles on the page. Physically, that is., It wasnt my fault! Josh burst. I keep hearing her.. The day Father died., Yeah. Besides, hed never lied about his heritage in the past and he wasnt about to begin now. Aarons thoughts raced feverishly. But isnt this what you always wanted, a traitorous voice deep within him whispered. Too early for those seeking dinner, the saloon was nearly empty. Lottie made a lot of sense. I cant just let this go! In spite of his intentions, Jasons voice rose to a shout. So it was all my fault and Jonathan Bolt was totally blameless? Aaron scoffed. Large, childish printing sloped across the page. Jeremy and Candy were finally together, flushed from a lively jig around the dance floor. Will anyone die? He toppled his desk on its ear. The family includes all four brothers, Jason replied, looking for all the world as if this was an everyday occurrence. The series which Robert Brown did after Brides was a syndicated series named Primus, which ran for one season 1971-1972. You should read it, Uncle. But Jomyour father didnt have any family in America when he married my mother. There might be a way to come close., I know your father kept a journal. I want to make amends for what my father did. And if it was true, how much of it had she known? I might not believe it myself if I hadn't written it. I know she is. He wouldnt be swayed by any mans opinion of him. Just teasing. A fire grew in his eyes but it was a muted fire. Now imagine what happens when it turns out that the reason Aaron Stempel's attention was never held by any of the brides isn't because of his surly and gruff personality, as everyone has always thought, but instead, it's because the only girl in Seattle who Aaron has any feelings for, also has feelings for him; however, the catch is that she just so happens to be the youngest Bolt sibling, Jemma. Aaron? Lottie turned startled eyes to Stempel. But when Aaron Stempel finds out, his next obvious move is to make her leave town so he can win Bridal Veil Mountain. Come to Seattle! the mail-order bride says to me. I never would have guessed, but its Aaron you were talking about, isnt it?, Yes, Jason whispered. March-May 2004 - The events of Godzilla vs. the Robot Monsters by Marc Cerasini.. 2010 - The events of Knight Rider 2010.. 2016 - Upon the death of his father, Kit Walker takes over as the 23rd Phantom. Aaron, how long are you going to keep trying to prove yourself to a man whos already dead?, Stempels eye grew huge in his pale face. What you said the other day about making your life count for something did you mean it? reads the dreaming bride. Good. I just recalled. Hed dreamed that one day his real father would appear on the doorstep to whisk him away to a better life. It would have been proof he was just as good as the sons whod had their fathers favor. Mornin, Jason greeted as he came out of his room. It wasnt that bad., He called me a liar, Aaron replied flatly. Rancor filled some eyes; whether the hostility was caused by the knowledge of his heritage or the loss of the government contract he didnt know nor did he care. And scared things run or fight. When he was sick he asked for me and I was holding his hand when he died. Jason sucked in a sudden breath. Instinctively, he flinched away. All of it? Jeremy held his breath as he waited for the answer. All right, Bolt, but dont make it too late in the week.. But he needed to talk to someone who understood how he felt and she deserved to know about the family she would marry into in a few short weeks. Since Thompsons departure, Jason had been filled with a sense of quiet waiting. I thought you were Looking into his eyes, her giggles faded. Im sure Jonathan did nae tell her after., Duncan covered his face with his hands. Its a good thing to know I can always count on my family lookin out for me., Aaron, listen, I didnt arrest them because, No! He backed away from Jasons reaching hand. Is that all our mountain means to you? Heard tales that your gramma liked Sioux bucks., Whirling, Red seized the fallers bicep hard enough to bruise, his other arm cocked back to strike. He was four last October. It broke mine. He flipped to the last page with writing. You just couldnt resist rubbing my face in it, could you?. Hed never been afraid of death. He wasnt ashamed of his heritage. The enormous tree shuddered under his assault then wobbled. My mother was Dwamish., That wasnt mentioned in any of the reports.. In the corner, Joshua admired all the pretty girls with Corky and Canada. Theyre gonna kill him!. But Bridal Veil Mountain itself had never been his true goal. Beyond a doubt, Jonathan Bolt loved his family and would do anything for them. Having seemingly regained his composure, Aaron engaged Ben in a casual conversation. Well, if you dont need my help, I better be getting home., I suppose, she smiled. He simply wasnt a good enough actor to cover what he felt. Thank you for the story. But even with all his attempts at our mountain, I could never hate him. What would ownership of a piece of the mountain buy him that he didnt already have? I dont remember it like that.. Oh, Jason. Candy fanned a hand in front of her face to cool her flush. Joshua would never forget some of the dirt Stempel had done to them, but - with the knowledge hed gleaned - he felt he might be able to find forgiveness. I have been on my feet all day and I fear the old bones are nae what they used to be., Oh, by all means, make yourself comfortable., Settling himself in the chair, Duncan leaned forward. Find him on Twitter at @pdforan. Enough! Josh lurched upright. The adventures of a logging work team and the marriageable single women sent to them in post-American Civil War Seattle in the Washington Territory. Before he could regain his balance, a second thrust moved him deeper into the corridor between Bens and the apothecarys. Right?. Feeling the animosity, Aarons eyes narrowed then flashed danger. You know, therere plenty of men around here you could hire to do that. So, Aaron, arent you going to congratulate the bride and groom?, Wellyes Aaron stumbled. Jason halted his march when he saw Jeremys approach. She clamped a hand over Biddies mouth. Tell me whats wrong, she demanded gently. She was visiting her family and never knew what happened in those months after your father returned. Colonel Amos Thompson, the man who would give the final approval to the biggest contract Seattle had ever seen. Our father would never have made a baby with another woman when he was engaged to our mother! Jason would have his hands full keeping these two men from killing each other today. Not with that man!, Thats what really has you upset, isnt it, Joshua? Is that clear enough for you?. But he found his quest was in vain for Aaron was already crossing the floor with a determined stride. Only grabbing onto the rainspout kept him on his feet. But it felt like a cowardly way out to the rest of him. Jasons stride faltered. Jason tried to help him get started. The mans two companions slid on either side of him with evil grins. I want to be strong for him. Please, everyone. Candy recoiled as if the box might hold a rattlesnake. But youre supposed to get drunk when your baby brother gets married. Stop it, Aaron., Jason held Stempel firmly and turned to the three culprits. He and his mother so easily replaced. It's a gen story which revolves around the Bolt Brothers. Eyes closed, he let out his breath in a long slow sigh. A kick to a delicate table crumbled it and the bric-a-brac it had displayed into a messy heap on the floor. The last thing he wanted to listen to was Jason pontificating about family and responsibility. Can Aaron put aside his differences with the Bolt brothers to save the woman he loves and can the Bolt brothers put aside the years of built-up animosity they harbor against Aaron for the sake of their sister's life? Perhaps its better if I stay out of their lives. Closing his eyes, Jason shook his head slowly. Jason can be pretty stubborn too., While youve never been stubborn about anything., He pretended to consider the question. It both tempted and repelled Joshua. However, aside from finding himself, Josh also believes he's found 'the one'. So silent, Josh could hear both of them breathing in a syncopated rhythm. It happened before your mother and father came to America together.. Hed proved that over and over again. You get too close and cant see the forest for the trees.. Oh, well, we all just found out a few days ago, Biddie spouted. He skimmed through the first few pages. Aaron probably wouldnt have liked the analogy but it resonated with Jason. Please, just stay put until I get there. Could Jason have planned all this? He had hoped that reading the words of Jonathan and Miri would help them come to terms with themselves and their father. Yeah, I know, he called back with less volume than his brother. His brothers waited patiently to see where this was heading, but Duncans expression turned wary. The boy is my son. What about the other side? Im sorry, sweetheart. She tipped his chin up so he would meet her eyes. Sit down and listen to me for a minute. He waited for Jason to settle himself. Jason agreed with a silent nod. I suggest you reconsider, gentlemen! Thompson stammered. You Bolts think you own the world. Oh, for Gods sake, Aaron groaned. Offering his hand, he helped Lottie to her feet. But hed never been able to cross the line. He just wanted this to be over so he could go off and lick his wounds. I knew I could count on you for a warm shoulder and a willing ear., Its part of the job when you own a saloon. She cracked her dishtowel in his direction. Jason spread his arms in an expansive shrug. The fearful anticipation in his brothers eyes vibrated in Jasons bones. That man could never have fathered a child outside of wedlock. I need to see that you want this as much as I do. A roof over my head, thats all I got. Robert Brown, 'Here Come the Brides' Actor, Dies at 95 He worked on Broadway with John Garfield, stepped in for John Drew Barrymore at the last minute on 'Star Trek' and was replaced by Jack. And she loved him. Hed scuttled the deal with Thompson, he was fairly sure. With the proof of Jonathans own journals, Aaron was fairly sure he could win at least a piece of the mountain in a court of law. I wasnt even two when she died., If youveI dont understandwhy this trouble now?. When?, A couple of months after our mother died, wasnt it, Aaron?, Deliberately turning his back on them, Stempel wandered to the window. 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