When describing Kyoto, people always choose the word wonderful. You can go to Hokkaido. Here are the pros vs cons of living in Japan as a foreigner. My own experiences at the doctors offices werent much better. Finally, the last of the difficulties for foreigners in Japan on our list is finding cargo import assistance. Surprise, surprise! I knew a couple of others who had been there over 10 years, and coincidently, finally went back to their home countries the last year I was there. At the driving center you will have a short interview before being issued a Japanese driving license. The rent in Tokyo is high or even much higher than that in rural areas, but houses are not very large. No matter what time the party ends, everyone shows up to work the next day and carries on with the tasks. Even if Japan offers all of these and more, being away from one's family and hometown can be tough. I thought living in Japan in winter was like camping out indoors. Someone will then pour a drink for you. Being a foreigner does mean that you will stick out like a sore thumb, which is why you should try to blend in as best you can. I just moved to Japan, and while I am a 56yr old white male, the likes and dislikes are spot on! I studied Japanese language in college, along with culture courses and lots of conversations with my two Japanese native professors. Many offices in cities like Tokyo and Yokohama also have English translation. and yes they judge tattoos! I really think most of those Japanese men wanted to hook up with you, but have instilled notions in their head from birth, on how to view foreigners. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Copyright Motto Japan Media Japanese Culture & Living in Japan All Rights Reserved. Really, its not just the trains that I will miss, but public transportation in general and the lifestyle that accompanies it. I create this group to have a "foreigners living in Japan network". Not too shabby for what could have otherwise been a depressing holiday! There are a couple of other prominent ones, but I wont spoil the fun of figuring them out for yourself. Writing this, I feel incredibly racist, but Ive just read and heard so much negative feedback. As a result, in Sapporo, you can enjoy some of the best snow and ski resorts in the all-of-the world and have a chance to take part in the Sapporo old-established winter festival. Three Best Home Furnishing And Decorating Stores In Japan Japan has a total population of 125 million, of that, around 2 million are foreigners. Japan has a notorious image of having a bad work environment, due to suicide or death caused by work. Shwa Day celebrates the birthday of Emperor Shwa, who ruled Japan from 1926 to 1989. Foreigners require credible advice from local real estate professionals in Japan when making such a major decision as purchasing a home. Vernal Equinox Day occurs on the date of the Northward equinox, which is usually March 20 or 21. Im shocked you got racist comments for being a white woman, I say that because men are well, men. The way it works is that you have to separate your trash and then there is a designated pick-up day for each separation usually twice a week for burnable and one day a week for each pile of recyclables. Been living in Japan for about a year and I promise you everything she stated is correct! Honestly, Im not yet sure if American men make me feel any better. They are low water toilets with a small flush and big flush option. The fashion for women is frumpy or childlike. If you are giving directions or gesturing to something, you should instead use your whole hand with your fingers held straight. We can set you up with individual training or group courses for your whole family. Super Easy Cooking Ways, Why Is Wagyu So Expensive? This is extremely important because not doing so is seen as a grave insult in Japan and may cause tension between you and the homeowner. 500-1,000 But Im still studying Japanese and watching Japanese media every day, 2.5 years after returning home, so maybe thats already an answer. Mistake 2: Cutting people out of your life Foreigners in Japan can tend to fall into two camps when it comes to socialising. See you around! General dentistry is covered under the national health care system. Thanks! And to anybody reading this, please dont be discouraged by the accounts of the bad and the ugly of Japan. As mentioned earlier, agriculture is dominant in rural areas, there are fewer job opportunities and chances of promotion for ex-pats. This is why people always say that If you want to explore Japanese tradition, you must visit Kyoto. You can hardly find any signs of skyscrapers but only modern buildings in traditional architecture. Tokyo has so much to offer and InterNations made it much easier to become acclimated to life in this bustling city. Those on work visas made up more than half the increase. USD Its something that cannot be avoided. I definitely dont like stepping in it, though. I have been living in Asia (Vietnam and now China) for the past 9 years and I can relate to many, if not most of this. Immigrants who leech off the government, have no business living in a foreign country. This is the best thing about Japan, hands down! (We also keep in mind that were not supposed to gossip about whatever happens in the nomikai!) It is important to place your chopsticks on the table correctly whenever you are not using them. This custom started when it was difficult to find housing in Japan, so landlords were often bribed to give someone an opportunity to live in their building or rental property. Japan has every type of public transportation system imaginable. He says he's been listening to Japanese rock music since his teen years. In summation, I thank you for the insight I have gained. Permanent retirement in Japan is not in the cards. Im sure there are some good ones out there, but they must be hard to find. Most expats intending to live in Japan will either need a Japanese driving license or an International Driving License. Its nothing less than creepy and kind of hard to get away from. Instead, you can simply nod your head. I think there are a lot of reasons for this, mainly that Japanese people are just good about not littering and being courteous. I got some of the best Italian Gorganzola there that was better than I can find in the US. Do you know it is one of the, Osaka vs Tokyo A Walk-Though Of Two Super Cities, Top 9 Hiroshima Bombing Facts You Might Not Know, 8+ Abandoned Places In Japan You Shouldnt Miss, Living In Japan As A Foreigner The Goods And Not-So-Goods, How To Rent An Apartment In Japan A Detailed Guide For Foreigners, 8+ Jobs In Japan For Foreigners in Japan Without A Degree 2022, Best Things To Do In Okinawa The Most Comprehensive Guide, 10+ Best Beer Bars in Tokyo Voted By Most of Customers in 2022, How To Cook Wagyu Steak? Ill give you a sneak peek of the life of a foreign employee in Japan, and lets course through yours together: One of the first things I had to learn when I started working in Japan was the transportation system. Its perfect for recluses like me who dont want to talk to anyone, including servers. . I agree with a fair bit of what is written here, and found amusing some of the rest. The cost of living in Japan is not cheap as Japan is an expensive country in many ways, but the salary you will make there will more than help compensate those costs. Its very weak compared to Western medicine, even some of the stuff the doctor prescribes. Souvenir shopping in Japan is the best. Theres denial (no, this doesnt happen, people dont encroach on your personal space, you are imagining it), annoyance at my expressing a negative view (youre rude to say anything negative about our country because youre a visitor here) or having negative emotions (you should learn Buddhism), the aforementioned accusations of ethnocentricity, etc. I really cant live without eating fruit, and the selections and affordability of both fruits and vegetables in Japan are pathetic. I had a visa valid for 1.5 years, and I probably would have found a way to prolong it even further, but my stay was cut short because of a medical issue. As a foreigner, you walk through the city and you know that at first glance you are different, and that no matter how hard you try to maintain the Japanese traditions and customs, you know that they are not the customs with which you have grown up in your country. Then again, fair enough. This is the reason why Tokyo is always the first choice of foreigners when considering the best places to live in Japan. Not enough people want to walk up escalators, making the standing lane long and void of use. When going out to eat, there is literally no creativity or variation from one restaurants menu to another. I completely agree with so so so many points though! Transportation, language, the culture, job environment, and your routine. If you plan to travel throughout Japan extensively when you first arrive, it may be worth looking into the Japan Rail Pass (sometimes called the JR Pass). As for the food, I loved it! But did anyone break rank? Glad you can relate after all that time there:). Couldnt survive the summers in Arizona. WORK; Visa Renewal (Extension of Period of Stay) 2022/06/24. You must also be at least 18 years old in order to rent or drive a rental car. My commute to work involves a 10-minute walk to the nearest station, an hour-long train ride, and another 10-minute walk to the office. I have been backpacking and living around the world since 1997. This often leads the Japanese to feel tremendous social pressure. The louder you slurp, the more of a compliment it is considered to the chef. Welcome, please take a look! Welcome! Im sure there are swarms of people ready to fight me on this. Some of the deal-breaker negatives I hear people complain about are the lack of job opportunities, the stereotyping, the racist comments, the stares, and the lack of privacy at work or in your neighborhood being the only different face. There are plenty of shot bars where you can go and listen to music and get cocktails. your own authentic Japanese snack box from Bokksu using my link: https://bit.ly/3kIpvnD and code PAOLO1010 Reasons Why Japanese. Im convinced the comment about being for Americans is true . Despite being located far from the bustling urban areas, this city attracts millions of tourists to Japan every year because of its unique beauty and the combination of tradition and modernity. I wont get into the details of that, but just know my experience: I started out with a group of 4 other girls that I dideverythingwith. While working in a bar, I really enjoyed meeting travelers. Welcome! WELCOME PLEASE TAKE A LOOK WELCOME!. Thanks a lot, Jessica!!! Unsurprisingly,taking off your shoes makes absolutely no difference in cleanliness when it is a larger building. Thank you! For those who travel a lot, Japan is wonderful because its public transports are not only just very efficient, but also extremely punctual. A well-known custom in Japan is taking off your shoes before entering someones home. I agree . The trains actually come on time The fruit is really delicious (There's a lot of cross breeding) The bread at 7-11 is really good Taxi doors open automatically Build your routine according to your work, your location, and your hobbies. At first, for me, the food was *amazing*. After throwing up, I realized some of the puke had frozen to the inside of the toilet bowl where the water couldnt reach it. Kyoto one-day pass (train and bus) I (Jonny) love Japanese food, but I know many who dont love it all, just some. I recommend using SafetyWing Travel Insurance for your trip, just in case, its best to be prepared. Unlike rural areas, cities are the convergence points of ex-pats. Toilet slippers are gross and unnecessary on every level. Japanese food is so terrible that I often got to challenge myself and eat something exceptionally gross things like raw chicken, random animal bits and parts of unknown origin (possibly raw), things that smell so bad you would rather die than take a second bite. For a country that prides itself on its educational achievements and an economy and standard of living described as developed, modern, or high, the normalization of this is something that always puzzled me.