SciEP provides the highest possible secure servers and server technology for electronic Members of the ASM Publications Board will evaluate the rare manuscript that might raise such issues during the review process. The overriding criteria for publication are originality, high scientific quality, depth of analysis and up-to-date relevance focused on the microorganism. A copy of the alignment should be available for examination by the editor or the reviewers upon request. (iii) AEM will consider manuscripts that concern bacteriophages or other viruses in relation to the environment, public health, or industrial microbiology. Nomenclature of transposable elements (insertion sequences, transposons, and phage Mu, etc.) The corresponding author is notified, generally within 4 to 6 weeks after submission, of the editor's decision to accept, reject, or require modification. For example, pmol/min is preferable to nmol/10 min, and mol/g is preferable to nmol/g. It is also preferable that an unambiguous form, such as exponential notation, be used; for example, mol g1 min1 is preferable to mol/g/min. Always report numerical data in the applicable SI units. For a review of basic statistical considerations for virology experiments, see the article by Richardson and Overbaugh (J. Virol. All papers, regardless of the publishing model, submitted to Nature Microbiology will continue to receive high levels of personal author service, editorial rigour, peer-review, and high quality publishing services from our team of in-house editors. (ii) AEM will consider papers which describe the use of antimicrobial agents as tools for elucidating aspects of applied and environmental microbiology. We ask that authors pay particular attention to the NSAR Select Agent/Toxin list on the CDC website and the NSABB criteria for identifying dual use research of concern in the report Proposed Framework for the Oversight of Dual Use Life Sciences Research: Strategies for Minimizing the Potential Misuse of Research Information on the Office of Biotechnology Activities website (pages 17-22). The APC to publish Gold Open Access in Nature Microbiology is 9,500. Define all symbols used in the figure and define all abbreviations that are not used in the text. Are you eligible? The guidelines that follow are based on the recommendations of Demerec et al. Biol. Polar residues drive association of polyleucine transmembrane helices. As for regular articles, the corresponding author will be instructed, in the proof notification e-mail, how to access information about reprints. The site is secure. (Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, 2006), is also an excellent source. For guidelines regarding new names and descriptions of new genera and species, see the articles by Tindall (Int. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 2693-8847 Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies 2050-2680 No current pricing as Society pays full APC. and Novick et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . Note that the copy editor does not query at every instance where a change has been made. Accordingly, there likely will be differences between the AEM Accepts manuscripts and the final, typeset articles. Research must address salient microbiological principles, fundamental microbial processes, or basic questions in applied or environmental microbiology. Examples of potentially conflicting interests that should be disclosed include relationships that might detract from an author's objectivity in presentation of study results and interests whose value would be enhanced by the results presented. $160.00 (January 01, 2021 ~ November 30, 2022), $190.00 (January 01, 2021 ~ November 30, 2022), $290.00 (January 01, 2021 ~ November 30, 2022), $390.00 (January 01, 2021 ~ November 30, 2022). If the editor asks you to submit a modified manuscript, you should submit biographical text and photos with your modification. In representing 20,000 cells per ml, the numeral on the ordinate should be 2 and the label should be 104 cells per ml (not cells per ml 104). In the Results section, include only the results of the experiments; reserve extensive interpretation of the results for the Discussion section. White space must be cropped from the image, and excess space between panel labels and the image must be eliminated. For specific chemicals, the symbol for the isotope introduced is placed in brackets directly preceding the part of the name that describes the labeled entity. Title. Failure to do so may result in a delay in publication. Images created with Macintosh applications may be compressed with Stuffit. Phylogenetic trees based on nucleotide or amino acid sequence alignments must be supported by appropriate statistical analyses of tree stability (e.g., bootstrap analysis), and nonsupported branches (e.g., bootstrap coefficients below 50%) should be collapsed. For example, a mutant strain of might be designated Aam11 int2 red114 cI857; this strain carries mutations in genes cI, int, and red and an amber-suppressible (am) mutation in gene A. Rev. In recognition of reviewers support, any reviewer that returns a full review, on Reprints (in multiples of 100) may be purchased by all coauthors. Coordinates for new structures of macromolecules determined by X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy must be deposited in the Protein Data Bank and assigned identification codes must be included in the manuscript no later than the modification stage of the review process. Careers, A conference report or symposium proceedings, A technical bulletin or company white paper, Posting of a method/protocol on a nonpersonal website, Posting of a limited amount of original data on a personal/university/corporate website or websites of small collaborative groups working on a problem, Posting of unpublished sequence data on the Internet (the URL where the sequence is posted should be included in the text), Preliminary disclosures of research findings as meeting posters, webcast as meeting presentations, or published in abstract form as adjuncts to a meeting, e.g., part of a program, Posting of theses and dissertations on a personal/university-hosted website, Double-space all text, including references and figure legends, Present statistical treatment of data where appropriate, Indicate journal section for manuscript publication, Provide accession numbers for all sequences or sequence alignments important for evaluation of the manuscript as supplemental material or make the material available on a website for access by the editor and reviewers, Confirm that genetic and chemical nomenclature conforms to instructions, Include as supporting material in-press and submitted manuscripts that are important for judgment of the present manuscript. A manuscript rejected by one ASM journal on scientific grounds or on the basis of its general suitability for publication is considered rejected by all other ASM journals; however, a manuscript rejected solely on the basis of scope may be resubmitted to a more appropriate ASM journal. Professor T. Msadek, PhD This journal has no page charges, publication is free of charge. User Experiences When did you submit your manuscript? Manuscripts submitted to the journal must represent reports of original research, and the original data must be available for review by the editor if necessary. Avoid compound prefixes such as m or . A corresponding author who is not an ASM member may join ASM to obtain the member rate. It is recommended that a strain be deposited in at least two recognized culture collections in different countries when that strain is necessary for the description of a new taxon (Int. This journal is included in the JournalGuide whitelist of reputable titles. This information will be published in the article as a footnote to facilitate communication, and the e-mail address will be used to notify the corresponding author of the availability of proofs and, later, of the PDF file of the published article. Article Processing Charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to Except as indicated below, significant portions of the article may not be reprinted/posted without ASM's prior written permission, however, as this would constitute duplicate publication. Provide only the primary affiliation for each author. By having initiated these policies, ASM is in full compliance with NIH policy. Manuscripts should report new and significant findings that advance the understanding of microbiology and upon which other scientists may build. Natl. See Presentation of Nucleic Acid Sequences for nucleic acid sequence formatting instructions. All funding sources for the project, institutional and corporate, should be credited in the Acknowledgments section, as described below. ASM does not warrant the fitness or suitability, for any purpose, of any methodology, kit, product, or device described or identified in an article. Rev. Wild-type characteristics can be designated with a superscript plus (Pol+), and, when necessary for clarity, negative superscripts (Pol) can be used to designate mutant characteristics. Immun. 1 microbiologyopen usa 85% similarity 2 environmental microbiology gbr 78% similarity 3 fems microbiology letters gbr 78% similarity 4 environmental microbiology reports usa 78% similarity 5 canadian journal of microbiology can 77% similarity 6 microbial biotechnology gbr 77% similarity 7 fems microbiology ecology gbr 75% similarity 8 frontiers ASM will post no more than 10 individual supplemental files. If biological variation within a treatment (coefficient of variation, the standard deviation divided by the mean) is small (less than 10%) and the difference among treatment means is large (greater than 3 standard deviations), it is not necessary to report statistics. The Author's Correction section provides a means of correcting errors of omission (e.g., author names or citations) and errors of a scientific nature that do not alter the overall basic results or conclusions of a published article (e.g., an incorrect unit of measurement or order of magnitude used throughout, contamination of one of numerous cultures, or misidentification of a mutant strain, causing erroneous data for only a portion [noncritical] of the study). Handling Fees. ISSN: 0099-2240. Submit short-form papers in the same way as full-length papers. To publish in Applied and Environmental Microbiology with Open Access Lincense, authors are required to pay an overall article publishing charges (APC) : $ 0.0 USD. In addition, authors should check GenBank to make sure that they are using the correct, up-to-date format for locus tags (e.g., uppercase versus lowercase letters and presence or absence of an underscore, etc.). The following guidelines may be of assistance. Each figure must be uploaded as a separate file, and any multipanel figures must be assembled into one file; i.e., rather than uploading a separate file for each panel in a figure, assemble all panels in one piece and supply them as one file. Rev. In addition, a statement indicating that the material is being reprinted with permission must be included in the relevant figure legend or table footnote of the manuscript. A separate html version, which is updated throughout the year, is at For corrections of a scientific nature or issues involving authorship, including contributions and use or ownership of data and/or materials, all disputing parties must agree, in writing, to publication of the Correction. The number 236 refers to the locus of the insertion, and if the strain carries an additional gal mutation, it is listed separately. Number the sequence line by line; place numerals representing the first base of each line to the left of the lines. Learn more here. Generate the image at line screens of 85 lines per inch or lower. All submissions to AEM must be made electronically via the Rapid Review online submission and peer review system at the following URL: Cell. The following abbreviations should be used without definition in tables: Standard metric units are used for reporting length, weight, and volume. Mol. 13 February 2001, posting date. The nomenclature for recombinant DNA molecules constructed in vitro follows the nomenclature for insertions in general. Disputes about authorship may delay or prevent review and/or publication of the manuscript. Computer-generated images may be processed only minimally. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) requests that its grantee and intramural authors provide copies of their accepted manuscripts to PubMed Central (PMC) for posting in the PMC Public Access Repository. Only authors submitting using the institutional domain email given below will be eligible for fee-free OA. For simple molecules, isotopic labeling is indicated in the chemical formula (e.g., 14CO2, 3H2, and H35SO4). (Numbering may need to be changed at the copyediting stage.) Manuscripts may be editorially rejected, without review, on the basis of poor English or lack of conformity to the standards set forth in these Instructions. The Origin of the Time Scale: A Crucial Issue for Predictive Microbiology, Systematical Investigations on Disinfection Effectiveness of Far-UVC (222 nm) irradiation: From Laboratory Study to Field Tests, Effects of Heavy Metals on Bacterial Growth, Biochemical Properties and Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Antibiotic Resistance and Antibacterial Activity in Four Strains Isolated from Soils in Brazzaville Republic of Congo, Identification ofClostridium botulinumfrom Drinking and Food Processing Water Source in a Rural Area in Enugu, Nigeria. If your research is supported by a funder that requires immediate open access (e.g. Weill, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Salmonella, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2007; see A point-by-point response to the review(s) and a compare copy of the revised manuscript showing all changes must be included as supplemental material (the Rebuttal section appears in the submission form only if the manuscript is a modification). Each new strain, mutant, isolate, or derivative should be given a new (serial) designation. Submit Retractions via Rapid Review (see Submission, Review, and Publication Processes). Legends should provide enough information so that the figure is understandable without frequent reference to the text. The authors guarantee that they have the authority to comply with this policy either directly or by means of material transfer agreements through the owner. URLs for companies that produce any of the products mentioned in your study or for products being sold may not be included in the article. It is expected that the data will be released to the public no later than the publication (online posting) date of the accepted manuscript. In addition, two sites on the World Wide Web list current approved bacterial names: Bacterial Nomenclature Up-to-Date ( and the List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature ( What do the Fees Cover? Uncategorized. Review and/or publication of submitted manuscripts that contain new or nonstandard nomenclature may be delayed by the editor or the Journals Department so that they may be reviewed by the Genetics and Genomics Committee of the ASM Publications Board. Authors employed by companies whose policies do not permit them to comply with the ASM policies may be sanctioned as individuals and/or ASM may refuse to consider manuscripts having authors from such companies. Of serovars should be in lowercase roman type with the editor who handled the article be smaller: // ensures that you import into a figure file must be complete and understandable without frequent reference the! Reader to assess the method without constant reference to some standard wild type must contain sufficient to! And water Microbiology Analytical Testing ( EMPAT ) program is designed for Microbiology laboratories specializing analysis. In food studies, included researches on dairy products gene names should incorporated. 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