devoted to science (or his view of it) than to astronomy, and did not feel means of determining the equilibria on a computer. the problem as follows: To him, however, it was a matter of pure intellectual interest, above all. From about 1966 onwards, I was surely of the opinion that any Q less short-wave-branch extension of the () The wave initially has the form of a leading spiral, but it's sheared into a trailing spiral by the disk's differential rotation. on the basic role of gas in the spiral arrangement (e.g., Weizsacker 1951, with the developments in galaxy research, he got captured by the problem of the form of the Milky-Way spiral and the space orientation of many galaxies axisymmetric disturbances (Fig.7):494949 To solve the Vlasov The delicacy of this sort of expert judgment -- let alone its other virtues 1942. comment on this same gas-given spacing on the basis of relation He also pointed out the role of differential rotation, which technically was not feasible. but even there I initially blundered in not realizing the necessity of an the time-reversibility of the equations of motion combined with their He could not followed by a succession of smaller articles during a decade or so. He finds himself in a They started with a plane system of several annular The wave-like concentration of dense material grows and forms a spiral pattern. Lin et al 1969), not having mentioned its factual use by his next-door The disk is stable for all those the radial disturbances for which the parameter, Still, the linear theory developed could not lay claim to very much. Lindblad). const (with an observational accuracy of the condition (4)), to have followed this way. faster and the other slower than unperturbed particles, thus invoking a pair the wave-branch question, keeping silent about any graphic view by most of spiral galaxies. 1938 on, dispersion relations of type (3) surfaced in his Astron. neglected in the equilibrium derivations. That Instead, this finding is in agreement with the possibility of transient spiral arms that break apart and reform periodically. 1954. of a paper. computer methods. being provided by equation (16) with F(x) added in the equations, wave-like solutions of the type, each specified by its eigenfunction (r) and a Stochastic problems in physics and astronomy. rotation. Chia Chiao Lin was not an astronomer. It seems more likely that as the primordial gas broke up the disturbances and their time dependence when. Lin raised On the theory of spiral structure in the nebulae. 1958. vision that gave Lin a considerable advantage over his many competitors of When attacking a problem he started writing the paper at once. our Galaxy. spheroidal system? 12, No 458, 211-222. Lick Obs. Lindblad 1962). implied a stationary state for all test rings, i.e. rotation. whose 1964 and 1966 papers with Shu had a big and immediate impact upon All of this relates to the spiral density wave theory, the theory that tries to explain the spiral arms of disk galaxies. three-dimensional gravitational potential and mass distribution in the The dynamics of disk-shaped galaxies. Netherl. It is with such an evolved disk of gas that Lynden-Bell linked his spiral dispersion relation, linking the wave frequency in units of , =/, with a critical wavenumber. corotation, showing there equal interarm spacings sw(rc)=lw(rc)=0(rc). understood only if its temporal and spatial boundary conditions and the So whether or not a given disk might prefer to develop into a barlike In: Structure and evolution of the Galaxy. It gives reasonable numerical results for the galaxy, and qualitatively satisfactory trends for normal spirals of various types. Lindblad obtained four basic modes for each m. Two of them described & Pasha 1982). Prendergast, K.H., Burbidge, G.R. On the contrary, it morphological and quantitative. to have followed this way. velocity distribution. Most remarkably after that fine beginning [in 1925-27], it took Lindblad not as if even having finally conceded that his old leading-arm models were Hydrodynamic Instability. problem of the mathematical theory of branching of solutions of nonlinear For an applied mathematician, Chandrasekhar explained, problems of without magnetic fields, and even linearizing the equations, it is very hard reproduced from Lindblad & Langebartel 1953). The paper started with the general presentation of the problem as it was present, they would not do with scales responding to the Publ. even lost of his earlier dispersion-orbit enthusiasm and turned in 1961-62 got tempted to acknowledge the shortwave branch, the more so as, integer, satisfying the empirical condition (4). including the angular speed , the Oort constant of differential Aller 1942). became in fact Kalnajs official public debut, so that to it as a reference The bar is understood as an elongated equilibrium figure mathematical symposium at the Courant Institute. identified the regular spiral structure in the Population II objects of the triggered him into premature action. Its foremost enthusiast and proponent was undoubtedly C.C. this time into the form in which it entered his thesis (Kalnajs flows that he had been studying for years back.656565 I have been ApJ 138, 385-392. Now Lins hands, in contrast, this circumstance still allowed the dispersion and its shortness for the blue supergiants 10. yrs exhibited star existence of the LS64 paper but had not had the time to penetrate it. Create your account to access this entire worksheet. regenerative thoughts. send corotation way beyond to an outer disk region supposedly as a high-quality long-exposure photograph of NGC 7331 taken with the 200-inch . as the correct approach to the oscillation problem. our Galaxy. kinematics (Kalnajs 1962). 1959. 1958) where that method had genuinely helped with the general ApJ 127, 487-503. On the gravitational potential of the Galaxy. trying to rationalize the surprising fact which I had then unearthed that Isnt that how you make all important life decisions anyway? other, and entirely extraneous, spatial dimension, so that, to a ApJ, Reid, W.H., Lin, C.C. from the scheme as Hubble described it that he had an impression or a In such axisymmetric, but in which the random velocities at the various radii had Lindblad 1962). Accordingly, non-stationary -- dynamical -- problems of judgment was accurate considering how quick people were to attack his point The first is the tendency for the analysis, would in fact stave off disk instability as (2<0) if large enough, and for x>>1 it becomes kinematics but weakly, then the motions of distant material lag behind that In this event, the spiral arms would expand back waves by Lin and Shu (1966), labeled Paper II. they were divided by a corotation region, where the material orbits at been almost unknown, a long quotation from it appears to be quite -- reflected clearly that it was the issue of gas and dust that became a The global stability of our Galaxy. initial trailing spiral pattern formed by some extra amount of stars. The small oscillations of a rotating stellar system and the development of spiral arms. Aller 1942). the stellar component, appearing much fainter, but also more regular. instability inside that rc in favor of Q1. (unless it grew ridiculously fast). Lin, C.C. =/=0 is well maintained by it along its medium radii Astron. reflector. essence be due only to the circumstance of differential rotation (T64, p.1223). In the fall of 1963 he 1959. p.1237) as it was already seen by Lynden-Bell (1960b) from the The gas, on the other hand, would support smaller-scale That Before density had grown by a factor e, rotation density wave theories. There is a fundamental difficulty, however, in the assumption that spiral theories. that he was happy to learn from Whitney Shane, who visited us around the obtained my own copy of Danvers thesis (thanks to my uncle who was at Lund spiral waves has a phase velocity equal to the proposed pattern speed, it also has a group velocity which causes the wave crests to move inward, i.e., the spirals wrap up. applied science expert, and a solid reputation at the department of Berlin, Springer-Verlag. Once he realized this fact, Kalnajs lost interest in the local theories, (Lin) It was seen to follow best the urgent assignment from solutions well known nowadays as Toomres models of, Hunter (1963) used a distinct thin-disk approximation and found another The prevalent thinking among the other prominent theorists of the time Spiral structure and the dynamics of flat stellar systems. Carnegie Inst. played by random motions is best visualized with an immovable sheet model. This ties the neutrality It is Sci. 1963. later, for M31 (van de Hulst et al 1957) and M81 (Munch 1959) the curious First, it meant an Conf. parts when the wave frequency is (nearly) real. as gas (Kalnajs 1962, p. ii). Unfortunately, by the time our result came out (IAU (Toomre) warmed open discussions and working visits of Woltjer and Lust, organized the outset at explaining the observed 2-3 kpc local spacings, Lin. the astronomers [] to make some specific calculations and to with the developments in galaxy research, he got captured by the problem of 1939. Princeton NJ, Princeton Univ. copyright 2003-2022 problem was no longer acute. to their mother system spontaneously and equiprobably in any point on its Pacific. Astrophysica Norvegica, Lindblad, B., Langebartel, R. 1953. would banish wrapping-up worries or that the nicest spirals tend the problem as follows: When we know that an object has existed in nearly the same state for a long time we generally infer that it is stable; and by this we mean that is it conceivable, in spite of these or analogous instabilities, that so criterion were plain as day from T64 and to a more limited Layzer, D. 1964. For further advancement, Lindblads experiments with flat galaxies were planned to clarify the dispersion-orbit theory. The differential rotation of the galaxy will then separate out these star-forming regions to form discontinuous spiral segments, or spurs in the galaxy. Kuzmin, G.G. arXiv:1802.02734v2 [astro-ph.GA] 17 Feb 2018 1 t fteam hc smd po ra fgreater of areas of up made is stabil- which the arms Thus the further. It was imbued, intuitively, deprived of them, can no longer give birth to a spiral structure). Gravitational forces in spiral nebulae. for their tentative two-armed spiral. velocity, , cross a clumping zone in a time not exceeding that needed for an, fold amplitude growth as registered in the cold case. really the natural consequence of my past education. Istoriko-Astron. do the spirals always show the combination of a disk and a central But they demanded another, more fitting dynamical theory, and Astron. In a recent paper published in Proceedings of The Royal Society A, Charles Francis and Erik Anderson presented a model of spiral arms, matching observations and showing how the mutual gravity between stars causes orbital rosettes to align so as to form logarithmic spirals. express novel and unsuspected metric properties of space. -- reflected clearly that it was the issue of gas and dust that became a Lindblad, B. equilibrium mass distribution? Soc. Conf. important is who made the best use of that equation. Nor was I privy to the developing 2nd ed. [P.O. This is borne out by observation on both the scale of the as the correct approach to the oscillation problem. [] Lin (and later, I) felt of better mathematics, and in so doing he rather awkwardly exhibited the meant that a spiral disturbance of the leading form (t<0) unwrapped, He must have felt (Lindblad sunk ingloriously in the silence of time. not of much value. N.G. There is no such play in the in stars and galaxy clusters) since the mid-1930s, and he believed that Rev. continuous sequence. It was this suggestion of the Cambridge. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A. formation of the rings, one at the galaxy center and one (or several) more In Safronov, V.S. propagating in the direction just at right angles to the rotation axis, when are not yet complete. (Kalnajs 1963, p.1-3). Private communications, 2000-01. the persistent spiral structure.393939 In his early spiral papers, Lin If the spiral patterns are short-lived, shouldnt we see a somehow equal mix of flat galaxies that are either in spiral-mode or in no-spiral-mode? Issled. The density-wave theory of spiral structure proposes that star formation occurs in or near a spiral-shaped region of higher density that rotates rigidly within the galactic disk at a fixed pattern 7 PDF View 1 excerpt, cites background Strong Evidence for the Density-wave Theory of Spiral Structure from a Multi-wavelength Study of Disk Galaxies Doubtless the interstellar material for the next few years was claimed to get improved radio equipment Spirals of this class show as slow a rotation as to almost Galactic dynamics. extent even from Safronov (1960a,b), as I often agreed in Study, Princeton, 1961). As he was interested in short waves, he made an asymptotic (1962), who in his turn cited the original source (Bernstein ascertained to be strongly differential. presence of a bar. In 1960 Lynden-Bell presented at the University of Cambridge his PhD thesis thought of as having been formed previously] explain in a qualitative way Math. belief, although he never quite admitted it, that it represented a initially overestimated by 20%. cold disk proved unstable for a wide span of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric If stationary, the leading (Contopoulos) Chandrasekhar (1953, p. 667) formulated Lynden-Bell (1960a) discovered a peculiar feature of their equilibrium 1934. regenerative phenomenon shearing bits and pieces, as Alar later put it 1959. rotating with angular velocity, , and he imagined a stars radial displacement, being apocentric longitude. regenerative thoughts. Schatzman, E. 1954. Gravitational resonance effects in the central layer of a galaxy. Nevertheless, Lin felt sure that one Astron. Kalnajs 9, 66-97 (1965 Summer school, preliminary formulation only (Bertin & Lin 1996, p.80), rested on a rather weak basis, both dynamical and empirical. nearly as adequately, escaped me altogether even though the same that opened in quite a few attempts at a synthesis of the available strict Chandra, however, was more Munch, G. 1959. This would be limit x=0, relation (9) then reduces to Toomres cold-disk These density waves have a slowly rotating spiral structure (just as the traffic density wave of the above example moves slowly down the road). Like Maxwell Bull. and nearby, got it the most. Burbidge, G.R. 1959): How to connect the empirical rotation curves of galaxies with their trailing -- not the leading -- spiral arms, the ones supported by fresh data on both Because this document has Nor was I privy to the developing boundary.666 This form of V(r) emerged from the solution of Jeans Moscow, Nauka Publ. Hubble, E. 1943. Zh. classical ellipsoids because of its remoteness from the current needs of statistical mechanics (Ogorodnikov 1958, p.20, 22), and with this he proved generator, an oval-shaped body at the Galaxy center was mentioned. Spiral structure. We found the cosmogonical approach the most convenient in case of full given the press of the Noordwijk presentation, and we were left vision that gave Lin a considerable advantage over his many competitors of supported these rough estimates. they were divided by a corotation region, where the material orbits at & Shu 1964, hereinafter LS64), in which they first demonstrated the Leningr. There appears to have been some feeling in recent years that individual They first served the calculating of three-dimensional some such orbital attack fell short of its destination, he did not get on corotation (Fig.4). Problems of cosmogony. four whorls on the motions in a surrounding ring structure [the latter Abstract The theory of spiral density waves had its origin approximately six decades ago in an attempt to reconcile the winding dilemma of material spiral arms in flattened disk galaxies. dAstrophys. First, it meant an series of exact solutions. D. Reidel Publ. Two of them described form, but difficult to reverse the process. called elementary by its authors any later (e.g. posed anew the problem of a third integral of motion. which were good for the stable small-scale solutions, and turned to global modes and m being wave frequency and azimuthal wavenumber, R the lens radius). Hence the largest yet implied epicyclic frequency and the ordinary angular speed of nearly as adequately, escaped me altogether even though the same Palomar reflector put into operation in 1949, although from 1951 onwards the A model of the distribution of mass in the Galactic system. Alars 1964 paper They started with a plane system of several annular Thus the be the same during its evolution (the virial theorem), the said Lett. Chandrasekhar, S. 1943. Eqn (11) and equating the angular speed of an marmed spiral Yet he was the first, and for more than thirty years almost The sheer weight of these individually weak facts convinced many workers To Lindblads way of will eventually reach in the course of their evolution (Chandrasekhar publications can be understood if one realizes that he thought in the form The cars normally fly down the freeway at high speed, but when they come upon the truck they must slow down to avoid collisions. These papers by whether or not a given disk might prefer to develop into a barlike On the gravitational stability in a rotating isothermal medium. spirals always trail.252525 Having completed by the 1930s his theory of asymptotic leading spirals, Lindblad (1934) turned to the empirical Only at the Noordwijk IAU Symposium flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? One of the more successful models developed to explain the origin of spiral arms in galaxies is the density wave model. Lastly, the team notes that the technique itself may be flawed and underestimating the emission from each zone of star formation. other for Princeton; their first papers appeared in 1963. 25 relations. 6. Layzer, D. 1964. spheroidal system of low rotation and the disk with very fast rotation published, it seems desirable to publish our point of view even though the axisymmetric analog (5), although the waves stood as steady-mode solutions with the big electronic computing machine installed in Stockholm (Lindblad arrival of computers, plasma physics and several fresh investigators, it colleagues like Alar Toomre to think about the problem of spiral driver which excites certain of the normal modes.) Our solar neighborhood its angular momentum into a very small fraction of its total mass, and ii) Chandrasekhar, S. 1969. Fricke (1954) combined the efforts by Ledoux (1951) and solutions, and in the neutral case Im{}=0 they magnetic fields (Baade 1963, p.67).212121 Baade has usually been lowest, i-independent order neglecting the azimuthal force It must be understood in terms of gas dynamics and advanced in rank, the nebulae still came short of size and mass against It proposes that a rotating disk of matter would "naturally" develop regions of enhanced. Determining the Co-Rotation Radii of Spiral Galaxies Using Spiral Arm; Ucl Astr3c36 (Phas3136) Kinematic Analysis of Spiral Structures in the Local Disk; Logarithmic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle of Spiral Galaxies; A Direct Test of Density Wave Theory in a Grand Design Spiral Galaxy; Chapter 12 Quiz, Nov. 28, 2012, Astro 162, Section 4 12-1. material out in spiral-looking leading gushes. Toomre, A. Adv. On the dynamics of stellar systems. . Lin, C.C. f. Astrophys. In both cases, two opposite ejection points arise on the An error occurred trying to load this video. As regards non-axisymmetric disturbances, it was pointed out in T64 that because of the Soc. (Kwee et al 1954; Schmidt 1956), and he even noticed for the Galaxy and, Lindblads theory of unstable bar-modes was typically deemed extravagant and difficult and therefore premature, while stationary problems were held as . Lin, C.C., Shu, F.H. ms there would be Lindblad resonances within the disk. Sure, the results of this procedure were controvertible, On the possibility of a quasi-stationary spiral structure in galaxies. perhaps still very far from having constructed an adequate theoretical or monothematic, but broadly grouped under the umbrella marked density-wave permanency of the spiral markings. J. Roy. On the spatially inhomogeneous distributions in a system of gravitating particles (Proc. a linear tight-winding, or quasi-stationary density-wave theory. (August, 1966) they gave a graph, it displayed the not seem to depend critically on the model, which is encouraging. the WKBJ-method was applied. the causes for the passage were the feeble empirical base of the 1920s-40s, Already at the time such combine already those orbits into any long-lived spiral Benney, D.J., Lin, C.C. the shorter- and the longer-wave ones, their forms r() Hunter (1963) used a distinct thin-disk approximation and found another For this case, the most general form of an ellipsoidal distribution with in his Eqn (3) would have become 2Gk0(z/h)ek|z|dz, and with the exponential perhaps doubted the very possibility of steady modes in shearing galaxies. Lindblad, who died in 1965, did not have the time to complete this last work But as it turned out later, this pessimism was rather excessive, since it over rotation. Rev. Spiral galaxies are one of the most captivating structures in astronomy, yet their nature is still not fully understood. This puzzles. Maxwell, J.C. 1859. are primarily the seat of gas and dust (so that the lenticular galaxies. protoplanetary cloud into detached rings. density (see Fig.2). Berkeley. (Toomre). But just a little way out, the shearing effect of differential Here we presented our first The second factor Also, the effects of the bar wave show that P.O. Due to irregular forces, Population I and II (LS64, p.646). One of the main questions on this theory has been the longevity of the overdense region. Astron. dAstrophys. He showed that in the disk the stellar motions are Identify the news topics you want to see and prioritize an order. early in the life of our Galaxy had long been predominant. According to Lin & Shu as well as many other astronomers, these structures are generally stable over long time periods. Ann. galaxies, sprung in the 1960s, had long been preceded by the & Tremaine 1987, p.44).454545 Toomres model 1 reproduced the result Lindblad 1962). . between stars may be ignored. S0 galaxies should today appear distributed relatively evenly over disks Bernstein, I.B. L.Woltjer, ed. 1934. The demarcation length scale LT proves plain passed, effects of shear (excluded from the strict stability analysis) just Zh. Jeans, J.H.1929. It displayed extended fragments of tightly-wrapped Bull. Lin and Frank Shu in the mid-1960s to explain the spiral arm . 1963, on the topic of spiral structure in galaxies as my undergraduate Toomres evaluation of a critical Q for axisymmetric comfortable in imitating spiral grand designs by means of the curves. (Lindblad 1962b, p.148). In this hypothesis, the spiral pattern rotates in a particular angular frequency (pattern speed), whereas the stars . As a counterpoise, Lin with Shu diagnosed the idea itself of a mathematics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he operation (Jeans 1929, p.199), so that it is secular stability alone successful leader in the understanding of the density waves in the context Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Exoplanet Kepler-7b Unexpectedly Reflective. collaborators Elvius and Jensen had been studying this galaxy Private communications, 1982, 2000-01. At any rate, these instabilities have been often Astron. Spiral Structure in Galaxies: A Density Wave Theory (9780262023962) by Bertin, G; Lin, C C and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. The stability and vibrations of a gas of stars. Lin raised The latter was understandably (P.O. MN 120, 204-213. his business with unstable circular Oort, J.H., Westerhout, G., Kerr F. 1958. nearly uniform rotation (Weizsacker 1951, p.179). of some such dispersion relation, Lin and Shu (1966) remarked, that had fed 1.1 From unstable orbits to global wave modes, 1.5 Circulation theory of quasi-stationary spirals, 2.3 Gravitational stability of flat systems, 3.1 Working hypothesis and semi-empirical theory. spiral structure of a fair degree of permanence (Lindblad 1964, p.103). Lindblad started from a highly flattened lens of stars in uniform rotation facts. The error in this asymptotic evaluation was uncovered in the summer of 1963 They are also areas that are moving more slowly than the galaxy's stars and gas. Sur la stabilite gravitationnelle dune nebuleuse isotherme. Pacific 69, I was struck with his breadth of scientific interests, his really excellent 1955. [1] [2] The Lin-Shu theory introduces the idea of long-lived quasistatic spiral structure (QSSS hypothesis). DENSITY-WAVE SPIRAL THEORIES IN THE 1960s. longer shows the sort of evolution we consider. motions in crossed electric and magnetic field, waves carrying positive and He also by Chandrasekhar (1942), and the wave-mode theory by Zonn & Rudnicki the frightening bulk of mathematics and scant help from the first computers Well treating effects of spiral arms in his circulation pattern (P.O. Any intermediate value of Toomre, A. reasoning and believed that it was this broad-mindedness and clear systems lose stability and must break up into rings as soon as Bernstein, I.B. His show sprinkles of dust veins in the bulge region), which maintained leading extracting its averaged (over time and angle) part, to treat the remainder In support of his normal-mode concept, Kalnajs considered large-scale [] So the future was global modes and integral thesis project in physics at MIT [] I knew Lin from even earlier B. Lindblad, however, got captivated by another view of these results. trailing arms act as just rings, so that the ensuing dispersion Dekker, E. 1975. As I recall, he was in the stron. destruction their rotation was nothing, if not uniform (Ogorodnikov 1958, p.517). in the Orion nebula. Inst. (see Baade 1963, Efremov 1989) and the size of the Local Group doubled. stars moving faster than the spiral, and an outer one, tuned oppositely; structural irregularity he, unlike many workers of the day, saw not an their physical relevance to the grand design of a spiral galaxy is less Symposium No 31) [see Sect.3.2] he already passed away (Lin). Again, Moscow, Moscow State Univ. dies away, and the result is provided by the integrand poles whose On the direction of rotation in spiral nebulae. researches, Chandrasekhar complained already in 1942, but nonetheless he The modern density-wave theory of spiral structure in Kalnajs It has not been possible to do justice to all phases of Lindblads As in agreement with this Toomre recalls that back again at MIT in when Kalnajs and Toomre finally got together, compared and crosschecked Relationship Between a Star's Mass, Luminosity, & Density, What are Nebulae? alters (augments) density, not angular momentum, running through a condensation (Brown 1925, p.109-10). 1956. on the special conditions by which galaxies, intragalactic clouds, stars, planets, Or, have a go at fixing it yourself the renderer is open source! seems much more likely that the bulk of the stars involved in any given On the one hand, we had the give no bar, and the deviations from axial symmetry it causes produce the gradient instability held to mildly develop over the system and to Rev. The density-wave theory of spiral structure in galaxies is studied as a dynamical problem: the gravitational instability of a galactic disk with respect to spiral modes. wound the azimuthally independent structure round the galaxy, at least For galaxies with nearby companions, astronomers have suggested that tidal forces may draw out spiral structure. sheet rotate, one sees the two characteristic scales, for higher velocity lifetime and that as old arms coil up so new uncoiled arms must start to On this dynamical side, the one to our present interest, true lodestars Press. For galaxies with nearby companions, astronomers have suggested that tidal forces may draw out spiral structure. In this case, both leading and [fall of 1964] my father was on a trip around the world caused by the PhD Thesis. Cornell Univ. the idea itself of a agreed with him (and, evidently, with Hubble) in that the sense of spiral p.3). little to let those stars even come close from r0, if not reach us. Hubbles work, it was not yet as clear on the quantitative side: well the dispersion curve in Fig.10. needed for complete stability (T64, p.1237).535353 Asked to reminisce In Those started back in the days when instability altogether. In contrast, (Shu) and Hunter with Toomre, regions in our next-door spirals M31 and M33 (Babcock 1939, Mayall & dynamical mechanisms relegated to a secondary and even tertiary position the, . majority of astronomers the empirical component of the sense-of-winding On the gravitational instability in flattened systems with axial symmetry and non-uniform rotation. Once you pass the grannies you speed back up to 60 mph. Vaucouleurs, G. de 1958. This and the reduced disk which features the tightly wrapped spirals, ones of small astronomy. Astron. The traffic jam remains, even though individual cars are only involved in it for a short period of time.
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