Koonin also believes the climate change message gets distorted as research literature gets converted to assessment reports and report summaries that are then subject to soundbites from self-interested environmental groups, scientific organizations, politicians and even members of the media who need an apocalyptic storyline to get their stories published. Photo: US Dept. He began entertaining doubts after participating in a https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/vapor-storms-are-threatening-people-and-property/. But Koonin is wrong to imply scientists are . Is there any evidence there is a 97% consensus amongst qualified climate scientists that we are in a Climate Emergency? NO! The science is stronger than ever around findings that speak to the likelihood and consequences of climate impacts, and has been growing stronger for decades. To the surprise of many, the countrys warmest temperatures have not increased since 1960 and are no higher in recent years than they were in 1900. While clearly acknowledging that Warming is happening - far from being a climate denier - he brings much-needed caution to the faulty world of climate science. Rather, the books Chapter 8 does quite the opposite, describing the full decadal variability as portrayed in the IPCC reports and subsequent research literature, but somehow omitted in the 2017 National Climate Assessment. That they are readily countered suggests the authors havent read the book or, if they have, they arent acting in good faith. Also, no more book reviews by Hitch. The first criticism concerns rising temperatures: A recent Washington Post column by conservative contributor MarcThiessen repeats several points Koonin makes. But the newer 2017 report finds that human activity has contributed to the observed upward trend in North Atlantic hurricane activity since the 1970s.. Here Are Just A Few Things The MSM Has Blamed On Climate Change, The Climate Scaremongers: Reality Catches Up With The Electric Car, Biden Kowtows To Big Green By Blocking Much-Needed U.S. Mining, Tucker Carlson: Thanks To Biden, The US Is Heading Toward A Diesel Disaster, As Energy Crisis Worsens, Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil Industry, Report: UKs Green Net Zero Plans Pose Critical Risk To National Security, Harris Touts Seattles Clean Bus Program As Nearby Citys E-Fleet Is Inoperable, BBC Hypes Activist Groups False Claim Climate Change Harming Global Health, Even CNN Is Calling Out Fettermans Fracking Flip-Flop During Debate, How Democrats Are Largely Behind Americas Energy Crisis, 97% Myth of the Climate Change Consensus, Aliens Cause Global Warming by Michael Crichton, Why CO2 Is A Minor Player In Global Climate, Climate Change Fears Are Empirically Baseless, Fact-Checking Al Gores Latest Predictions, https://tambonthongchai.com/2021/05/31/the-science-from-scientific-american/. You miss the point and don't understand the word "canceled." Everyone has free speech, but vacuous slander should not be allowed to stand without a response. Hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, and droughts are not getting worse and deaths related to extreme weather events are declining. because they wished to avoid the danger of Groupthink. Dr. Steve Koonin Responds to a Scientific American Smear Article by Oreskes https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/vapor-storms-are-threatening-people-and-property/. Steve Koonin, former aid to President Barack Obama, was recently attacked in Scientific American for speaking out his skepticim about manmade global warming. You can listen to a podcast conducted by H. Sterling Burnett, managing editor of Environment & Climate News and a research fellow for environment and energy policy at The Heartland Institute. I was sent this by email, apparently Scientific American doesnt believe in fairness after publishing what is clearly a smear. In no sense does Unsettled portray sea level rise as steady over time. None of those studies claim any detectable human influences on hurricanes. The IPCC statement that rates of rise between 1920 and 1950 were likely similar to those of recent decades complicates attribution of recent trends. Yes. As they say in German, Je mehr Feinde, desto mehr Ehre (The more the enemies, more the honor). Koonin's skepticism of the scientific consensus and the community's approach to publishing is backed up by fact, Daniels said. Steven Koonin spent years as an insider in government and academic circles where the climate crisis was taken as gospel. Dr. Koonin's response: Scientific American has published a criticism of me and my recent book, Unsettled . The first criticism concerns rising temperatures: A recent Washington Post column by conservative contributor MarcThiessen repeats several points Koonin makes. The fact that the climate system is warming is certain. Dr. Steven Koonin was the undersecretary for science at the U.S. Department of Energy in the Obama administration. The first is citing the 2017 National Climate Assessment to downplay rising temperaturesbut the reports very first key finding on the topic says temperatures have risen, rapidly since 1979, and are the warmest in 1,500 years. The article is not really a review, their substantive claims are very weak, it is really a hit piece to trash Koonin and his reputation in the best . Scientific American has published a criticism of me and my recent book, Unsettled. To the surprise of many, the countrys warmest temperatures have not increased since 1960 and are no higher in recent years than they were in 1900. Steve Koonin " Needless to say Anthony did as he was asked. The books Chapter 5 criticizes in detail the 2017 reports misleading and inaccurate representation of a different temperature metric, US extreme temperatures. Steven E. Koonin is the author of the bestselling book Unsettled: What climate science tells us, what it doesnt, and why it matters. In his new book Unsettled, Physicist Steven E. Koonin, Undersecretary for Science in the US Department of Energy under President Barack Obama, explains how climate research is being undermined and mispresented. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Steven E. Koonin is the author of the bestselling book Unsettled: What climate science tells us, what it doesnt, and why it matters. Steve Koonin writes: " I attach a response that I submitted yesterday to Scientific American. Not surprisingly, they declined to publish it. Thats precisely the same unprofessional behavior found in the easily rebutted fact check of, again, a review of Unsettled, not the book itself. criticism of me and my recent book, Unsettled. Can they say there is no margin for error in their assumptions and calculations? It warms up during the day, reaches a peak and cools down at night. falls well short of that standard. In no sense does Unsettled portray sea level rise as steady over time. Thats precisely the same unprofessional behavior found in the easily rebutted fact check of, again, a review of Unsettled, not the book itself. NASA states that it has been calculated that the temperature of the atmosphere had increased 1/2 of a degree over the past 20 years (their website). Contrary to the claim, scientific studies using airborne and satellite altimetry observations show considerable thinning has occurred along the margin of the . Love podcasts or audiobooks? In no sense does Unsettledportray sea-level rise as steady over time. Rather, the books Chapter 8 does quite the opposite, describing the full decadal variability as portrayed in the IPCC reports and subsequent research literature, but somehow omitted in the 2017 National Climate Assessment. Hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, and droughts are not getting worse and deaths related to extreme weather events are declining. Your contribution helps us fight junk science. Steven Koonin's book Unsettled is a thoughtful and important synthesis of climate science but there are a few things about it that are just wrong. Gernot Wagner is a climate economist with NYU and one of the signatories on a piece in Scientific American that calls Koonin's conclusions "scientifically empty." He said Koonin's . Dr. Steve Koonin writes: I attach a response that I submitted yesterday to Scientific American. The IPCC statement that rates of rise between 1920 and 1950 were likely similar to those of recent decades complicates attribution of recent trends. In his new book Unsettled, Physicist Steven E. Koonin, Undersecretary for Science in the US Department of Energy under President Barack Obama, explains how climate research is being undermined and mispresented. It is telling that these three criticisms cite Thiessens column rather than what Ive written in Unsettled. (I'd argue based on what I have read that goal is unattainable . It is not possible to measure a single temperature for the entire planet unless the entire planet constantly has the same temperature. Koonin is a cheerleader for the scientific process, and he wants more emphasis put on the uncertainties in our scientific knowledge. Only three scientific criticisms are buried within their spluttering; here is my response to each of them. falls well short of that standard. In his response to Koonin's remarks at the event Romps romps in a manner I found shocking. In fact, the rate of sea-level rise has quadrupled since the industrial revolution, as climate scientists pointed out years ago when Koonin made this same argument. He operates the most viewed website in the world on climate, the award-winning website wattsupwiththat.com. Photo: US Dept. Most of that article's 1,000 words are scurrilous ad hominem and guilt-by-association aspersions from the twelve co-authors. Koonin eloquently explains how some researchers may have misrepresented or distorted the interpretation of climate science. What if they are wrong? What is the correct temperature and how is that arrived? The second is Thiessen quoting Koonins use of an outdated 2014 assessment on hurricanes to downplay climate concerns. The SOHO Forum Debate began at 5:30PM (Central Time) on August 15, 2022 in the New York Sheen Center, as I announced here.Koonin won the Oxford Style debate since 25% of the in-person and online audience shifted to his view that the debate question: "Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions" is a false statement. Right now, we are looking at completely DISMANTLING a reliable, dependable & affordable energy system that has taken over a CENTURY to build based on a largely UNPROVEN hypothesis. falls well short of that standard. Misrepresenting climate science undermines science itself and democracy. Even the temp of the ocean can vary in different locations at different times for different reasons. The books Chapter 5 criticizes in detail the 2017 reports misleading and inaccurate representation of a different temperature metric, US extreme temperatures. Scientific American has published a . The temperature of the air varies greatly over the entire surface of the planet and is affected by many factors. Koonin, currently a New York University professor, served as an undersecretary for science in the U.S. Department of Energy under the Obama administration. January 20, 2015 Lisa M. Koonin, DrPH, adjunct assistant professor of health policy and management at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, has been appointed acting director of the Influenza Coordination Unit (ICU) in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Office of Infectious Diseases, effective Jan. 25. Misrepresenting climate science undermines science itself and democracy. Kirtman says Koonin is right that there is always uncertainty in any scientific field. Koonin found that when he pointed out the discrepancy between what the scientific papers were showing and what the public was being told, he was told to keep his criticisms within the scientific community and asked "whether I was a Trump supporter." (He wasn't.) That cancel culture approach to Koonin continues. The reported cleavage of CRISPR-T by the neighboring Lon protease inspired us to look more closely at type III-E loci for potential substrates.In addition to the associated Csx29 protease, these loci frequently contain three additional genes (csx30, csx31, and a predicted sigma factor (), hereafter CASP-) that we hypothesized were prime candidates (Fig. The IPCC statement that rates of rise between 1920 and 1950 were likely similar to those of recent decades complicates attribution of recent trends. That they are readily countered suggests the authors havent read the book or, if they have, they arent acting in good faith. A third point downplays sea level rise by portraying it as steady over time, cherry-picking reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Steven Koonin's new book is an invaluable guide to understanding how climate change went from scientific inquiry to distorted dogma. In fact, Unsettled explicitly acknowledges a warming globe, but also the problems in comparing instrumental and proxy temperatures that weaken confidence in the warmest in 1,500 years. Please do distribute my response freely among your contacts or websites. Steve Koonin: [00:03:56] What the public sees is that the end of a long game of telephone that starts with that information, but goes through the assessment reports to the summaries for policymakers in those reports and then on to the media and ultimately to the politicians and other people . https://tambonthongchai.com/2021/05/31/the-science-from-scientific-american/, Jun 5, 2021 at 1:28 pm Climate Change Ben Santer Steve Koonin Top Scientist Cuts Ties With National Lab After It Invited A Climate Denier To Speak A federal research facility's prioritizing a politically connected darling of right-wing media over its own star scientist shows climate denialism's lasting power. The first is citing the 2017National Climate Assessment to downplay rising temperaturesbut the reports very first key finding on the topic says temperatures have risen, rapidly since 1979, and are the warmest in 1,500 years. Please enter your email, so we know you're human. Thats precisely the same unprofessional behavior found in the easily rebutted fact check of, again, a review of Unsettled, not the book itself. Perhaps these examples don't actually conflict, or perhaps Koonin has some other response, but it's hard not to come away with a sense that Koonin is making a futile push against the tides of history. Climate scientists "adjust model results to obfuscate shortcomings." "Climate alarmism has come to dominate US politics." By speaking openly about uncertainty, he had "inadvertently broken some code of silence, like the Mafia's omerta ." By Norman Rogers. His own modeling work has mostly involved the interactions of subatomic particles, but he has taken a strong interest in atmospheric . Steve Koonin, former aid to President Barack Obama, was recently attacked in Scientific American for speaking out his skepticim about manmade global warming. Efroim (Alfred) was born in Minsk in 1876. Koonin agrees that the world has warmed by 1 degree Celsius since 1900 and will warm by another degree this century, which lands him roughly the middle of the scientific consensus. Yes. To the surprise of many, the countrys warmest temperatures have not increased since 1960 and are no higher in recent years than they were in 1900. As I write in Unsettled, I welcome serious, informed discussion of any of the points I raise in the book. Even just averaging all the numbers, considering that they are constantly changing, would not produce a exact result. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. President Daniels published an opinion lauding Dr. Steven Koonin in the Washington Post on Oct. 12, which accompanied his inviting of Dr. Koonin to present a Presidential Lecture on Oct. Koonin is wrong on both counts. The second is Thiessen quoting Koonins use of an outdated 2014 assessment on hurricanes to downplay climate concerns. More recently, he became a senior fellow with the American Enterprise Institute a right-wing think tank. The Atlantic cancelled when it became too woke and preachy for me to read. However, considering the complexity and variations, can they really calculate that the temp of the earth has gone up by only 1/2 of a degree over 20 years? Steve Koonin responds via climate realist blogs on recent attack articles by alarmist global warming activist researchers. You REALLY dont fully understand all your climate variables. Most of that article's 1,000 words are scurrilous ad hominem and guilt-by-association aspersions from the twelve co-authors. The books Chapter 5 criticizes in detail the 2017 reports misleading and inaccurate representation of a different temperature metric, US extreme temperatures. Dr. Koonin is a frequent lecturer at national and international conferences on pandemic and infectious disease preparedness and response, and has published more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications on an array of public health and preparedness topics. He asked SA for the chance to respond, but SA refused, though this is the customary thing to do in science. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, New understanding of electrolyte additives will improve dye-sensitized solar cells, Plant stem cells require low oxygen levels, Its dog eat dog on the canine social ladder, Pizza study shows body copes surprisingly well with one-off calorie indulgence, Be serious with global warming, African leaders advised Guardian Nigeria, Global Warming: UN chief gives chilling warning, says Earth is heading towards climate chaos DNA India, A Warming Siberia, Wracked by Wildfires, Nears a Crucial Threshold, NYTimes In-House Climate Agnostic Visits Greenland And Goes Full Alarmist, Copenhagen Wants to Show How Cities Can Fight Climate Change The New York Times, Eating mushrooms may reduce the risk of cognitive decline, Singapores new-build, first net-zero energy building opens its doors. Dr. Koonin's response: Scientific American has published a criticism of me and my recent book, Unsettled.Most of that article's 1,000 words are scurrilous ad hominem and guilt-by-association aspersions from the twelve co-authors. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Also, the temp varies from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. Scientific American ceased to be a reliable source of scientific information over a decade ago. I was asked by the American Physical Society to lead an update of its public . In fact, the rate of sea-level rise has quadrupled since the industrial revolution, as climate scientists pointed out years ago when Koonin made this same argument. The climate skeptic in question being of course Steven E. Koonin.If you click that last link it will be immediately obvious that I've recently been critical of Professor Koonin's new book "Unsettled" in several more ways than one! Dr. Steve Koonin writes: I attach a response that I submitted yesterday to Scientific American. There is a point about 10 or 15 minutes before the end where Joe is asking Dessler about debating Koonin, that should be a HUGE red flag to everyone that Dessler is a fraud. Gives their light; drowns the Earth. And a very recent article (dated 1st June) in ScientificAmerican by Oreskes et al, gives a fairly damning description of the context of Koonin's "magnum opus".. Under Secretary of State for Science, he directed the investments of the American government in the field of climatology. But the newer 2017 report finds that human activity has contributed to the observed upward trend in North Atlantic hurricane activity since the 1970s.. To paraphrase a statement attributed to Einstein, If I were wrong, it wouldnt take a dozen scientists to disprove me one would be sufficient. As I write in Unsettled, I welcome serious, informed discussion of any of the points I raise in the book. To paraphrase a statement attributed to Einstein, If I were wrong, it wouldnt take a dozen scientists to disprove me one would be sufficient. As I write in Unsettled, I welcome serious, informed discussion of any of the points I raise in the book. Most of that article's 1,000 words are scurrilous ad hominemand guilt-by-association aspersions from the twelve co-authors. It is important that policy-makers recognize the potential influence of this phenomenon. Only three scientific criticisms are buried within their spluttering; here is my response to each them. Rather, the books Chapter 8 does quite the opposite, describing the full decadal variability as portrayed in the IPCC reports and subsequent research literature, but somehow omitted in the 2017 National Climate Assessment. | #, More science from Scientific American If you read it, you will conclude there is no imminent issue, that the ball is in the court of the modelers to do a better job modeling the chaotic climate. Also temp varies by altitude. Steven E. Koonin is the author of the bestselling book Unsettled: What climate science tells us, what it doesnt, and why it matters. Do I think that man through generation of CO2 combustion & land use patterns is influencing the modest increase in global temperatures over the past 150 years? Scientific reticence may be a consequence of the scientific method. Brown To Green: Is Singapores Transport System Ready to Combat Climate Change. The first is citing the 2017 National Climate Assessment to downplay rising. Continuing University of Guelph professor Ross McKitrick's look at Steven E. Koonin's landmark book Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn't, and Why it Matters. None of those studies claim any detectable human influences on hurricanes. Excerpt from Scientific American-- "But critics of climate science close to the White House believe the effort could take a more adversarial approach compared with earlier versions. There are two ways to get a temperature: measure it or calculate it. He was a dentist and may have graduated from Kharkiv University with the following: D.D.S.I.U. That they are readily countered suggests the authors havent read the book or, if they have, they arent acting in good faith. That is false: Koonin stipulates firmly that Earth's. The Warmists Cop a Plea. The temp at the surface of the ground can be very hot, but if one were to raise up straight up in the air, the temp would get cooler and cooler and at 40,000 feet it could be freezing. In fact, Unsettleds Chapter 6 discusses the description of hurricanes in the 2014 report, in the 2017 report, and in more recent research papers through 2020, including an authoritative 2019 assessment by eleven hurricane experts. The second is Thiessen quoting Koonins use of an outdated 2014 assessment on hurricanes to downplay climate concerns. Only three scientific criticisms are buried within their spluttering; here is my response to each them. In a review in Scientific American, economist Gary Yohe wrote that Koonin "falsely suggest[s] that we don't understand the risks well enough to take action": The science is stronger than ever around findings that speak to the likelihood and consequences of climate impacts, and has been growing stronger for decades. According to Amazon.com, if you order the Kindle version (Koonin, 2021) now, it will download on May 4 th.Professor Koonin sent me a near final draft to read and comment on in November and I nitpicked it a . Scientific American has published a criticism of me and my recent book, Unsettled. In fact, the rate of sea-level rise has quadrupled since the industrial revolution, as climate scientists pointed out years ago when Koonin made this same argument. Santer's post is not a substantive criticism of what Koonin wrote, it is an attack based on the fact that Koonin's title is "physicist," rather than "climate scientist." Please do distribute my response freely among your contacts or websites. The books Chapter 5 criticizes in detail the 2017 reports misleading and inaccurate representation of a different temperature metric, US extreme temperatures. Temp is affected by weather, jet streams, storms, ocean currents, cloud cover, etc. . It would be very interesting to hear some details on this. Please donate today! That is wrong headed and reckless. The latter is what Steve Koonin is using to sell his new book, which is being billed as the revelation of an " Obama scientist " who wants you to think that climate change isn't a big deal . LOTS of unknowns& PLENTY of room for intelligent debate & sensible policy formation. Posted in Latest news. Peer reviewed science welcomes rebuttal, smear review, not so much. As I write in Unsettled, I welcome serious, informed discussion of any of the points I raise in the book. | #, Well, when (almost) all of your climate models run 2 to 3 times hotter than observed temperature data over the past 20 plus years when hindcasted, Id think that would be a TEN TON clue to a couple obvious things: 1.) A few months later, Pew conducted a survey of registered voters on the top issues for the 2020 presidential election. In no sense does Unsettled portray sea level rise as steady over time.
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